Subbed this within 2 hours of release, only on Hentaigasm!
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Subbed this within 2 hours of release, only on Hentaigasm!
Bookmark us for more new releases coming soon! [NOW HD]
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I just wish 16minute episodes weren’t the standard anymore. I know why they do it, they just split up 1 episode into multiple to maximize profits. It’s understandable but it’s still lame. I enjoy Majin labels work, and it seems like they’re the only brand still putting out loli content.
i hope no one buys works like this its not worth the money, majin label should go broke they are stoopid and dont have a passion for the works they make look at pinkpinapple, mary jane, Trex all making Stier adaptations while majin half baking everything they do
While this was crap, you spelt stupid wrong…
I know I did dat on purpose bro
Okay retard. Majin petit might be half-assing stuff from time to time but other than that they’re doing great adaptations, majin label’s main branch especially, i mean look at Goblin No Su Ana.
and if u think Goblin No Su Ana is good then that name u have for urself suits u well, majin is crap now before they was good but now they just terrible even fan animators do better job making fap
The rape tag killed my excitement
Then just don’t watch things with the dag? Nobody’s forcing you, beta cuck.
So Getchu had every single frame of fucking the the preview pics already. Nice.