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[lol]Hontou Ni Atta Hitozuma Furin Kokuhaku Uncensored 1 Subbed[/lol]
Oni chichi is my fav it’s so cool when I watch it but I don’t feel anything like you guys like wet
I feel so wet. Pls lick my pussy
u really have pussy?
Ok let me
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Fucking weebs fuck yourself
i can get it wetter
my pussy is sooo wet,can someone make it wetter???
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Can i add u in fb
Viber #
Hey guys, I’m finally back ! Who am I you ask ? Well a random guy that does reviews on hentai animes in the comments of this site. I go by the username “Epic” and my reviews are usually very long, but this time the review will be the longest I have ever made. My last review was really old, more than half a year old I reckon, I didn’t have that much time to go on Hentaigasm and I had a period where I was back to classic porn for a reason but here I am and back to hentai because I feel that it’s the best for an otaku like myself :3 And what could be better for my return than a review on Oni Chichi ? I’m a big fan of that hentai as it is my favorite anime in that category. So before starting the review I’d like to introduce the story of Oni Chichi : We follow a man named Kouzo that got married to Airi and Marina’s mother, meaning that he’s not their real dad and is actually pretty young. He works as a teacher in both the girls’ school. As you may have understood, this episode you just saw has, besides the characters, nothing to do with the sorry I gave. Why ? Because Oni Chichi Refresh is the fifth and latest season of the anime (without counting Oni Chichi 2 that has a completely different story). That’s right guys, it means that those that do not know anything about Oni Chichi just got their asses spoiled, well luckily for those people the episode only revealed minor spoils. It is also sad that this is the only Oni Chichi content on Hentaigasm as the previous seasons are not on the site which would make viewers believe that this is the first episode in all. So down to the review, here the characters are on vacation and spend their time at the beach. There is Kouzo, Airi and Sana, her best friend from school. As you saw, Airi will change schools because of an incident that occured and ultimately put her in danger, I’m not going to spoil it, it’s in last season’s third episode (Oni Chichi Rebuild). So the first thing I wasn’t happy with was : where’s Marina ?! Airi’s sister didn’t appear at all, but the text Kouzo (the father) received a text message that was definitely from her and said that they would meet up later so I’m sure we’ll see her in the second episode. So the beach is a place I like in anime because it is always so chill, you relax and the atmosphere is really calm, which is really good because there’s usually a lot of tension in Oni Chichi and we could still feel that tension in the public sex scenes, the guard scene, the guy flirting with Airi and the ending (I’ll talk about it later). So even though the beach setting was relaxed and changes, we could still be tense in some situations, this makes me think of Oni Chichi Reborn, the third season where the setting was a thermal bath resort on holidays but still had its tense scenes. Overall the episode was great, I call Airi the Tsundere Princess of hentai anime now XD The sex scenes were focalized on her without Sana having her slice of the cake as I may say, which is too bad. The lifeguard definitely has “the hots” as Kouzo said, for Airi, he kept looking at her and even waited for her to pee in front of him, come on man that’s weird, and he also followed Airi and stopped that guy from flirting with her. He looks nice but if he tries to hit on Airi, Kouzo will kick his ass. That is why I believe that in the ending it was the lifeguard that saved her because it would make more sense as it’s his job, he keeps on looking at Airi and Kouzo was busy splashing Sana and didn’t see Airi. As always the ending has a lot of suspense to it as we can only speculate about the guy’s identity and what will happen next, it’s possible for example that the lifeguard tries to rape her or something, which I would hate, Oni Chichi isn’t that type of hentai and Kouzo wouldn’t let that happen. I just hope Marina will be here in the next episode which comes out this December I think. Anyways that is all I have to say, if you read everything well GG you deserve my congratulations for that and thanks a lot for reading. For the others I would definitely understand if it is tl;dr as it’s, I’m positive, my longest review. Again, thanks for reading and we’ll see what happens in the next episode I guess :P
… Who cares
Good points bro. Hentai review 10/10
I never knew I needed this after fapping until now
Holy fucking shit that’s a long comment
Well, I spent one hour non-stop writing it with one hand on my phone after all XD
“one hand”
bruh good review im looking forward to your other reviews :D
fuck you
Lol? :/
Thank you so much i was so fucking curious and confused XD
What episode is Oni Chichi Kakeeshon?
What episode is Oni Chichi Kakeeshon?
Thank you for the review man ! Loved it. :’)
The lifegaurd is such a troll lol
You moron mother f*cka
I hope episode 2 will be ntr with the life guard…. Would make me rock hard man
So beautiful hentai
Anybody think the Sleeper Simulant is a pretty shit gun considering all the hype Bungie put out for it? I mean, it’s not exactly the next Gjallahorn. It holds, like, a maximum of TEN SHOTS that don’t actually do too much damage. Dissapointed.
Yep, the sleeper stimulant could be so much better but nah.
what game is this? i’ve gotten bored of dota 2 LOL
Still playing
Yea I thinks it’s pretty shit as well I wish instead of a single Ray that shoots out have be more like a fusion rifle and have it shoot out multiple rays
hi iim roland fuck me
i know you where are you from
Good.l want to fuck she
That’s the most funny Oni chihi i see :3
wtf best hentai ever