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  • Keaghan 11 years ago

    Who wishes to hear a story about my life?

    • Keaghan 11 years ago

      Long ago when I was two, I nearly drowned in a pool with no one watching me, but my mom saw my body and took me to the hospital, for 16 days I lid on that bed, with no sense of knowing what happened. Years have passed since that day, I was only 5 when my parents decided to have a divorce and I was to stay with my mom. I saw my dad when was 8 and decided to visit him on weekends. When I turned 11 they decided to let me stay with him, my step-mom,brother,and sister, during the time I was easily convinced and trusted everything he told about my mom, saying she doesn’t care about me and was thief, but over time I started to get suspicious about it, because of how much he drinks, when we moved to a different house, things started to change, my dad started to be more and more aggressive even on the smallest things, there were more and more arguments that I had to cry myself to sleep.then one day when I was 14, I came to my house from a friends place and saw police vehicles in my drive way as I drew closer to it I saw my step mom covered in bruises, with no sign of my dad I found out it was him who did this, after Ive been filled nothing but hatred over my dad, when he came back he told us that he will give up on drinking, I didn’t believe that so I kept an eye on him. A year passed since then and I was right about him, he went to his old self again, I couldn’t take it, so I decided to not take orders from, he was kicked out and was only allowed to visit us on the weekend due to my step moms work, I told her that I would watch over my little brother and sister and give up on visiting my friends, as long as he doesnt come near them, but she didn’t want to ruin my time to be with my friends, one day my dad ordered me to clean up my room even though it was my brother who made the mess, so I ignored his order, then he threatened with a belt and told him that I’m not afraid of some strip of leather he attacked but I didn’t feel any sort of pain, then he tryed to punch me but I dodged them, I took a risk of letting him and I didn’t feel anything at all, then it came to me ” my dad is weak and slow while I’m strong and quick” I attacked him with everything I got, down on the floor with fear in his eyes I gave him a warning “if you ever hurt my family, I’ll rip you apart with all of my wrath” time passed during that day, I thought I was going to stay with my step mom for now on, but I was wrong, I was forced to move to my moms because of him, during that time I found out all he said about my mom was a lie and he was using me, my mom and step mom, my brother, and my sister for his own gain. Now here I am, 16 years old, living with my grandparents because a good school is nearby, wanting to see them again, and when I see my dad again, I WILL KILL HIM WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!

      • The Man Who Stole Hitler's Nutella 11 years ago

        What a good story…

      • Keaghan 11 years ago

        Been awhile since I wrote this.

        • Tht_Guy 11 years ago

          Your story is a pretty messed up one bro.I have one to and its absolutely true.
          When I was about 3 I was taken away from my mother by the A.C.S due to her drinking and abusive behavior I never really knew my dad and have never trusted anyone since then. And now I live a fake life forced to hide all emotion and keep putting on fake smiles and now im here 16 years old and my friends think they know me. This pisses me off but I’ve become so good at hiding emotion that it never gets shown if only people knew what it’s like to live without your relatives and forced to live in about 15 foster homes I’m tired of this and I want it to end. But I’m not gonna kill myself. Thts just the easy way out and I’ll never end my life not after I live my life to the fullest and even so I still won’t kill my self.

          Absolutely true story.

      • METALDICKFUCK 11 years ago

        While I do sympathize with your compelling story, I must advise you to please look up what a comma splice is.

      • Putin's Boyfriend 10 years ago

        I don’t care whether it’s true or not. All i care about is why you decided to tell a bunch of twelve year olds on a hentai website. Couldn’t think of anywhere else to write that?

        • Keaghan 10 years ago

          That was months ago and I was bored at the time hell I’m bored right now

      • Anonymous 10 years ago

        Why the fuck are u telling us this in the middle of a hentai comentary!!

  • HEntai is good 11 years ago

    You see hentai good for the body we got God Jesus SAO all in one place so when all u hentai hatters get some hentai in u it’s okay with me anyways here I came God straps self with bombs

  • Angel is mine no one can have her she’s MIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEERE

  • DatGirl 11 years ago

    Y’all gotta admit , it was pretty sexy when he had her up on the window rubbing his dick in her dress

  • God Jesus SAO was all here and I missed it ( grabs a shotgun from nowhere ) I’m coming kills self


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    What the hell

  • Mei zhi 11 years ago

    Amazing I love it… Fuck me pls

  • booby dash 11 years ago

    Welcome brothers of the NPA!!! (National Porn Association)

  • Anonymous 11 years ago


  • Oogakari Naruto (0.1) 11 years ago

    Hey I’m back (hulk mode activeated)THAT’S RIGHT KIRITO

  • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

    Hey I’m changing my name to Oogakari Naruto k by

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Regardless of who he chooses there should be a three-way, no an orgy with all three if them plus the the two bosses of the two girls. Now THAT would be a great way to end this hentai.

  • nura rikou 11 years ago

    Thanks you waiting

  • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

    Hey I’m kido by the way , I had sex with meaho

  • Both for the win

  • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

    Mmmm both. I see alot of demon but both would be better

  • BurnAllNiggers 11 years ago

    You’re all fuckin noobs. That is all.

  • Kirito 11 years ago

    why does they know that we are always choose both? lol…

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Kirito what the fuck are you doing here?

    • Asuna 11 years ago

      Soo you decide to watch this instead of doing mee ahh kirito?

      • Kirito 11 years ago

        sorry Asuna but i just want to watch some porn video with you lol…

    • Klein 11 years ago

      I thought you loved me. :'(

      • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

        Wow kirito hahaha ^_^

      • Kirito 11 years ago

        sory Klein but im still normal so i love girls not boy…. -_-“

        • Anonymous 11 years ago

          So your going to watch porn even though you have asuna whose not only good looking, but can cook the best food in the history of mankind, you got pure luck my friend and I both respect and solute you.

        • Suguha 11 years ago

          Onii-San what are you doing here?

          • Anonymous 11 years ago

            Well suguha, your cousin is watching some really good porn you see, and I’m asking why he’s watching it even though he has asura, you, and Liz and I must say why don’t you guys just share the man, the more the people the more the fun. Take me for example, i asked these two girls out because I couldn’t choose which one to ask, so I decided to asked them to meet me somewhere after school, I told them the situation, and ask them if they could share because I didn’t want them to be depressed because they never had the chance to be with me. It was a miracle that they actually said yes.

            • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

              Hehehe Your fuuuuny HAHAH O MY GOBLINS he
              Why don’t we all have a 12 some

      • I love you more ;(

    • Captain of the Kirito fan club 11 years ago

      U watch SAO

      • Kido that guy over ther#0.1 11 years ago

        O my god :OH SORRY GOD , SAO IS AWSOME right.
        Hey kirito( hulk mode activated) WHAT THE FUCK MAN U GOT SO MANY GIRLS
        AT HOME WHY FUCK ARE U HERE(hulk mode deactivate)heh sorry

    • I need a hentai friend any 1want to join

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        How do I join?

      • Christian SAO lover 11 years ago

        Holy shot, you guys are too damn funny! I love hearing what you guys have to say after I bust a nut. But seriously though, you guys and gals need to work on your grammar :) I feel alone and awkward because I watch hentai and anime and really enjoy them. So, seeing how many other people also watch this makes me feel so relieved and normal. BTW I’m not some Otaku nerd who shys away from real girls and is the President of the anime club. Kinda funny actually cause I’m a high school football player who goes to parties a out once a month and would be thought of as the last person to like anime XD.

        • Yep but I’m to lazy to fix shit right now XD , also I have twitter the name
          Is cristizilla if any of you wants to be my friend

  • DEMON DEMON DEMON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She so hot

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