6.94M 995


  • Satan 10 years ago

    All of you sick little fucks, I mean I’m a satanist which is considered one of the worst things, and I find this wrong, who the fuck enjoys rape? Oh wait, only little virgins with no girlfriends enjoy ut cause this is about the closest they’ll get, if you have a gf, I doubt you would watch hentai, and if your gf and you have sex make your own fucking porn, I’m upset with the community…

    • Keaghan 10 years ago

      Dude calm down, yes I agree with you that rape is awful and I hate it, but don’t think because they’re virgins with no girlfriends, he’ll I’m a virgin, I never had a girlfriend in my life though I’m good at talking to women you dont see me watching rape videos. The reason I’m here because I saw your comment.

    • ahahaha 10 years ago

      Butthurt level: maximum. It’s called a fetish, dumbass. These aren’t real people, in case you didn’t notice. If I were to take your logic and apply it to other things then everyone who plays CoD shoots up schools and people who watch action movies plant bombs on planes for shits and giggles. Hope you realize how fucking stupid you sound.

      • Keaghan 10 years ago

        You just don’t understand the way he feels about things real or fake.

    • Barack Obama 10 years ago

      Fuck you.

    • thatguy 10 years ago

      I watch hentai with my girlfriend lol, the brutal shit too ^ _ ^

  • Mozzari 10 years ago

    NVM got it

  • random guy 10 years ago

    you know what. they wanted to be fucked , they begged for it ,no 1 except some dudes had on nonexsposing clothes. so i don’t even bad about them being fucked.

  • random guy 10 years ago


  • Zimmerman 10 years ago

    I’ll admit this one is weaker compared to the first. But first and foremost they gave up way too easily. Look at their outfits! It’s more of a bikini than armor! I’m willing to wager they’ve never fought a war before in their life! That’s how they easily lost!

    The morale of this story is if you’re going to be a warrior you need to learn a thing or two about….standing your ground….

    • Madara 10 years ago

      of course they gave up too easily…the main focus of this anime is sex..which means there is minimum attention to story…the story will take whatever course it must to make maximum number of them get banged..

  • Anonymous's Mom 10 years ago

    You sick little mother fucker, I seen you looking at that mans cock. So what if i did its not my fault you stopped pleasuring me so fuck you

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Hentai is wierd. But i like it!

    • silver 10 years ago

      hentai is from anime you idiot -_-

      • F4cT cH3ck1ng N3rD 6 years ago

        Ahcktually! Hentai is different from anime, you don’t get anime from hentai, but you can make a hentai out of an anime, but by doing so it is no longer the anime as it is someone else’s work as it goes away from the story the author created. The only real main connection the both have would be their animation styles. Your claim is equivalent to saying that tv shows are the same as porn videos.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Hentai’s wierd……… But i like it!

  • NerdGasam 10 years ago

    Wow This is so depressing and so retarted, this was just a sad hentai, I would rather watch fucking Dora the explorer.

  • hottie 10 years ago

    I wish I am princess Alicia

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    im 12 hahahaha

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    lol thank god i cumed before the last scene cause that would of killed my hard on

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    You know what I give up, I have waaaay better shit to do than try to fix sick fucks with no girlfriends, I mean fuck I’m going to homecoming so all of you can suck my dick, have fun being alone with your hand, aka your one and only girlfriend

    • BurnAllNiggers 10 years ago


    • Chris 10 years ago

      well how would you know unless your gay??

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      .-. Why you got to make assumptions bro?
      I got a girl, have sex, but we both still masturbate. Hell she watches hentai also.

      • Anonymous 10 years ago

        Wait if she watches hentai wouldn’t that make her one the sick fucks your supposedly trying to fix

    • Ohhuhh..
      Retard alert!

  • Sexlover 10 years ago

    I cummed before myself

  • I would have liked to see more of Prim’s sex scenes in this episode, It’s kinda hard to watch an old geezer rape a 19 year old.

  • MeCKa 10 years ago

    Damn if she dosent get pregnant after this

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Well shit that was depressing.
    I could barely jerk off…

  • takushi san 10 years ago

    its great ..i want pussy

  • Anonymus 10 years ago the castle siege is one joke XD Archers to wall and the attackers has been dead XD But the porn is very super :3

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Sad to say that 90% of people watching these r kids

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