June 23, 2013

Hentai: Mesu Nochi Torare

Genres: , ,

2.48M 543


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    they should make a hentai of this about the manga it would be a lot better

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Dude, If that was to happen to my girlfriend I would just be completely heart broken, but in the end I will always forgive her

    • Artix 11 years ago

      My Friend.. do not do that! that leads one step to your ruination!

    • valkirye 11 years ago

      if i was in your place i wouldn give a fuck i just keep the girl to fuck her .. but when i see these kind of Hentay its like i have butterfly in my Stomach … it`s because is Anime :)

    • Forgive her? Excuse me? Forgive your girlfriend for being repeatedly raped?

  • Straywolf 11 years ago

    I’d srsly have killed the guy, just when he thinks he’s safe banging that other bitch I’ll go inside with a knife and emasculate him. It’s so damn easy.

  • NTR plots are so mind-numbingly stupid I can’t help but rage.

  • NTR SUCKS 11 years ago

    Yo this bitch is dumb as fuck. Like wtf man. The fucking dude didn’t do shit. I’d bang the shit of these guys and rape my bitch too for cheating on me. Man fuck this hentai show.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Hate rape

  • ITSNOTREAL!!!! 11 years ago

    ^Myname -_-

  • zzzzzzzzz 11 years ago

    wow. the h-anime changed a shit load from the original “Call Me A Bitch!!” doujin.

  • hai-ya !!! 11 years ago

    can’t these hentai girls take up karate, so that they can kick their rapists’ asses or something ? i mean, guys, u r Japanese, plz preserve your national history and culture, u r really important !!! :-)

    • Tim Tim 11 years ago

      hentai has already has proven that it doesn’t matter if they are the best fighters in the world they can still be ntr’ed read “I will protect you” and watch Sinkan (T&A Teacher) for more information there are many more too where the females know how to fight but still somehow get fucked.

      • yes... 11 years ago

        yeah i think u r probably right…without fuck there’s no hentai ! :-)

  • wtf LOL 11 years ago

    Please tell me there’s an episode 3 where he fuckin just snitches and he releases their nudes.
    Good on those faggots and sluts. If there isn’t, what a fucking bitch (this vice-pres guy)

  • all ive gotta say is, what a pussy

  • shadow 11 years ago

    look I know how you guys feel ( no I’m not sticking up for one side or the other) but the guy is weak what can he do? even if did tell or ask someone for help his friends reputations could make matters worse ( more rape than before) I have seen a lot of rape videos of girls and in the end……. THEY. ALWAYS. LOSE. and of coarse if it happens in America IRL the’re asses is gone.

  • LOL!!! —v

  • What a fucking wimp. Speak up, say something. DO SOMETHING instead of just letting him fuck the girl you like. He obviously doesn’t like her THAT much if he just lets that fucking blonde do what he likes to her. So pissed off. And I don’t even get it, does this Reiko even like him back? At the end of the video it seems like she’s enjoying it quite a lot.

    Fuck this shit, I’m out.

  • Critic 11 years ago

    Oh and uh those women were bitches If I were the guy id say fuck you bitches Im leaving you!

  • Critic 11 years ago

    I really don’t like these kinds of vids I mean I like main character and harem vids or something like that.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    It’s odd, the manga for this anime was just a good old fashioned orgy with the limp-wristed guy actually having sex with the entire female cast. I guess they decided to reverse his role for the anime. That said color me disappointed.

    • Actually 11 years ago

      The one you are referring to is dere nochi torare, which is prequel to this one, mesu nochi torare was originally a single chapter which is pretty much episode 1. Episode 2 is completely invented i think, cause shintaro would become extremely violent if he discovered the cheating, the original shintaro at least

  • I really hate this type of videos

  • Man, If I was this guy I would f*cking kill that blond guy and the other guy as well if they are banging the girl I like >:O

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