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[lol]Elf Ni Inmon Wo Tsukeru Hon The Animation 1 Subbed[/lol]
All the changes they’ve been making are for the better. The original was garbage and anyone who enjoyed it is slow in the brain. Hope they continue altering it.
Thank you. I just checked it and it seems they decided to replace her scene in the car and give the blonde girl a scene of her own that is not in the manga. Hopefully that is not the case because she doesn’t get one until chapter 38 and the adaptation is currently at 24. But sadly that could be the case since in order to be able to adapt it they are changing stuff so that it can fit in the short runtime they have for each episode.
I wish more hentais were like this. Most only show the girl’s bodies during the sex scenes. Here there’s a beach scene to enjoy their bodies in addition to the sex
In a good anime this protag would get his teeth kicked in.
when will the uncensored version of 8 be up?
Depends if someone uploads it online.
Does any one know if this is the last episode? I keep searching and get no answer.
Likely one more episode, this company usually released 8.
8 episodes and that’s it or 8 episodes and a new season?
New season is not announced, we will have updates if it is.
Do you know where we can check for updates
You can google season two news, if there is then it’ll show up. Animenewsnetwork first talked about this season.
My internet messing with me today
Episode 8 is the last one. We’re just waiting for it to be posted on here.
In the manga, Adam didn’t do it with that yellow hair girl and only the teacher who got fucked in this arc
All the changes they’ve been making are for the better. The original was garbage and anyone who enjoyed it is slow in the brain. Hope they continue altering it.
Wonder if thw whole series will get animated and hopefully they dont keep changing amd skipping stuff
it is always the shortest ones that are the best
Does anyone know if there will be another episode with the teacher? She’s my favorite and there’s only one episode dedicated to her.
read “adams sweet agony” manga, it’s the original source, and yes there is more with the teacher and we don’t see teacher’s creampie yet.
Thank you. I just checked it and it seems they decided to replace her scene in the car and give the blonde girl a scene of her own that is not in the manga. Hopefully that is not the case because she doesn’t get one until chapter 38 and the adaptation is currently at 24. But sadly that could be the case since in order to be able to adapt it they are changing stuff so that it can fit in the short runtime they have for each episode.
I wish more hentais were like this. Most only show the girl’s bodies during the sex scenes. Here there’s a beach scene to enjoy their bodies in addition to the sex
there goes the car scene with shiina. at least they don’t blue ball with the rich girl like in the doujin
We got a good beach sex scene, but at the cost of the goated car sex scene. Feelsbadman.
different from manga but still welcomed, cant wait for episode where shina is at her home so he brings her work papers that shit is hot af