June 23, 2013

Hentai: Mesu Nochi Torare

Genres: , ,

2.51M 543


  • Anonymous 10 years ago


  • No name 10 years ago

    I can’t stop feeling bad for him. That sad look on his face made me wanna cry. I hope they have a part 3 to get revange on that damn headband FUCK.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    xoa me no di

  • horny girl 10 years ago

    Demon King I’m here. I’m ready to get fucked by your cocks please

    • Demon King 10 years ago

      Hey baby your really horny aren’t you?

    • fabulous 10 years ago

      you know there are chat sites where you can cyber just sayin and you can have your avatar to actually be a demon king btw these comments are fuckin hilarious

  • Sanjou kirifuda 10 years ago

    Hey everyone! I’m the mc of this netorare hentai and I just needed to let you all know that I’m okay. Off camera I ran into a couple friends who already knew my situation. They helped open my eyes and free myself from my own weakness. I know the ending is sad but after that came a happier beginning. Being the weak male of the anime I gather up my true powers and transformed into something awesome. I broke that rapist’s nose too. I never knew i had awesome power. I’m kinda like Goku! By the way, I dropped the blue haired pretty girl who shall not be named and got together with a red haired nerdy girl. I also have great friends now. I still see blue Hair From time to time but I don’t talk to her. She wants to talk to me but I don’t talk to her. I love my new girlfriend with all my heart and I’ll use my new power to protect her and everyone else. It’s nice to be able to protect those you love and to be able to let them protect you when you’ve fallen. My life’s great and this hentai sucks. Peace out, btw I got a new name thanks to a guy who decided to save from my weakness.
    I’m no longer who I was on this hentai, I am now Vamola break/unbreak.




  • Your common sense speaking 10 years ago

    Man, I know this anime is messed up every ways. The raping, blackmailing, raping more and blackmailing even more it’s all fked up. But you know what’s really messed up? How everyone in the comment section is complaining about how the girl cheated on the boy. THATS more than how messed up in hentai is!!!. I don’t see anyone saying how that boy can still save her no matter how far she’s gone. Look guys, reality is more difficult of deal with than is hentai. This is the lesson that the writers are trying to teach us!!, If you love a girl, you will die for her and will do anything for her even if you tied against ur will while she’s getting fked. I’m extremely pissed that the main character stood there and just had a BONER while his gf is getting raped. Don’t you see the movies dumb shit. You always carry a sharp object so if anything goes wrong u can use it. Plus in the first episode, the girl is trying to make a move with the main character, he didn’t respond. if I go to a dark hunted room with my gf, and I LOST HER, BITCH I WIl FKING KNOCK EVEYThINg down till I see her safe and sound. I want my gf to be happy like any bf would want even if she’s having a better sex with that person. BUT she HAS TO SAY THAT to my fking face. I Would take one both of those fking dumbazzs rapist and still win becaz I’m fighting for the one I love, not becaz she’s been sex with that person a billion times.More importantly to anyone who’s reading this, human beings just like any other living things are not a toy. Not a man or a woman. Nobody is a cumdumpster nor a cumrag. lust is one of the strongest feelings that people has, but it can be controlled. I called those rapist along with the main character because they are all weak. Becaz they can’t even controll their own senses. A strong man protect himself, a stronger man protect others………

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      you do realize the girl could have gone for help and struggled plus the video tape actually has proof that the girl was getting raped so she could have swallowed her pride and show it to the cops on top of that he was tied down but i do get what you are saying tho

      • Your common sense speaking 10 years ago

        But in most animes, if u r a boyfriend, u can’t just ignore these signs. Remember that there’s more then those two rapists. Although they might not show it but, it’s probably the reason why she kept it a secret. By the way, the boyfriend couldn’t do anything afterwards. It was blackmailing. But there’s is always a solution and he just gave up

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Anyone else notice how there is more rape hentai than there is consensual hentai

    • hornyguy007 10 years ago

      that’s cause rape is hotter than vanilla. only beta boys jack off to consensual anyway

  • Used ,to be Panties/Sex Crazy Man. 10 years ago

    Love Hentia & Finger her wet Pussy give Me Ur Panties.

  • hentai oni 10 years ago

    stupid fucking whore burn in hell. I wish they make one more episode when the MC just strangles her to death, not sex or anything just strait out kill.

  • hentai oni 10 years ago

    watching this makes me so angry and sad for the main character :(

  • BlackDragon 10 years ago

    Sure. Keep helping your slutty girlfriend who cheated on you. Yep. She went to have sex with someone else and you just helped her. And the rapist. I wouldn’t even give a shit anymore. Peace the fuck out. Cuz she doesn’t like you, she enjoys being raped. Fine. Fuck her. Oh wait. They are. And it’s rape. And she enjoys it. More than you. So why the fuck should you owe them anything?! Whatever. At the very least, don’t talk to her. Make her regret it. Because it wasn’t her fault she was raped, but it is her fault for coming back to get more.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    The prez reminds me of Medaka Kurokami

  • Rio Kastle 10 years ago

    This why this anime Genres should put mind break instead right? But this is still every single cheating episode of every anime i am seeing is piss me off i wonder made real life sex or hentai in a fucken cheating way it rediculous wives and husband or childhood friend because these’s cause suffering, jealousies, and anger for those who care about it fuck up and here’s why my friend is crying because her boyfriend cheating on her for a better one so what is deal huh is hotter girls are better than ordinary girls? Can someone tell about it please i need to know

    • Keaghan 10 years ago

      Rio, you know I would never do that, people these days are selfish.

      • Rio Kastle 10 years ago

        Well my friend suffer along time ago until she got a new one before her ex show up and be forgiven what he has done to her and that was 8 years ago and i hope noah would never to that to me

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          Just choose your partners right & you won’t need to worry

          • Rio Kastle 10 years ago

            Thank you Anonymous my boyfriend said to me i will never let u go until end of time Rio how sweet is that hehehe

        • Keaghan 10 years ago

          Still it irritates me when people suffer when they don’t deserve it, by the way I can’t help but ask what sort of demeanor I have.

          • Anonymous 10 years ago

            Wait, you talking to me?

            • Keaghan 10 years ago

              No rio.

              • Anonymous 10 years ago

                Oh my bad, dude

              • Keaghan 10 years ago

                I swear I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me I cant make conversations unless someone ask me a question that I can answer.

              • Rio Kastle 10 years ago

                Well keaghan your demeanor well ah i should i say this ah look i can’t tell ok just gonna guess yours is different from other i think its anger for father, getting excitement who do u like to fight and last one should be your happiest for your family and friend from different dimensions that is my guess of your demeanor

  • The cross section scenes of the uterus just made me laugh they were so wildly inaccurate

  • Man I hate rape hentai, especially when they make all the the characters getting abused so damn weak and pathetic. I mean could she not at least show some resentment? At least try to run away? And that guy is more pathetic then them. He should of slaughtered each and every single one of the rapists. But NOOOO he’s going to stand guard. What kind of retard does that?

    • DevilSasuke 10 years ago

      I agree, I mean shit they have pics of the girls but theyhave nothing on the guy andmost logca thing to do is go get hwlp or slaughter them. :)

    • Panties Man. 10 years ago

      Wear at friend.

  • Pervert Man 10 years ago

    Rape & Naughty Sex is 4 grown Up,s

  • fuckinkawaii 10 years ago

    I hate it when they talk about babys while sex or raping ~.~

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    I just want someone to kill the rapists

  • 777 animes 10 years ago

    Taths Not Bad

  • Right in the feels lol

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