June 23, 2013

Hentai: M Okui Last Order

Genres: , , ,

2.14M 289


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Listen, morons. Just like “white slavery” is still just slavery, and “reverse racism” is still racism, there is no such fucking thing as “reverse rape.” If someone, regardless of gender, is forced into sex, it’s rape. Just because a woman is doing it doesn’t “reverse” anything. It’s still someone forcing someone else into sex.

    • Why you so butt hurt about it? Just leave it be.

    • Incognitus 11 years ago

      Well said, Anon.

    • I've been changing Name 11 years ago

      “Reverse rape” would be like, if the one who gets Raped starts to force the Raper to rape the Raped more than enough… Then, the Raped becomes the Raper, and the Raper becomes the Raped… And then the first Raper gets tired of raping the first Raped, and the First Raped still forces the First Raper to rape the first Raped and… :| Reverse Rape is comlipacted… Let’s just forget about it.

    • doodlefucks 11 years ago

      For some reason I cant reply on someones post about how reverse rape is still rape but the way I see itit looked like the club people were going to make them have sex to pay off their check (rape) and then she reversed it by raping him first. Ohhh get sex-ed schooled mofo ;D

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      Rape is rape, reverse rape is just a more define definition of the type of rape. like your “white slavery” comment its just a more define definition, the revere part is just that because most rapes are man on woman, its still rape its just a way to say rape by a woman. and i at the end i thank it was consensual the only one getting raped was the girlfriend i very much dislike it when good girls get raped. and if your a guy i don’t think i would complain if you got raped by her you’d be happy. but watching my girl get raped that would not happen i would have stopped that guy at all no mater what i am OK if i get raped but not my girl getting raped. i rambled for too long.

  • it’sa reverse rape, i fucking tired watching a rape in anime. at least in real world rapist execute by state.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    lol reverse rape

  • They beat the shit out of that guy just to have sex
    my kind of girls :D

  • Chain 11 years ago

    whats the name for the ending song, as awesome as this hentai was, the ending song is better. Please tell me the name :D

  • This Guy 11 years ago

    Wow, a girl’s dominance can be really attractive!

  • Katakane 11 years ago


  • Black Sheep 11 years ago

    So it’s a bit like Baise Moi without the murder.

  • Krieg 11 years ago


  • howlongofanamecouldIhaveactuallyprettylonghuhneat 11 years ago

    I really hope this series continues with these two chicks traveling Japan and raping all the bad men that try to extort unsuspecting women.

  • Nice Guy 11 years ago

    I’m glad to see this cuz, being a nice guy, women have made me feel bad for laughing at rape jokes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to reevaluate my sense of humor, but rape genre hentai has been more of a turn off to me lately. But reverse rape turns me on so much. I’m discovering that I have a few masochistic interests, so this is so hot to me. I’d just like to see some reverse rape that isn’t against a douchebag who deserves it. I’d like to see a good guy get reverse raped. Also a reverse rape tag would be greatly appreciated because I almost didn’t watch this because I thought it was man to woman rape, not woman to man rape.

    • mrsgt 11 years ago

      good idea with the reverse rape tag. personally was like dafuq when watching this though

    • phuk yu mofos 11 years ago

      i’d reverse rape u u fukin piece of shit. chop yo dick off and stuff ur chopped dick in yor own ass, reverse raped by yor own dick lol how u like dat u piece of masochist pervert. get stuffed by ur own dick u piece of sick shit

    • This Guy 11 years ago

      I am in the same boat as you, man. A girl’s dominance can be a turn on, only if it is with the right set of men.

    • It’s still just called rape dumbass. The dude wasn’t trying to rape them at the start so you can’t say that they reversed the roles of who would be raping who.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      sound like your saying plz rape me girls. lol

  • dickvictim 11 years ago

    i think my dick was cut off watching this

  • supernis 11 years ago

    why cant hot chicks rape me too =(

    • You don’t know what rape is, do you?

      • Anonymous 11 years ago

        Well all you have to do is resist… Im sure it can happen… Wake up tied up n blindfolded you might say rape until you figure out its a hot chick

  • This is a sick…

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    no need to feel bad, they try to fuck them over yet ended getting fucked over instead. There fault.:P

  • Vitality 11 years ago

    I feel bad for the she didn’t deserve to be cum inside of man thats not cool

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    That shit was wierd reverse rape lol

  • Senbei 11 years ago

    I actually feel no sympathy for the victims(?) since they were pretty much rude in the beginning.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Where’s the ntr tag?

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