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Oh…..shit,I drop a water bottle on my leg……that’s pain, Doktor!
well, i hope girls in real life find someone like this guy, who can please and punish, and so on and so on.
That Lesson . That Trance Music !
Shit..My Bonner is Down ! MEDIC !!
Ohhhh fuck you
Oi Oi wait, are you actually telling me, that a male lead that raped the girls ended up looking awesomely cool in the end? I actually ended up respecting him.
seriously ? That old pervert teacher can make harem?
Master manipulator… Like a boss
Speech less
Hard to believe the rapist is the good guy this time XD
What did you guys learn? Im quite curious….
we learned no shit
We learned that rape can be used for good rather than evil.
what a boss…giving life lessons threw sex. thats genius
ikr that was so awsome i never knew imma try it not the rape part
i love this who wants sex ! joke!
i’m a girl!
U are girl I’m gonna sex u joke
Did…did this guy just use rape to make the girls better students and people?
wow… i thought this was all about raping girls, but i was wrong, i actually learned something (sorta)
I think there’s another series with this guy or it might just be something that’s similar that am thinking of
Ok ending it was umm interesting
It literally was just a lesson…..
A very sad ending, I thought it was all about raping girls, but I was very wrong lol.