Ryushi translated this popular work for you guys!
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Ryushi translated this popular work for you guys!
Bookmark us for more Motion Anime subbed, only here!
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Not to worry, but let me know if you’re going to start on an ep of incha couple, I will work on kimi wa next thanks again
Yeah that’s what I am gonna try to work on was the incha couple ones
As always, thank you so much Ryushi! Appreciate the work you do ^^
No problem! I have provided admin with an extensive back log of translated Motion Anime so should be seeing at least 2 or 3 next month while I am too busy to translate any further
I’m proofreading them 100 lines a day, it’s about the most I can take before it’s torture haha
Hahahaha I proof read them all before I send them to you where I can, but the 3D one kept crashing on me, I am gonna do one more like I said but I am gonna rest a bit so might start it on 10/2 shouldn’t be too busy that day,
Yea it’s been 90% clean, one thing is, can you make sure the sentences end in a period, some of the girl sentences don’t have periods, which I get cuz the original doesn’t either, but for consistency sake, thanks!
Oh! I absolutely will start doing that going forward, I didn’t realize you would want that!
Oh yea 10 releases just happened, want to try your hand on an audio only series? I’ll be working on one or two a day, if you’d like you can try putting incha couple ga in buzz, whisper large, transcribe, and use ai to translate it after, then making sure it makes sense and timing is right. Let me know because it should be faster than a motion anime, usually 200 lines
i’ll work on shounen, then sex ga, then kimi, leaving some of the unpopular ones for last
Sorry I am gonna pass on that, my Japanese is not strong enough to be able to handle that kind of work, I will stick to the Kanji which I am steadily getting better at from Motion Anime, my apologies.
I see, I suppose I could take a swing at it
only if you want to and have the free time, even one ep would be great and it’s 200 lines so should take an hour or so
apologies, I did take a swing at it, either my head’s just not in it today but I wasn’t able to work on it for more than 15 minutes, I’ll try again tomorrow after I do the last motion anime
No issues at all, I appreciate you trying, and I’ve been burnt out like that doing this many times.
Still a bit burnt out, I’ve got till the 5th to help out as I took some time off, will see about trying some more later tonight or tomorrow
Ryushi, thanks for the sub!! I know these take a ton of time to make. I’m curious… Are you going to subbing the second episode of Day-To-Day Mother Son Incest as well? First episode of that was awesome, but we need to know how the story ends haha
Fun fact, that’s already subbed, just waiting for Admin to finish proof reading and final checking it
Wonderful news to hear!! Thanks again for all the work you do!
no one:
queen bee animation:
Funny thing is, motion anime have better animation quality than Queen Bee
This one was actually really fun to translate because things that I already predicted from the raw turned out to be true, the scenes in this one are really great too
Thanks bro
Remember watching this one when it came out, it was pretty great, along with the Yuki-Onna one. Happy to see it subbed, thanks!