February 20, 2017

Hentai: Monster Girl Quest

Genres: , , , , , , , ,

1.09M 55


  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    2 episodes and we still haven’t touched fluffy tail yet? booooo

  • fuckpedoshit 7 years ago

    would’ve been nice without the shota bullshit.

  • WorldStar 7 years ago

    That kid be puttin’ in some wetwork!

  • 8=======D 7 years ago

    A hentai vid that you can actually die from by getting all of ur cum sucked dry.

  • anon97 (soo mainstream) 7 years ago

    hora hora hahahahah!!

  • just a prank bro 7 years ago

    13:15 welcome to the bone zone mother fucker

  • Cloud 7 years ago

    Well then, I guess more fucky things are on the Horizon

  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    I am actually quite disappointed… Why did Alice’s VA take a downgrade?

    Also not enough hoooora.

  • Sophia Lomeli 7 years ago

    At the end the kid was like “Bitch Please!!” Murder that fucking rapists in cold blood.

    • Anonymous 7 years ago

      Sike fk that let her rape you. Hah you gay son! Bitch please

      • Rape isn’t consensual, dipshit. It isn’t rape if you agree or want it. And i know this is just porn but I’m sure you’re in the mindset that only women can be fucking raped, but they can be rapists and men can be the victims.

        • Anonymous 7 years ago

          wtf you have some serious issues dipshit this is porn get the fk over it you fking twat. LOL fking morons. Shes a Succubus she fucks to stay alive so shut the fk up LOL.

          • Shadex 7 years ago

            To be fair one of my friends was raped as a kid by a girl and it was bad he got tied to his bed and stayed there for 3 days getting raped and electrocuted by a stun gun and when he told the cops they laughed in his face. Not trying to be “that guy” but yes men can get raped. The only diffrence is men have to just deal with it.

        • Its rape if you don’t consent.

    • Anonymous 7 years ago

      That attack was nice. Props to him!

    • We're in agreement! 7 years ago

      WORLD STAR!!!

      • Anonymous 7 years ago

        IKR LMAO Props to her indeed. Even in hentai plot armor exists! LMAO

  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    Even before HH uploaded it, nice

  • Hideyoshi 7 years ago


  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    They turned the game into an actual hentai. Wow.

  • This shows that even us normal mortal men have limits when having sex for a long time cam slowly kill us. Damn this brutal even for a guy like him. Is there a third episode? I want to see how this ends.

  • Justanordinaryguywatchinghentaivideoswhohatesnetorarebutlovesyandereandharem 7 years ago

    Thats the most intense fights i ever seen in my life!! The battle is amazing 10 out of 10!!!!

  • Lolicon98 7 years ago


  • the kid moans so fucking much

  • Megumin 7 years ago

    EXPLOSION !!!!

  • Majestic fish 7 years ago

    What am I doing with my life… 1:30 am watching hentai .-.

  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    I miss the two tones piano melody, and sucking noises.

  • Philosophical Ideologist 7 years ago

    Does lust cross species boundaries? When you look at a dog, do ever wonder what its vagina would feel like? There is a true story of a man that had sex with a dolphin. Let me remind you that dolphins are the only other mammals that have sex for pleasure like humans. Is it so wrong to seek a way other than masturbation to achieve climax without another human? Thousands of years ago, we were practically considered animals ourselves. We may have evolved much, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re still a type of animal so it’s only natural for our instincts to think lustfully of an animal. If we go back to our roots, the most simple thought process was, “Can we mate with it?”

    -Philosophical Ideologist

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