June 23, 2013

Hentai: Mesu Nochi Torare

Genres: , ,

2.48M 543


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    GOD this sucks men if i was the guy id kill that rapes it stab him in the back near the spin !!!

  • ナツ dらgねえ 11 years ago

    Idk why but I’m fucking Pissed off right now (*`Д´)ノ!!!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    this anime sucks

  • CASHREGISTER 11 years ago

    What is it and Japanese people and rape

  • Ok guys don’t complain about the rape and cheating. #1 they are listed in the genre section, #2 torare is in the title.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    In real life it’s more like I call the the police but alright

  • Ya this stuff hopefully doesn’t happen in Japan. Man the Japanese are into weird stuff.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I don’t mind this stuff it gets me some times but I think of what I would do to calm myself down but triangle blue no that is just over the top

  • Fly Me To The Moon 11 years ago

    Damn you again juice man!

  • I’m so freakin pissed there all pussies. If i was in there situation i would’ve punched that bitch and run away even if i was naked.

  • Fuck the love stories... 11 years ago

    I like how people are like “Man, I can look passed the rape stuff. But cheating is unforgivable!” WTF is wrong with you sickos?!?! A woman is being raped here. Hahahahahaha just kidding. Welcome to the darkside bitches.

  • Wow… when i watch this or Any god damn neotare shet i think i cant fap to it and inside my head I would really like to kill anybody who would rape my fucking heriones and to be honest be like the joker become insane and kill,kill,kill with makeup of a clown

  • psychopathic 11 years ago

    If I was that boy I would just kill them all, the two guys and the two girls. I would kill them in the most painful way you could imagine. And I would do it with a smile.

    • 343GuiltySpark 11 years ago

      Yea, we get it your a psychopath

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Ii would cut the guys dick and fuckin kill uim then i will fuck both girls and say im done and break up with them

    • akward gummy bears 11 years ago

      That is totally what I would do finaaly I’m not the only peraon who would do that but honestly this fucking sucks geez couldn’t the guy tell them off or break his phone

  • well place urself at rapers!!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Honestly if I was that boy, I would kill the rapist. Right then and there. Fuck jail. I’ll kill him, and then make the girls feel bad about them selves.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    im rick james Bitch

  • this is really good! stop bitching, if you don’t like don’t watch

  • Anonymouse 11 years ago

    play goodgame gangster

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    This is a turn,off bitch a girl can run from those retards she liked it so she standby I get gunshots in her pussy that ducking white whore

  • Anti-rape 11 years ago

    Im starting to get used to rape since they like getting the dick at the end but fuck, cheating? Eff that shit

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