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Argghhhhh this is like RPG all over again!!!
I also say demon
DEMON DEMON DEMON I like Filika-chan more than Rias Gremory :3
Yah right
Well somethings wrong with you, your going chose a demon who treats the guy as a slave because shes into him, over a powerful devil who respects and loves issei and admits it. All though Id still choose her over the angel, but still don’t ever compare her over rias do I make myself clear?
I Don’t know who you are… But I will look for you… I’ll find you… And then, I’ll kill you!!!
LoL, JK, But seriously, comparing girls is bad. All of them have ups and downs, But all of them are perfeita the way they are. Dont go around saying one is better than other. Its not cool, man…
Are you talking to him or me.
126th to fap
Angel no question ask!!
It took months for episode 2 to come out. It’ll probably be another year for episode 3.
Demon chick red hair blue eyes and is scary I like her
Demon no doubt
It there nuki doki tension part 3
Akuma ftw. Just not the angel. Or maybe both would be best. Its the demon or both not just the angel
demon for sure
I choose both
take the deamon
mmmmmmmhhhh yessss DEMON