July 16, 2018

Hentai: Muchi Muchi Kyosei Seicho Ata!!

Genres: , ,

1.73M 306


  • I deserve to be arrested

  • Wtf this is illegal

  • Big black hentai cock 6 years ago

    I can’t wait til part 2 i hope this never stops best idea every fellas

  • Samurai X 6 years ago

    Dude Japan is sick

  • Japan is a scary place 6 years ago

    Ok I keep seeing this guys a pedo, but I mean the little girls aren’t little girls no more all rubbing on him i wouldn’t control myself, also how is no one talking about around 5:17 what that girl said “it bigger than papa’s” wtactualfck Japan is a scary place.

    • Japan 6 years ago

      Public baths and parents bathing with their kids are very common in Japanese culture.

  • Crispyy 6 years ago

    Very good, I hope there is a part 2!

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    Would this be classified as lolicon or not?

  • Anon-Master 6 years ago

    Another group of people who cannot handle writings from the creators and they are bitching and asking why they say and quote “why did I fap to this” and some crap FBI roleplays. You guys are the most mental idiotic people I met who have no bliss of ignorance or yet you guys fucking watch this and yet you came to a hentai site and say and quote “this is not my hentai”. So again I will say this, turn off your laptop/computer/tablet, or switch back and go to friggin youtube what you bozos do if you can’t handle certain Japanese hentai you cannot handle. Read those words and remember if you came just to watch any hentai depending any genre of your liking welcome if not fuck off.

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation 6 years ago

    fbi here put your hands in the air and walk towards me peacefully. If you do not – I repeat, if you do not – we will have no choice but to shoot you with our new bazooka.

  • No-name 6 years ago


  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    Oh nah… You all off some creepy ass, “if her age on the the clock, she can get the c*ck”, pull up in the white van “hey kids, do you want some candy?” type stuff with THIS one. I get that its hentai and its fake but COME ON! we not about to pretend that this was ok…

    • ForsakenNerd 6 years ago

      Yeah, and then tried to justify it by saying “nah, they all grown up now”… BUT EVEN THE TITLE TOLD YOU THEY WEREN’T! their bodies are grown, but they are not.

  • retard 6 years ago

    I enjoyed it before they grew up

  • I changed my user name to comment 6 years ago

    Did I fap yes.
    Did you fap most likely yes.
    We’re we disturbed a little yet we can move on and hope no one knew we watch it.

  • I Love Ecchi 6 years ago

    Lolicon ALERT!!!

  • That Guy on TV 6 years ago

    I guess these guys can’t handle hentai, go back to pornhub kids.

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    Disappointment. Was pining for sensei to make a harem with them when they were all little. When they grew up it felt gross and insulting to the children.

  • Birth Control Pill 6 years ago

    KANON-CHAN!!!!!!!!!! LILY-CHAN!!!!!!! The grown up ones of course… my dick didn’t shoot up till after the cookies just so you guys know. I am not a pedophile that likes to look at little 5 year old girls. I repeat I am not a pedophile that likes to look at little 5 year old girls.

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    I have conflicting feelings on this one

  • Disappointment 6 years ago

    I can’t…. I can’t be disappointed with this damnit me I had one job and I fucked it up I’m not mad at myself I’m just disappointed with myself

  • Anonymous 6 years ago

    I enjoyed this very much

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