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  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Where was my invatation to this fuck fest

  • mecka 11 years ago


  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    we need a 3rd episode, with a gory and happy masicare of the rapist, it would be hilariours to see them sadisicly killed after this.

    • unknown 10 years ago

      Yes that would be beautiful and happy and each group should have a horrible death

    • BadNate 8 years ago

      We need an episode in real life where pathetic losers like you are killed off, but we’ll just go with the ending now where your opinion doesn’t means less than jackshit, and no one that actually matters cares.

      • BadNate 8 years ago

        where you means less than jack shit* Sorry, seems I already caught some of your idiocy in my grammar.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I was waiting for one of good males to go beserk or some shit and like shove one of those guns up one of the rapists assholes and pull the trigger or like get a sharp object cut one of their dicks off and shove it down their throat since they like bjs so much. But alas will be broken beyond repair.

    • Same here.

    • Katia 10 years ago

      Nice idea 4 an episode 3 right there….. I’m depressed now too after watching this……..

      • unknown 10 years ago

        We need fan fiction episode 3 where the rapist groups all die horrible different deaths ^.^

  • Im Done 11 years ago

    im not watching rape anymore im still young i can change but im done just disgusting

    • ..perv 11 years ago

      hhmm.. your only saying that now but wait soon enoughthen you’;ll say…. gosh i miss watching porn

  • Obviosly we all wanna see our women get raped buy other men…. =- = Way to kill a boner, and i only skip through the whole thing.

  • Anonymous girl 11 years ago

    there is a hentai series on that. Its in the rape section.

    • unknown 10 years ago

      You know this is just try rape but fails then lies then rape then rape then trying to save then rape and even more rape then saving and guess what more rape on our favorite characters

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    just once i would like to see the guys kill the rapiest and save all the girls from there nightmare

    • unknown 10 years ago

      A few are like that but then there’s some horrible twist and it turns out the guy screw up

  • Hello 11 years ago

    Fucking dicks stop raping people or else ill beat you to a bloody pulp

  • random girl 11 years ago

    i was really wanting there to be a normal sex scene, not anymore rape .3.

    • unknown 10 years ago

      Sorry this is anime most of there’s is rape with a little normal sex

  • Random Awesome Guy 11 years ago


  • mrsgt 11 years ago

    i can never get behind rape hentai… no pun intended

  • So I watched it and i had no idea at first what i was watching and it made me mad. I wasn’t trying to get mad over a cartoon or hentai cartoon w/e lol. but i did. i hope those assholes die in the next one. im just saying. rape is disgusting in any form.

  • …why you guys raging over a toon? Don’t like, don’t watch. Duh.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      thats wat rape/ntr hentai does to u, u want to keep watching to see if a good ending comes out of it tho it hardly does i seen just a couple rape hentai that had a good ending to it and 0 ntr that had a good ending thats why i always skip to the end to see how it ends be4 i decide to watch this kind of hentai or read some of the comments

      • If they had a good end they wouldn’t be ntr. The whole point of ntr is someone’s lover falling in love with someone else instead solely because of sexual pleasure.

    • unknown 10 years ago

      They Arnt angry at the toon except maybe cause there’s o ep.3 there just angry at the rapists in the toon

  • this is horrible, I mean seriously flaccid THE WHOLE TIME, watched both episodes, EUPHORIA WAS BETTER at least they were into that shit, In this one its fucking rape the ENTIRE TIME, they even make the 2 guys watch as the girls they liked get raped! What i REALLY HATE was at the end they imply that the girls get raped day and night till they either DIE, or go fucking INSANE! WHY!

    • I have a word to say... 11 years ago

      Know how you feel brother… >:(

    • kool-aide 11 years ago

      Oh I remember posting this, I was in such a rage I forgot to put my name… gettin angray >:(

  • I have a word to say... 11 years ago

    These nasty animals are the one to deserve torture. If I were a rescue team I’d bring all of them back but torture these rapers. They liked anal so much from the poor girls? Let’s see how they like 15 feet of pure steel slowly pushed up their rectum! Or maybe slowly shoot .22 bullets all over their body every 30 minutes? No? How ’bout 15? 10? Or how about unannounced? Give them a surprise! I have some great torture ideas! Anyone care to join a brainstorm session?

    • I was thinking the Brazen bull, but then i saw the “Pear of Anguish” a device that would be inserted in the rectum or throat and would slowly be cranked open, wider and wider and wider

      • Askarus 11 years ago

        It’s unlikely, but if there could be anythi­ng worse than the Breast Ripper, it is surely the Pear of Anguish. This was a pear-shaped device, with the body of the pear made up of four metal “leaves” joined by a hinge at its top, and a key or crank on one end. The pear was inserted into the vagina, anus or throat, depending on the nature of the crime committed: The oral device was reserved for heretics, while the anal and vaginal pears were used on homosexuals and witches, respectively. Turning the key opened the leaves, causing massive internal damage [source: Medieval Times & Castles]. The device was rarely fatal, but other methods of torture would usually follow.
        I will join you >:)

    • unknown 10 years ago

      Or leave them there and they’ll turn gay or find other things

  • this is a message to girls, if you were getting raped, and the guy puts his dick in your mouth, would you bite it? seemed like a good idea to me, any thoughts?

    • Ok, I’m a guy, but if I was getting raped by a guy or girl, I wouldn’t want a bloody dick/boob/whatever in my mouth. Plus, the rapist will probably end up killing you if you bite anything off.

  • Random guy 11 years ago

    It reminds me of a book where a group of kids survive a plane crash on an island. No matter how hard they tried to keep everyone alive and in order they inedibly turned in to savages, hunting and killing themselves over supplies and seeing who should be leader. In summery, it should how man can be into madness and how things can turn to anarchy and chaos.

  • red dragon 11 years ago

    anyone saw papa love it was aerodynamic

  • They just sat there… I would have at least tried to whoop some ass

    • unknown 10 years ago

      Thy we scared of dying even though iTS better than watching the ones you love get raped

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