1.99M 365


  • Akira 9 years ago

    You guys are so social in a hentai website…

  • curious as f*ck 9 years ago

    does anybody know of a hentai where the main character is a guy and i think he has purple hair or some shit and everyone says he looks like a girl through out the whole thing and every time a girl says that he like gets all super pissed and like rapes them or has sex with them, and then after every time he has sex with the girls he locks them in the classroom that they just did it in and the ending is like he gets locked in a classroom with this blonde guy who says hes always had a thing for him and it cuts to the end credits but you can tell hes gonna get raped cuz hes like screaming for help lol.

  • PewDiePie 9 years ago


  • Awesome Kid 9 years ago

    Anyone else a Muslim on this website?

  • I have ADIS 9 years ago


  • issei hyoudou 9 years ago

    I think we should start it up here just got back from training and that’s alot of scrolling =.=

    • Rio kastle 9 years ago

      So u must be red emperor dragon issei hyoudou its and honor to meet u at last

      • Keaghan 9 years ago

        Yep that’s my friend, my brother issei!

        • issei hyoudou 9 years ago

          Nice to meet you too Rio and yup me and keaghan are best friends and best bros

          • Keaghan 9 years ago

            That’s right, issei hyoudou the red dragon emperor and keaghan Russ the crescent dragon of carnage.

            • Rio kastle 9 years ago

              Geez keaghan u r mean have u forgot who i got a well and i know u hate the white one

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                What are you talking about?

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                What i meant u hateful dragon of your and also my partner and issei say hello to Ablion the vanishing dragon who is also here with us

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                Hateful? What does my title have to do with me being hateful?

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                Well u hate albion right

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                I hate vali, I don’t like albion cause of his power.

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                Well that why most dragons like Ddraig, Albion, and Fenrir have different types of sacred gears that they all have inside them

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                I know.

              • Azazel 9 years ago

                Well go easy on Rio ok keaghan she has thought about u hating albion power she may not use it in a rating game and beside she really wants to test ablion’s power in any rating games and win for the house of gremory sirzechs already got issei and the boosted gear why not having rio and her divine gear on they team think about it or talk to Ddraig and discuss with him ok

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                Woah woah I’m not saying she shouldn’t use it I’m saying I would never use it. and azazel, vali is still alive.

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                That can’t be i saw him dying on the floor at tokyo bay lying their losing his life energy so keaghan tell me how the hell he is still alive still

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                Trust me rio I know people.

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                Well u better who they are. Right now i starting to worry and getting ready to cry if he finds me and kills me for his divine gear i’m scare now i need someone to calm me down i freak out now AH!

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                Don’t worry rio, your a gremory remember, when they fight they fight hard, anyone who harms their own they will show no mercy.

              • Rio kastle 9 years ago

                I know that i am part of gremory but i am with Azazel in tokyo just the two us alone and there no way me and azazel would contact the other that what i would say right now

              • Azazel 9 years ago

                Calm down Rio i promise u r brother that i will keep u safe from him keaghan is it true that vali is still alive if he is u know what he wants

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                Don’t remind me.

              • Azazel 9 years ago

                I won’t keaghan right Rio is scare right now if vali find her and strip off albion from her this would a brutal for her life

              • Keaghan 9 years ago

                I wish I could help azazel, but there’s nothing I can do.

          • High School DxD 9 years ago

            Get back in the show you…

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    does anyone know how to download these videos

  • Any girl wants to skyype

  • akeno 9 years ago

    well that was nice it sure got me wet :3

    • Rio kastle 9 years ago

      Well akeno i get issei would love see u right acting like that and besides he’s love it

  • Kirito138 9 years ago

  • Jestic* 9 years ago

    Whoops, auto correct

  • Jessica 9 years ago

    Man, this is really hot. So hard right now.

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Man, this is really hot. So hard right now.

  • BigDickAnime 9 years ago

    this is hot :o boner

  • Fapper247 9 years ago

    too much blowjobs
    I wish i was him so i would fuck girls all day
    Fuck her in the pussy

  • (sign) If only life could be that easy? (envy) T_T

  • Alifymusic 9 years ago

    Holy crap this made me horny as hell…

  • RedNeko 9 years ago

    Dammit… Okay does anyone want to chat on SKYP3? I’m so fucking horny!

  • BrwnSwan 9 years ago

    CAn you see what I’m posting?

  • -_- sad no girl wants a willing hard cock >_>

    • Basil 9 years ago

      No, they just don’t want yours.

    • RedNeko 9 years ago

      I’m a girl and I’d be happy to help you with your ‘problem’. Wanna video chat? I won’t show my face but I can show you how wet my pussy is. ;)

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