May 16, 2024

Hentai: Marriage Blue

Genres: , ,

1.44M 219



  • ranma 11 years ago

    triangle blue,this,i can ,i trust my gf another they make you mad there another one when the older brother rapes his gf and she works at a restaurant

  • JackP()T 11 years ago

    Why cant you morons read the genre before even streaming the video? Geez.. You DONT have to watch it if you even cared to glace at the genre.. Baka-mono!

  • boobs 11 years ago


  • KAKAAKA 11 years ago

    ill that rapist >:I

  • Rebel 11 years ago

    I dont whats the problem here

  • I liked it :D

  • So many lame commentators here 11 years ago

    Just as what my name says, you lot are idiots.. Why watch the stuff and complain? Why don’t you go back to your vanilla gay-type of hentai? In case you don’t know, you ignorant pieces of human meat, this is the cheating genre, it is close to what the japanese people call “Netorare”, which means getting something or someone you love snatched away from you.. What are you, 3 year old crybabies watching hentai hoping for a fairy tale happy ending?.. You suck big time..

    • Who needs names 11 years ago

      I personally hate this type of stuff, But I fully agree with you, I dislike it, so I don’t watch it; Simple!

      I would suggest the rest Of you stop bitching and let the Netorare lovers enjoy they’re stuff without having to look at your miserable hatred

    • Idiot.. 10 years ago

      “gay-type” Mutual, CONSENSUAL sex between a man and woman is anything but “gay”. It’s better than this crap that people are taking all wrong. It’s made for masochistic people, yet it’s the sadistic ones that love it because they sympathize with the unintended character like a bunch of half-wit retards.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    This shit just ruined my day

  • i hate this shit. it pisses me off so much i think, why not just kill yourself, rather than live knowing what has happened to you. when a guy has forced sex on a girl, i get the most pent up rage i’ve ever known. i’ll just have to go watch that fyuuko thing, it always makes me happy.

  • I would rather get bitten by a croc

  • Cheaters 11 years ago

    damn pissed of that man keeps raping her sad women

    • Idiot.. 10 years ago

      First time was rape…even then…she said nothing. She actually liked it…you see this by the end. If she didn’t, this wouldn’t have a story because she would have told her husband to be and reported it to the police.

  • anonymous 11 years ago

    Is here any death note or naruto

  • Unknown 11 years ago

    Listening to beiber music is like watching porn for a plot. So in my case i watched that for plot, here is my opinion: Not every single woman is a bitch, not every single man is good guy, she was charmed by her sex experiences, i dnt want to defend her but its not only that SHE is the BITCH. And now, what would u do if u were her husband huh ? (1. u love her so much that u can simply die for her 2. she was ur first love 3. u thought that she loves u as much as u loves her) and no killing yourself that douche and her is not the wrong way *at least in my opinion*

  • Craig Tucker 11 years ago

    well but that Proves All girls are Just BITch :) i hope i find soon a Death Note

  • Craig Tucker 11 years ago

    Fuuck I hate this kind of anime

  • ChoasDragon 11 years ago

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOO pissed right now

  • now that I saw it again it sucks even more

  • Awesome 11 years ago

    God what a whore, pissed off

  • Rambahrosvish 11 years ago

    i hope the guy beats the fuck out thoses tow whores

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