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I would of kick his ass as soon as he touched my girl best believe that
I want to be raped too
Ur stupid why would u want to be raped
I know they are acting like their stupid defenseless snails they can fucking fight back they obviously want to be raped, its fucking disgusting the four of them deserve to fucking die in hell along with everyone else he can actually jerk off to this.
Fuck that shit. I’d fucking cut his damn dick off and just watch him suffer as I laugh my ass off and continuously torture him and be done with it.
I think it’s a good idea, LOL
Seriously this is bullshit. I’d like to imagine she cuts his dick and balls off and make him swallow it and cut off his stomach and make him swallow it again
You are right
Hentai rule for getting a sex slave or girlfriend
Step 1 take her verginity or just fuck her as soon as possible even if u are going to use force, ofcuz i think that everyone knows that to fuck in a place where no one else is you can tie her up or use drug what every u need blackmailing is best, you are not gonna fuck her while other know it so they could help her and stop you from fuck/rape her.
Step 2 once you have fuck u can take a picture or video to blackmail her. Fuck all the time as much as possible
Step 3 once u have fuck mind out of her she will be yours enjoy
Tip keep in mind that the bigger the dick u got the faster and easier it will be. And there is a chance she will be taken over by a guy who has a bigger dick than yours. If u have a small dick you could make her wear spical underwear only u can take it off. Good luck
This is also a way to rule all women on hentai earth and than rule the earth
Bull. Shit.
What the? I was trying to get the Krabby Patty secret formula from Krabs. How did I end up in a Hentai website?
you too i thought i was the only one
Patrick was trollin and made u go to a porn site by accident
People need to keep in mind only in hentais things like this are possible. Real life will not just allow you to rape 2 girls and get away with it forever. If you think about it, raping someone in high school will result in expulsion and a huge dent in the rapists future wherever he may go. Plus news will keep quiet and court will most likely sentence you to Jubee. Netorare is considered a forbidden fantasy which is to be kept to secret as performing such an act in real life can result to suicide
bill cosby their ass
Ofcuz real life girls will try to run and fight back not like hentai fuck too many time and u got her
Real Life girls are just as fucking stupid this is one of the reasons I wish I was gay.
Thats highschool though you can get this in real life you just have too start younger when girls are still stupid and naive you don’t even have too rape em, just get them too think they love you
Speak the truth brother this is fucking disgusting. I don’t understand how REAL PEOPLE are this STUPID this is one of reasons why I wish I was gay. At least males aren’t as stupid.
link die
If I were the boy that hàd to watch I would just kill the guy and girl
If i only had the power to travel to the animator head i will gonna give that boy a power like Red dragon in High school Dxd so he can make those bad guys penis go through thiere mouths.. so please boys dont do things like this be a men not a monster if only i had power fuck i am totally angry right now
i think that the boy was coward
Wow, what a slut.
That boy mustve been hurt after seeing his gf get banged by another man… So why didnt he close his eyes?
Maybe at some point he enjoyed it
Fucked up, well time to fap.
He’s keeping watch?!? Fuck that anyone who feels sorry for him is an idiot, and by the way nice guys are manipulative and deserve to fucking lose, instead of being nice act like you’d treat the person like anyone else, don’t be a fucking doormat or treat her like shes something special when you don’t even know the first thing about her, also listening to her bitch about her boyfriend that treats her like crap doesn’t count. This video was just hilarious not sad, how do people take something so pathetic seriously, keeping watch after getting tied up and forced to watch your “girlfriend” cheat on you, just wow, that is like that is the doormat of all doormats ahahah
he can’t do anything about it, you twat rag. all of them were blackmailed.
Made me feel kinda sad for pseudo-boyfriend…
Refusing then accepting
The ending kinda sucks
but over all we probably stilled faped to it