Erotic Wishes Come True! The Charm That Changes Reality Will Turn All The Girls In School Including The Class Bombshell The Homeroom Teachers Asshole Into Hos! The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
147.75K 7 129
This was difficult to sub, exclusively on Hentaigasm! Check back daily for more subbed motion anime! [lol]Erotic Wishes Come True! The Charm That Changes Reality Will Turn All The Girls In School Including The Class Bombshell The Homeroom Teachers Asshole Into Hos! The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
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I Cant Resist The Hypnotic Giant Cock! The Power To Instantly Dominate Women Has Turned Females In My Class Into Masturbators! The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
176.14K 2 134
4th motion anime subbed, exclusive to Hentaigasm! New hentai anime releases coming this week! [lol]I Cant Resist The Hypnotic Giant Cock! The Power To Instantly Dominate Women Has Turned Females In My Class Into Masturbators! The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lol]
Kansen Ball Buster The Animation 1 Subbed
2.40M 532 682
[lul]Kansen Ball Buster The Animation 1 Subbed[/lul]
where’s the footjob?
I feel bad for the girlfriend. And upset that Tamura or w/e was beta and a weak partner. The girfriend should get more screentime… Overall all the girls were mediocre… But I sincerely feel bad for the girlfriend lol
Anyone think of Pyscho Pass when they saw the girlfriend?
lol that guy is still going even after the threat is gone. What a boss.
Omfg!!!!!! I just came on my laptop :—****
If I was the boyfriend I would’ve kicked the guys ass after that happened
no he would be dead unless the GF forgave him then he would be nearly dead.
Da fuq I just watch
rape is rape especially, force rape killer funny lol : )
Feel bad for his girlfriend tho haha
I love it! Reverse rape is amazing!!!
why is called Reverse rape when a women does it lol is it not rape all the same
yes but reverse rape lets you know the woman is doing the rapeing so says Mr.smiles:)
I like reverse rape lots more than rape, reverse tape just doesn’t seem as bad….
what perverted guy would not like it?
Its because guys dont really get a bad effect out of it their actually getting pleasure and they cant get pregers unlike girls who can
Men can only get raped with there ass/mouth. If your not turned on you cant really do anything with it, and if you are turned on its not rape anymore imo. So i guess this is and isnt rape cause they used his mouth, but at least they left the ass alone.
false. you underestimate the body’s will to procreate. male rape is probably one of the most under-reported crimes there is because of this belief/stigma.”if you’re not into it, you wont get hard”…bullshit. by the very nature of a sexual species you’re body wants to take advantage of every opportunity it can get to pass along its gametes. look at all the literature there is for females on rape and the fact they got wet or even had an orgasm from rape. a lot of guilt and shame there, but it is a hardwired function of our bodies to respond to sexual stimuli. why should it be less so for males? answer: it isn’t. and of course there are the myriad of viagra drugs that can be used as male date-rape, but thats a pretty small population, and hey, he got to have sex. thats what every guys wants afterall, right? no need to cause a fuss. (sorry for goin off the dep end with this, i have a male friend who was 100% no doubt in my mind raped, and it irks me when people say dudes cant be raped) (unless there is another mail aspect involved, like you said oral/anal penetration, which is just not the case)
stupid new age logic. i fear for women the day that it is common to hear men accuse women of rape. men have just a little more control over theyer erections than some women would like to think. heres the problem, a guys not going to get turned on if the woman is unattractive enough and if she is attractive well theres just not going to be any mental scars, unless weapons are involved but you wont even be able to become erect if your in fear for your life and as any female fighter will tell you men are built stronger (iv been told testosterone is partly to blame for this). the easiest way that i could imagine a male being raped would be if he just reached puberty, because he’ll always have an erection (whether he likes it or not) and if the woman is much older and unattractive.
not true I hav a friend who lived w/a roommate and his RM sis. this girl would basicly never leave him alone I mean this would manifest into arguments and her bro would always side w? my friend until one day him an his roommate were drinkin n just hanging out an she arrives . and my friend at the time had just come out of a horrible breakup his marriage is put on a break they agree on and wanted nothing 2 do w/ RM sister an the girl was really attractive 2, so neway they argued n his roommate got fed up n left they argued 4 a while and after things calmed down he basicly asked 2 hand him a brew wut he didn’t kno was she drop some E and sleeping pills into it he passed out she screwed him passed out n all. heres the twist her brother comes back catches her but cant wake up my friend so he takes him2 the hospital cant remember a thing prior to him leaving. police an courts an all he gets back w/ the wife he was on break with but 9 months later roommates sister has a son n its his she wins in court and collects cs from him now…….I think that’s considered rape neone is capable of it its a question of will and to act upon while gauging separate circumstances tobe used to neones advantage
Don’t feed the trolls. There’s plenty of information about men being raped by women, even gangs of women. Believing men can’t be raped by a woman is as ignorant as believing women should wear burkas.
MAN!! we are watching hentai here, there’s no reason to fight over shit, just go and fap to something
Bull shit
If you’re turned on, it’s not rape anymore? How dumb and ignorant can you be?
wow this escalated really fast with people leaving long comments so says Mr.smiles:)
admin i think we need a chat board
Yup this site is pretty awesome. Watch Henti, get off, and then have a political debate after.
Love it like this when the girls rape not get raped
Fuckk yeeeahhh!!! This is what we needed fucking watched it twice
Is it new video??
서도 모우스 ㅅㅂ
Original… This is great
no need to use that language
i approve of this NTR. they tried to scam their customers they should pay for it with their body’s! nice touch on making the girlfriend fuck the boyfriends friend that should teach the bitch!
Holy fuck you have the most hentai logic. By hentai, I mean fucked up.
May I make a request for -immorality
That was……..different -_-
awesome video