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Who wants to be my first?
BONER RESTORED. Time to masturbate again!
Yay! Now let’s fap together!
Woah, I want that lil brother for myself..
I’m wet omggg I’m soo wet
hey at means yur pussy will feel better when im in it c;
il make ur pussy feel rly good ;)
fuck !
im bored as heel there no good hentai anymore
/i want on elike tentacles and withches or something like that
i dident see looklike is good
I just, I really need to get fucked. I’m so horny right now it’s not even funny.
I realize that not everyone has the same taste in pornography, but I find I really dislike hentai’s like this. I dislike any hentai that has a rape/mindbreak focus. The fact that so many people watch them and get obsessed with the idea that by forcing their mighty dick(????) Into a girl its going to make her go crazy and love them. No. Just No.
I do think that rape is wrong but something like this is just fivtion so i dont think its wrong. Its different.
agree :)
I totally agree. NO girl would ‘bow down’ to a man who rapes them. I hate these kind of Hentais :p
Damn dude
i have all your souls you guys
Oh? If you have my soul you must be my master. What are your commands, master?
My dick is rock hard anyone want to fuck? im 16
I want that kind of sex ;) can any one give it to me?
Really you’ll fuck me hard?
As long as I can pleasure u
But the thing is will u have sex with me ?
Fuck yer I’ll have you bucking
Hello ? U there?
Hello u there ?
I Will horny Angle
My Hard 8′ inc Cock tell U Cum
Message me hear about 2:30 Pm its 1:40 pm
right now Looking 4 U
Aaaaaagggghhhhh!!!! Dammit! This is how whores are born! All of you are whores! Sluts, the all of you. You just want sex! You can’t do anything but give in! You think it’s his fault, but it’s yours! God dammit, fuck all of you guys, cuz you sure as hell will take it and beg for more. “Rape me!” Bitches. And that goddamnsonuvabitch!
Man are as horny as woman there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have sex.
Myah 3
love Pussy.
Are U a Female or Male?
I am hard Cocked Male fucking U
what does your name even mean? can you please explain in detail.