Seikou! Lose A Virgin For The First Term 1 Subbed
43.94K 3 8
[lol]Seikou! Lose A Virgin For The First Term 1 Subbed[/lol]
Kuzu Kareshi Mochi No Onee-San O Suki Ni Natte Shimaimashita The Motion Anime 1 Raw
105.30K 4 71
[lol]Kuzu Kareshi Mochi No Onee-San O Suki Ni Natte Shimaimashita The Motion Anime 1 Raw[/lol]
Modaete Yo Adam-Kun Uncensored 2 Subbed
485.12K 14 102
We uploaded this within minutes of it's UNCENSORED release! Bookmark us for the whole season UNCENSORED! [lol]Modaete Yo Adam-Kun Uncensored 2 Subbed[/lol]
Maken No Hime Wa Ero Ero Desu 4 Subbed
449.30K 10 171
[lol]Maken No Hime Wa Ero Ero Desu 4 Subbed[/lol]
“I’m a guuuurl and I’m like, so horny watchin’ this. Ohmigosh.” This is 50% of what I see on here. But I don’t get why that really matters. Many of those claims to be female turn out to be lies (yes, I know, REAL women go here too). If hentai has taught us anything, it’s that dudes aren’t the only pervs. Oh, and the pervy friends are the funniest. ANIME LOGICZ
Yes I do agree.
May i fuck u?
And I have officially creeped you out, sorry about that.
no no no! it’s not like that honest your a very nice person to talk to it’s just my google chrome does that sometimes i guess when i comment to much i’m sorry
Oh I see, yes I do understand it happens to me as well.
okay:) i was hoping to get to you cause i didn’t want you to feel bad because of it
Don’t worry about the feeling bad I’m practically void of all my emotions so I really can’t feel bad at all. ouo All I would have felt is regret on trusting another person with this thing. Apart from that I’m all good.
oh okay good:) ill type you later today on the same vid okay? annoying gc-.-lol
Alright but I might get back on in like maybe 3 hours or so :P it was nice talking to you.
Lol these comments are quit funny
Yes the comments are quite funny if you take it in a comedic sort of manner.
Lol dude, your making seem as if your a robot..”yes indeed..hello to you too sir, may I help you,splendid..lmao etc loosen up the act bro
Lol. I came here to wath the vids……but these comments are too amusing. XD
I’ll rp wii you if ya want ;)
U male or female Star fall?
I am a male love pussy &Incest.
Hayate Rynokameh really? i mean i think alot about everything literally lol and i find it rather interesting let’s just put it that way cause i don’t want to put to much detail lol(I PUT WAY TO MUCH ALOT)
So you mean you find us to be interesting?
yes exactly:)
Well that’s a new one, So far I have not met a person that finds us to be interesting in any way, most people just say crazy talk or bipolar and don’t get me started with the multi-personality bull crap. It may seems quite hard to wrap your mind around what we are but it’s quite an amusing explanation.
yeah very i really like people like you(not in a weird way as considering this site XD or love) and it’s pretty idiotic sometimes when people say that it gets annoying they always say what they assume that they know cause of the details it really gets irritating i can agree with you on that
I think this conversation should be taken somewhere else cause of the fact that we are talking about it on this site ._. which is not usually meant for that and having to refresh the page to see if the other person has responded is quite a bother, if you do wish to keep talking to me but in a different location just morse code translate this =w= but if not just inform me.
.- -.. -.. — . — -. ..-. .- -.-. . -… — — -.- .- – -. .- .-. .- -.– .- -. — — -. – . -. . –. .-. —
Oh wait I just noticed that wont work as when you copy these characters they switch when pasted…hmm well that’s strange Hahah there goes my try on saying something secretly ;u;
hey sorry let’s continue this later my internet is being mean again it won’t let me type again:( i’ll see you later:)
Omg I love hentaigasm finaly something that suits my sexual Desire I have so many fantasys about rape!xxxxx
Just read the comments. Now I’m thinking What…Da….Fuq???
I’m sure 80% who say I’m a girl and wana fuck is actually a guy, next the ones who are girls are probably laughing at all you porn addicts cause your to fucking lazy get up and find a girlfriend, finnaly….just really, reality bitches when you lose it virintiy with someone you love it hurts like a fucking whore, so if you want a guy to “rape” you well your probably gonna regret it, now plz shut da Fuq up so I can enjoy hentai gawd.
As it seems someone took their time reading the comments, Hah what do you expect out of a bunch of horny 12 year olds, a good conversation on how good the hentai was while at the same time ignoring the fact that they have an erection at the time.
Well… according to society, men think with their penis. So 90% of of us guys are idiots here. And I agree with you, too. Rape cases are going up from places like this… kids better watch out. Oh, and, if men think with their penises, wouldn’t a blowjob be MINDBLOWING? Oh, memes.
Wouldn’t it be funny if they a hentai girl twerk
Okay it’s alright ruining reality with that shit but not hentai.
What’s sad this or that u can’t get laid :-)
-.- why you gotta be starting shit?i could if i wanted to as in i would be a slut i’m not having sex until i find the right person dumbass also i’m 14 why would i want to get laid? i know teens have hormones and stuff but i have logic like some others on this site so shut the fuck up and go sit down some where:3
There is 10% chance you’ll find the “right”person, Hah now a days most guys are horny dudes pretending to be the right person.
i know that but you’ll find the right one. i know guys alot of guys are perverted that’s why i almost punched one in the face once when i was 10 lol
and see? logical people:3
Hah how amusing would that story be, and what do you mean with logical? Are talking about me? If so I’m not really the logical one that more of Hayates’ job to be the logical guy and shit, I’m more of the straight forward type.
oohhh hehe oh no wonder i get very mixed up with straight forward and logical type guys lol my bad Mesaki:3
To tell you the truth Hayaku, Me, Hayate, and the rest that have the last name as Rynokameh are one in the same, with that I mean we’re all practically just one god damn person that just happens to have multiple spirits within him and that’s us. Now tell me what do you think of that, crazy right. Hah! well that reality for us.
yep:3and FINALLY a interesting comment and not some disturbing mess-.-lol
Why must he say that… It only creeps people out, the explanation to what he just said is quite long yet rather simple. Let just put it in simple terms, he’s a weirdo. There that should sum things up. If you wish to get into further detail on what he meant just ask but for now I must apologize for his actions in this conversation.
I’ve come to notice that most of the comments are between “meep” and “Hayate Rynokameh”. It also came to my attention of “Mesaki Rynokameh”‘s comment “to tell you the truth Hayaku, me, Hayate, and the rest..”, you get what I’m saying. To be honest I’m curious about what he said about “multiple spirits”? I know this may seem rude. Sorry if it is. None of you have to reply to me. XD
WOW ya’ll really want to get laid-.-it’s sad really it is
Ahh this made me really horny >\\\< Im a girl who wants to be raped…
What your IP address and I’ll make it a reality =w=
That is if you even know what an ip address is… ._.
Hey Hayaku you do know that these “girls” just say that shit to fuck with you guys right, and per usual you guys fall for it.
sometimes it’s not even a girl ,its some guy fucking with you
Well I can find that out simply by knowing just a little bit of info on that certain person.
That is true, you never know, maybe you might be the one that posted that.
Their right some of us guys don’t understand girls and we just do what they say
I’ll rape you baby you live anywhere near El Dorado Kansas.
I’ll rape you do you live near El Dorado.
Who want to fuck me? Im a girl
Me babe
Would U Like me to eat UR Pussy with UR panties off or on
Come set on My hand Cock now &Pump Ur Tight Pussycat
Up & Down on it
All U Wet naughty Girls Teasing me My Cock is hard now
I want to eat UR Pussy now
are you 14 if not no by the way i am
are you
Depending on your age I do, or maybe I do but I can’t ._,
I’ll fuck you where do you live.
Wear is My Horny Girl?
set on My face
Is the rest of this series on this site?
J I want Ur Pussy Bad
i am a girl
Let Me Eat UR pussy
Love To Fuck U now
Do U like being Fucked in all Ur Holes
Bruh uve been on here like 2days straight.. Wat da fuck r u doing man. Do u actually have a life or not???
Yes & Get all the Pussy My Cock can Fuck
I am Horny I am a Nymph Love Sex &Eating Pussy
Anybody in NYC who wants to rape me
I am in Buffalo Mo Baby Love to. rape U
Yes I would love to rape you
its all good
I want her Pussy Now spread Ur Legs Slut Girl.
You need a life
Can you come to my house, fuck
we’ll hello
Female or Male? I am Male over 20 With a Hard cock
Love the Pussy.