February 1, 2013

Hentai: Please Rape Me!

Genres: , , , ,

9.27M 2404


  • key blademaster's porn 10 years ago

    Wow this is funny a hell I like the white girl,s persesonaltily it,s quiet funny and cute

  • America 10 years ago

    Wow, this Ippei guy is a huge asshole. Not only did he see a rape and not report it, he was just about to rape a girl he found passed out in the park. I couldn’t watch this whole thing just because the characters are so despicable.

  • addictofcentury 10 years ago

    LOLOLOL they pixelate the ummaibo haha

  • Hoshimiya Kate 10 years ago

    New releases soon ?

  • underaged 10 years ago

    hehaha……….sooooo this is called as rape… XD ;) :D

  • Sexykitty 10 years ago

    It’s really funny nyan

  • Sexykitty 10 years ago

    U guys r so weird nyan

  • big cock 10 years ago

    were do you wanna meet?

  • big cock 10 years ago

    rape me

  • This was a good. I like to tease my husband until he can’t take it anymore just so he can rape me.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      what the fuck

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      if you have erza’s appearance there is no questioning the fact that YOU NEED TO BE GETTING RAPED

  • “No, don’t… Don’t put ummaibo in my ass!!”

    I cracked up so so bad xP

  • fuck yea

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Also maybe u should shut the fuck up how about you go speak japaneese cause I was reading your post and was about to commit suicide because it was so hard to understand you japaneese fuck oh also are you from the part of Japan where they kill themselves for go our or to preserve their honor fck in dumbass japaneese bitch thnx for reading my posts

    • iamthedude 10 years ago

      tl;dr stfu fgt

    • Umm, excuse me? I think your post is harder to read.
      Also, committing suicide? Are you mental? Stop swearing,
      you nine-year-old pervert.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      I’m not Japanese but “I will find u and I will kill u..”

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Umm lol I never said anything about japaneese or how its their fault dumbass! I can tell you a lonely old bat huh how about taking your thumb shove it up your ass! You probably be alot nicer person or not but since you a loner u prob like it!!!!! I was just saying that real rape is alot worse than hentai rape I never said anything a bout japaneese or any shot like that so I don’t know what your problem is!!! And plus this is hentai you say the Japaneese are the purist ok so why do they make porn or hentai porn I know its not America cause the best America can do is family guy and that’s no where near hentai so maybe you should take ur head out of you lying ass cause you just dug yourself into a 30 foot hole dumbass!!!!

    • addictofcentury 10 years ago

      hahah I agree anynomous you shouldn’t accuse people of stuff like that and the whole” suicside and honor thing” is kinda racist btw some japanese people are kinda perverted and wild but hey us americans
      are full of greed so just dont say any of the races are superior of each other and don’t belittle me

  • lami kayat

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    wow sarap

  • addictofcentury 10 years ago

    I agree girls, rape isnt really like this you usually get killed or kidnapped and beat so dont be like that

  • WhereTheFuckAmI 10 years ago


  • Average Joe 10 years ago

    Sari is in love with him

  • hentai lover 10 years ago

    Is very excited went you see the twins menage

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