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Not my most proudest wank
This would be pretty foul, but thank goodness they censored it. I might think this 30 minutes of rape would be so wrong to look at if they let the dongs and vaginas be shown. But they didn’t.
i just skip the parts with the “plot’ and pretend that it’s a huge roleplay on both sides (the girls & the pirates)
fuck rape man disgusting shit
Anyone know if the artist worked on any non hentai works?
Yes! Such great talent put to waste. smh
My name says everything ^^
Sure does! You’re one sick motherfucker!
Liking hentai is overall sickening isnt it u idiot?
It’s not sickening to have consensual sex (aka sex) in a hentai. Rape in a hentai is the sickening part. Call it a fetish!
This hentai needs a Scat warning, just a heads up
don’t know how people get off to this; its rape for crying out loud
I just get off to the crying and screaming.
It’s simple, first you imagine yourself as the rapist and then you jerk off.
The rape is the good part.
It’s a fetish and although it’s a hentai, I still have empathy for the characters who have their bodies sexually assaulted. That shit is fucking vile! People need help.
Agreed. Also, I would rather die (to that knife) than let them do as they please. Or if I were a bystander with a (cross)bow and maybe a vantage point, I’d decide whether to put the Queen and Princess out of their misery, or start shooting the assholes. Particularly Claus.
i agree, rape is vile but i like this fetish to some extent. but it doesn’t mean i want it to happen to anyone, myself included
when you look at this as rape you really have a problem but this is not rape it’s reprogramming them
it’s rape, if you think otherwise i worry for your mental health
rape hentai is really the only kind with rough sex. most bdsm hentai has rape in it. i hate rape but i love the hentai (i’m a girl btw) because i love being fucked hard and most of the other ‘gentle’ stuff usually doesn’t do it for me. plus i think it has better sounds in terms of females, but then again i’m also a screamer, so yeah
their cries terrifies me honestly
I love how you can instantly tell it’s the same director as Taimanin Asagi, Prison Battleship and Imouto Paradise. Drunk camera, red screen and insane amounts of cum.
Do what you want ’cause a pirate is free;
You are a pirate!
Yo ho! Ahoy and avast;
Raping a princess is really bad-ass!
Strap a slut queen to the ship’s mast;
You are a pirate!
*to be continued
We got us some Meth!
To lead us to some hidden fucks;
Brothels chockful of hoes, and hidden far away;
We’lll found out the place, we know it’s full of tasty pussy!
Kick open the door, and then we say “Let’s rape!”
I think it was great. It made me cum plenty of times! Haha Ahegao is the best. I don’t get why you guys are even bitching. It’s good porn :’)
You are fucked in the head. Go seek help
You are a judgmental prick. Don’t watch something with a rape tag if u don’t like it. Or at least don’t act like a fucking Jehova’s witness asking us if we’ve heard your message that rape is bad. We aren’t fucking rapists IRL we understand that rape can only stay as a fantasy so stop trying to remove our fetishes, it won’t work.
Then enjoy your rape fetish sicko!
Always have, always will.
Once a freak, always a freak.
my thinking exactly. so many people bitch about rape and how they couldn’t cum because it was in the hentai, even though it’s in the fucking tag. i like this fantasy but i never want it to happen to anyone. but then again some of this fantasy is satisfied for me whenever my bf decides to start fucking me in my sleep until i wake up (i’m female btw)
You’re no better, you’re watching hentai for goodness sake.
Rape is honestly amazing in hentai. Why y’all bitching?
I don’t understand why people are giving out their opinion of this when no one literally gives a shit. I couldn’t watch this cuz i hate rape I honestly only came to see what the comments were. It’s gross to see that you people like rape.
but you literally just gave your opinion after saying no one cares about opinions???
The iromy is real
you know what the great thing about the internet and porn/hentai industry is? there are options. which means you can start ignoring these videos and stay out of the comments, telling everyone they need help, and go somewhere else to jack off and get your jollies. in short, fuck off dude, maybe literally
It was hot both of them got wat they deserved
People bitching in the comments
No effort in mouth to sound sync
Actor (loli was best) would act either better or worse than what the animation would like.
Didnt see any BBC
No Q’thulu from the sea take the boat and rape the wemon
If you’re going to attempt a story when the main premise is sex, dont make it conflict with eachother
I liked the cameraman and his ADHD style
Overall i’d give it a
Nig nog/10
Rushed scenes and awkwardly sloppy camera, you’re dropped into the battle, 5/10 it was ok at best
The animation was really off and you were thrown into the action
Way too fast.
Eh. that was pretty bad
Wtf? The hentai name is mashou no nie three but the name that appears down is tropical kiss
One peace