October 9, 2014

Hentai: Love Colon

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1.67M 387

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  • Martin Luther King 9 years ago

    And I have a dream one day we will live together free of slander,
    in a perverted animation.

  • Bored Girlfriend 9 years ago

    This makes me a little jealous…I gave my boyfriend a blow job not too long ago and he didn’t cum that much x’D

    Although, cum tastes incredibly weird anyways

    • Damn, girl ;)
      I’d be bursting with cum if you gave me head

      • Bored Girlfriend 9 years ago

        Meh, it was my first time doing that anyways, maybe next time I’ll do better xD

        • Lol, ehhh guess so x]

        • I imagined that it tasted salty, right? o.o

          • Bored Girlfriend 9 years ago

            It was warm too. The one that was shot, I really just focused on how warm it was, but still salty. The pre was salty too, but not warm.

            • Lol, I just assumed it tasted good xD

              • Thanks for your personal experience. I’ll make sure to burst loads of cum when I get my chance. ;)

              • Bored Girlfriend 9 years ago

                No, not really X’D it doesn’t taste bad, but not that good. It’s sticky, so it stayed in my mouth and my throat for awhile until I drank water and ate some food. To be honest, my tummy was in pain a little after xC

          • nice fake conversation,do you have schizophrenia or a unique fetish :^P?

    • Anonymous 9 years ago

      If he cums alot see every day it will effect the amount of his load. Get him to not do anything for a day or two then he will have a bit built up. Also have him eat sweet fruits and no salty things for a beter taste. Pinapples are great for this. Talk to him about it. Part of being a good boyfriend is knowing how to please our girl sexualy.

      • Bored Girlfriend 9 years ago

        Haha he doesn’t really eat fruits! Luckily, pineapple is his favorite fruit. But thankies for the advice~maybe I’ll feed him more of that.

  • Morphling 9 years ago

    Bristle Back

  • snake 9 years ago

    Weird for some reason after watching this I’m going to play tennis with this girl I know I wonder what made me think that

  • Stuff 9 years ago

    The Internet is so slow……..



  • IBonePokemon4Fun 9 years ago

    The sex scenes were superb but I’m not a real fan of the game esque scenery, like hen they’re playing tennis and talking in the maid one and the the 3d moves like 2d

  • Mugen 9 years ago

    welp my girl broke up with me :(

  • krissi 9 years ago

    i like the story the 2nd guy is nice

  • alice 9 years ago

    Everyone is saying how cute and funny it is and I wanna see but the video won’t start q.q

    • Hentai Lover 9 years ago

      I tought i was the only one with the same problem.. :(

  • Fapster 9 years ago

    This is just too cute i can’t fap. q.q

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Not much of turn on, But hilarious. I laughed allot.

  • LoverFucker 9 years ago

    Holy shit, this one was amazing, jizzed all over the place! xD

  • Mysterious Molester 9 years ago

    I see sexy bodies! :^)

  • KingKong 9 years ago

    >.> the kawaii/moe is strong with this one…

  • Cyanporo 9 years ago

    This anime is full moe it’s too kawaii i can’t take it … QrQ

  • FHRITP 9 years ago

    everyone is so cute! ^^

  • Normal 9 years ago

    Is there actually anyone normal on this website that doesn’t talk about how much they wanna have sex with someone? Surely I can’t be the only mediocre individual who enjoys to watch and masturbate to anime pornography.

    • I am Anonymous 9 years ago

      1. Normality is highly overrated.
      2. There are plenty of people who do just that, but when the internet is running slow for no apparent reason and you’re only getting about 5 seconds of video at a time, you surely need something else to keep you occupied. That’s my experience with it tonight at least.

    • BAKA_KING410 9 years ago

      i just watch hentai because i hve a fetish for anime girls and i hte real ones

    • Other Normal 9 years ago

      Naw dude it’s just that normal people don’t comment on their pornography. They finish their business and close the tab in shame like everyone else.

    • anonymous 9 years ago

      nope your not the only one

    • vRedex 9 years ago

      I know right.. I just come here to watch the hentai but in the comments are desperate 13 year olds who want to have sex

    • buddy 9 years ago

      omg! i thought i was the only one! there are a lot of desperate teenagers here that want have sex with someone and i was like…wahhh?

    • Rikka 9 years ago


    • Your not the only one, I just come on this website to masturbate.

    • nah,they probably want to live out their sexual desires by writing perverted stuff with a anonym name lol

  • whatupg 9 years ago

    i hope the couple (?) is cute as the title of this video cuz im about to watch now

  • John Cena 9 years ago

    Well, I’m the first person who watching this.

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