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2.00M 365 1.10K
[lul]Kyonyuu Try! Tanki Shuuchuu Chichi Momi Lesson 1 Subbed[/lul]
I just love this. it makes me cum lots wathcing those girls
janji x janji x kanojo
So dumb, soo many of these hentai’s are I mean same dumb ass theme over & over… Guy feels he’s been disrespected, kidnaps girl(s) and then tortures & gang-rapes her & her friends with all of his friends. I think i’m done watching this style of hentai because it’s just fucking ignorant & I honestly feel only a stupid motherfucker who can’t get laid even if he tried to pay for it would get any enjoyment out of it…
unfortunately there is people like that in real life
I wish someone would just go and made some normal rom-com anime where the protagonists consensually fuck, without there being some weird cheating, rape, mind-fuck, or incest bullshit. Too bad we’re stuck with this crap. I just want to jack it to my hentai without feeling like a fucking gross jackass.
There’s a rape tag for a reason. If you don’t like, avoid ones with rape tags, please.
There are literally thousands of those; the tags are there for a reason, but I think you know that. You sought this out to complain because, my guess is, you want to actually do this shit to people in real life and are projecting your own guilt.
If you want a boring rom-com hentai, look in the vanilla section.
I agree. Too much rape and then they become sex slaves. WTF as if
I agree. Too much rape and then they become sex slaves. WTF as ifi always gey laugh at how They do it ANYWHERE and never( almost)get caught
This comment above me is clearly from a virgin. Also, porn is directed more at a male audience and men like to be the dominate ones in a sexual relationship usually. That’s why you see forced sex, rape, and gang-rape. I myself am Bisexual and it turns me on to see women dominated in porn. I like to pretend I am the woman getting dominated by a man. Maybe you should go to church if porn is offending you lil b.
Is there?Like ugly bastards?
Gibe de pusi b0ss
well look at that fat fuck
It’s yuri, there’s yuri in this hentai!!
So it all worked out in the end
Yea girls get anal raped but dont shit all over the place the first time.
Then they fall for their rapist. WTF evere