Found the subbed version thanks to Ryushi! Enjoy!



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  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    The wage gap is a myth. Men simply work more hours. Men are more determined and more likely too work shitty hours/jobs. Men are more likely too work overtime and work on days off. Women tend too take more vacation time and work less hours, get off early, not do overtime, ect ect. Women are also more likely to stagnate staying at the same position, where men are more likely to push for a promotion. Also, women get time off for having babies. There’s no truth to saying men get paid more then women for the exact same job. There’s variables.

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    And to think, we gave whores like these the right to vote. That’s why our country and society is the shitter. People who don’t work shouldn’t have the right to vote on such matters.

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    Please add the Japanese title. IDK how to search for their origin. I want to know if they have source material or a continuation. tysm

    • Ryushi 1 month ago

      Only took a simple google translate from English to Japanese, then a reverse search through Google to find it ある日、ネットで見つけたのは●●撮りされた彼女の動画だった。 The Motion Anime, no there is no continuation, and the original source is for sale

      • Anonymous 1 month ago

        Thank you. Will google translate do? sometimes the translation is way too off.

  • GerryAtric 1 month ago

    Appreciate your work Ryushi, just surprised this one got the subs.

    • Ryushi 1 month ago

      I appreciate that, however this one was already subbed elsewhere and I merely provided the link to admin. I should hopefully finish the next translation by the end of next week, that’s my goal anyways…

      • admin 1 month ago

        No rush at all, I’ll likely have the last one you subbed up by then. People should be more grateful of free translations that you are providing, like I am haha!

      • Anonymous 1 month ago

        Where did you find the subbed? Maybe there is more

        • Ryushi 1 month ago

          There are actually more yes, I will have to make sure that they are full episodes though, sometimes people on this website don’t post the full thing, wanting people to pay on their own terms, I will send any links that are fully subbed full motion anime to the admin

          • admin 1 month ago

            That’ll be great, I didn’t even know there were translated ones until this one.

          • Tokenblkguy 1 month ago

            So mind pointing at a few sources for subs? Im going insane trying translate the terrible font they use with Japanese subs. Well motion anime subs

            • Ryushi 1 month ago

              I’m rather confused by your question, but no there aren’t really any reliable sources for Motion Anime subs, unless you want to pay the pay wall

  • Ryushi 1 month ago

    I would like to make one thing clear, no promises were made, I am doing this out of my own want to see these subbed, I have a life outside of this website and as of right now, it’s taking up 99 if not 100% of my time, currently able to put maybe 5 to 15 minutes per day into translation work, maybe when things calm down i’ll be able to work more on this which I do only on my free time. I am still working on translation, but, it is a time consuming process and I do not have all the time for it right now, I appreciate those who understand.

    • Rezel 1 month ago

      Thanks for all your work. It’s appreciated.
      Can I ask what program if any you use to sub with?

  • Anonymous 1 month ago

    Wasn’t he going to Sub a bunch of these? Or just blue balling everyone.

    • admin 1 month ago

      He subbed a long one but we didn’t finish doing the final checks yet. Ryushi is doing this for free so we should only be thankful.

      • Anonymous 1 month ago

        Well he shouldn’t make promises he can’t keep.

  • Merciless 1 month ago

    I hate this channel, You Monster >:P

  • quite nice