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It’s also funny how you guys sit here and talk about dicks and jizz and masturbation to each other, haha let’s be honest who here is actually watching for the women? I’m guessing none cause you gotta see a massive monster dick to get turned on!! xD ahahahaha
It’s not really the fact that it contains big dicks that turn us on it’s the facial expressions and the extasy of the girls
@anon : it’s mrs King….Or maybe just travlo King :v
I’m not afraid of it xD nah bro you got it all wrong, first off these aren’t even people, they’re monsters with disgustingly large dicks which is unhealthy to have in a woman, second how the fuck is it extacy when they cry? That my friend is either fear, pain, or disgust, are you saying if someone shoved a massive cock in your ass you would feel extacy? *I would hope not* I mean shit dude, there is a world of nudity, but you choose the world of the biggest cocks, over used jizz and rape, if that’s your turn on, you sir could use a psychiatrist, and last, I prefer to get my energy out by either having sex with a real person, or excersising, exercise meaning getting up, being active, active as in not jerking it, and sweating, like a real man, not like you little boys, wanna be a man? Step up to the plate and do a sport, all of you are pathetic xD
I don’t think I really need to step up seeing as to how I’m going to states for cross country and in probably more fit than you so u should probably get on my level. I think I can what what I please, Watch what I please, and get turned on by stuff like this if I damn well please. Thank you for your concern though. ^-^
Sorry, spent a week at camp :P ya know lived my life, it was cool learning a dif style of fighting, and I realized something, all of you (Excluding Prince, Rhadamanthe, and Jdn.) Are all fags and Imm not wasting anymore time on you no life hacks, have a good life being alone homos ;)
‘unhealthy to have in a woman’ more like IMPOSSIBLE to have in a woman. nothing that big would ever fit in a vagina without smashing the girl’s pelvis to smithereens. believe it or not there is BONE around the vagina – they can only stretch so far
also in this vid the dicks actually seem to reach up passed the naval and into the rib area which is ridiculous
tl;dr this hentai is impossible on so many levels that the rape isn’t even the biggest problem with it (though i concede fully that rape, even in porn, is gross – you can get off on it, sure, but don’t try to defend it). talk about unrealistic expectations for vaginas, huh.
It seems everyone is against king except for a select group including myself. However I did not watch this I look at the genre and if it’s a genre I don’t like, I don’t watch. So i don’t really have a say about this video. But anyone who watches the rape genre are fucking disgusting and need psychological help.
I don’t think i would feel quite good but i can say that the girls were pretty turned on,it’s their expressions when they’re in extasy that turn me on coz i (myself) believe that sex is better when both sides feel good i always do my best to make the girl i’m fucking feel good and i bring them to orgasm most of the time thanks to hentai (i admit and they can confirm :v ),what turns me on is to see girls feel so good that they eventually pass by (doesn’t happen quite alot in real life but works some times when i push it too far but they really liked it since they ask me in most cases to do it again)
And sorry to ask that but are you a man or a women coz i understannd from this comment that you’re a dude but i thought it was a chick on another comment
I’m a guy, and I’m sorry I won’t be responding for a while, my friend’s dad just had a heart attack and he took it rough, I can guarantee these insensitive dicks will talk shit like death is a joke, but they won’t understand unless they meet me…
Is there anyway we could talk other than on a hentai page? You’re a cool guy that I can philosophise with, because I don’t want some person to walk in and see hentai and be “you hypocrite” haha
funny thing is its healthy to masterbate i mean im 15 im very active but at the end of the day i still wanna wack it and also be honest we all here to watch hentai so stfu and watch RANDOM GUY IS OUT
I hope he’ll do better i you want i play games like pockie ninja and grand voyage or on FB : Rhadamanthe du wyvern i talk french and english,also i’m only 16
You say this is for 8 year olds and people who have not slept with a girl. Yet your so dumb your watching this stuff your self. If not why are you here? Your a HYPOCRITE. Why are you telling people about this if you do it your self?
how about ‘anyone who would rape someone/HAS raped someone is fucking disgusting’
porn is porn, reality is another thing – who’s disgusting, the person who enjoys gore, murder and horror films, or the genuine serial killer? quit shaming people who (hopefully) would never actually rape someone for watching a fictional elf woman getting boned by an ogre
because having a rape fetish automatically means you’re a rapist. its called a fetish for a reason, and its why porn was made. Don’t like it? then do escort yourself off the internet.
Lmao. What kind of pathetic fuck comes to a hentai site to crusade. Fuck off. No one goves a shit. Go join a socialist forum you retard. This isn’t the place. You’re lost you tard. Go back and take a left at dumbass street.
What fuck goes to a hentai website in the first place, oh yea the one stuck on forever alone island haha bro you think I care about what you say, go ahead and bitch, just cause you got an ogre’s dick in your ass doesn’t mean you gotta get all butt hurt, you’re so tough haha why not pick a name other than anonymous you joke, you only watch hentai because your dad use to beat the shit out of you and your second dad because you watched shit like this while he fucked you ahahaha and nah I don’t go to forums, they don’t bitch and whine like you little nerds do, oh please don’t cast any light based magic on me xD fucking punks!!
“I’m here to piss you lil kids off”. The first step to solving your problem is to stop being in denial. Ackowledge that you have no life and stop trying to convince yourself that you’re cool you loser lol.
The fact that any of you other kids even give this ironic cunt king the courtesy of a response is beyond me, literally every statement he made is a direct contradiction insulting his own psyche in his very own process. He’s what you call a dreaming pre-pubescent nerd trying to overcompensate, not an individual you want to be having a conversation with until he’s already grown old and alone and his IQ grows out of the 2 digit range.
Ahahaha oh ok, so you think saying big words will make you seem like you’re correct, how is it a comtradiction? Everything I say is about the same topic, and nah bro, I’m 23, pre-pubescent is a lil far from me, and I don’t think I’m cool xD let’s be honest, bragging to people who don’t know me, who I don’t give a shit about, really, why would I wanna be cool to a bunch of loners sitting in a man cave whacking it to a fantasy, step into reality, you won’t ever find a gorl like that, your dicks won’t reach half the size of any of these monsters, and you won’t get laid, unless your male cousins become interested in you.
He didn’t say “comtradiction”, he said contradiction, Dumbass. and who would ever want to find a “gorl”? that sounds nightmarish. now a Girl, is something i can get down with. Much like how your mom gets down with me. apparently i’m more of a man than your dad. and you’re not even half the man he is.
Lmfao King you’re fucking hilarious and a very obvious troll, it’s kind of sad not a single individual here has noticed this and called you out on it rofl, stay classy King
Anon you only saying that cause it’s on the internet and btw the psychology for rape based fantasies that are about humiliating another be it fiction or reality is based on an individual trying to empower him or herself because in real life you have low self esteem and this is your out let…you sound like a bit of a loser to me LOL XD
Ha I agree with King!! You guys won’t ever get laid looking at this shit ;p My bf beat up some little bitch watching shit like this, Good luck pussies !! ;p
You know what fuck you I have a girlfriend and she likes this just like I do and she’s strait so I will get laid and I did find a girl that likes this shit stupid ass King
I’m so sorry, King’s best friend, King is having a good time watching hentai shows too but she doesn’t break her promise to spread your bad news of suicide after raped and that she hates hentai as much as you do, upon your wish.
Just tell me this, how can you enjoy this? How can you enjoy seeing a girl, fake or not get raped, you clearly don’t know anyone that has been raped, my best friend was raped and she killed herself because he got her pregnant, and no, one does not have to watch everything to know how bad it gets, the very beginning was repulsive, I watched the first 5 min, and all I could think of was my friend, why waste time jerking off when you can find a gf, and I guarantee most idiots on here will say, oh my gf is cool with it or oh she watches it with me, I’ve asked so many girls who love anime if they would do that, even the creepy chicks say no, so I doubt any of you have that, we are human beings, not bufoons, why not try and make this less sickening, for one by removing giant 10 ft dicks, how can you watch anything like that and say you’re straight? I’m not saying you should all change who you are, but have some dignity and watch a happy love hentai instead of tentacle monsters or ogres or any other freaky shit along those lines…
Its like you’re asking people how can they enjoy horror movies when people get killed in the movie it’s not real no one in their right mind will think this is real and will tell you that rape is a good thing.
Well I think horror is wrong too to be honest, you don’t know how many times my family has gone and dressed up like a killer, and true it isn’t real, but if you watch this and get a lust for it, eventually you won’t even know if you think it’s wrong or not.
reeeaaaallllyyy? the whole “you’ll eventually find real rape ok if you watch hentai long enough” excuse? thats week. i’ve been watching this shit since i was 13. well, more of reading since i had dial-up for awhile. anyway, point is, i’m 20 and i’d certainly hurt someone if they tried to rape someone. normal, mentally healthy people can tell a difference between hentai (where dicks can penetrate the fucking brain and they’d still live) and real life rape against REAL people.
Ok do you even know what hentai is? It’s japanese for pervert, I’ve been studying the language for a while and I know full well hentai does not mean go and rape teenage girls with tentacles -_-
Ha yea, cause king is totally what women are called, you just can’t think of anything new to say, so get of your dad’s dick and come back to me when your material is actually…I don’t know… Good?
I have no feeling? Wow and I thought people COULDN’T read my personality theough a screen, no I know what’s right and wrong, looking at how you can enjoy something like this, it’s clear that it’s wrong, you wouldn’t understand because your skull is as hard you your small dick, which must be pretty sad to hear because a pesomistic person like you wouldn’t understand the world, you are a person who feels strong behind a screen, to you life is like sword art online, you think you’re big in bad til you get squashed like the little bug you are, you don’t realize that there will always be someone stronger than you and aomeone weaker, I get out and play soccer and football and I surf, so go ahead and assume what you think of me, but assuming makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.
People like what people like man, who are you to tell them what to do. This is the internet nobody cares about a tragic story of suffering, nor do they care for your opinion. If you don’t like rape why watch any of it and bother to comment?
It’s called hope, unlike you I believe in a better world, where a kid doesn’t fear a monster in a closet, where a teen can go to school without fear of rejection, where an adult can have a job and support their family, cool you think no one cares, but you’re not everyone, don’t speak for others when you have one mouth, and if you didn’t care, why bother posting anything about it? You contradict yourself and don’t realize it, call me what you will, I’m just gonna try to get the open minds to see what a world we can have if we learn to listen.
Its fake, Thats all that needs to matter, if this gets on your nerves even slightly, Then thats too god damn bad, Hit the Red box in the upper right hand of your screen. or turn off your phone, or your xbox. Whatever device it is, turn it off. the internet does what it wants and people like you won’t be able to stop it. so why even bother commenting?
Go back to your world. If you hate it, why come here? YOU DON’T NEED TO BE ALL BIG MOUTHED ABOUT IT AND BRAG ALL ABOUT HOW YOU DON’T LIKE IT. Scram. I’m sick of seeing your comments, one is enough.
No, clearly you’re in an illusion, if you can’t think of a better world you’re the one who’s list, and fix your grammar dude, you type like you just dropped out of middle school, and cool, no one cares what I think, it’s still funny as all hell when a bunch of nerds get butt hurt over some comments, “Oh I’m here to watch porn, not see the comments.” Well what the fuck are you doing reading them xD it’s so retarded when you all think your words matter to me, go ahead and watch hentai, tell me how it feels being the 40 year old virgins of the world, no wait, you lost it to your hand xD!!!
Some people have monster fetish i don’t really like rape (i prefer loli or romantic stories in hentai) but this turns me on,i won’t deny it’s pretty weird but i do like it,i know it’s not real and i think it would be horrible if it was (the monsters not the elves even thoght succubes and vampires would be good :v ),to be honest i like hentai coz i love animes,porn doesn’t turn me on,only hentai and real life sex turns me on,like you said rape and murders are big problem in this world but this is only fiction + it’s drawn here so i don’t see where’s the problem
PS : I feel sorry for your friend coz one of mine was also raped but we could (me and a girl who told me she heared someone screaming) save her before she loses her viginity but she was traumatised so i feel your pain
Look at that, I respect that right there, you confess, and that makes me happy, and dude if it happened to your friend, I apologize, but if your friend was raped, you shouldn’t waych this, if she found out, that would hurt her, you’re a guy I could chill with, realx and have a beer, because you know how bad pain is, these kids think that it’s no big deal because they like it, but rape, fake or not, can change someone. Like for real, I understand if you wanna learn what sex is, this can be a lesson, without the monsters, if you get turned on by hentai, focus on happy shit, I mean really, if your parents knew, what would they say? If they’re gone I apologize but my dad always told me, “Do what’s right, if it’s wrong, fix it” We a re people, we can change the world, it’s people like these who sit on their ass thinking nothing will change, I get out and play sports, when walking with my gf, I pick up litter, I respect my lamd, and I respect my friends and family, but kids who refuse to care, they’re off my list.
Actually she used to watch hentai with me (romantic and loli only-pretty open minded isn’t she) and she knows about it even before she got raped and doesn’t mind since she knew it’s fictional (i know she’s a really good hearted person) and that in real life i hate it.I usually prefer loli,maid and romantic hentai (even incest if it’s good) but sometimes i need to change a little so i put this kind coz it doesn’t really bother me,the only kind that pisses me off is Netorare and THIS can change people believe me.
BTW : i respect your point and you’re right….In most of what you said and nice to meet you (a bit late i know :p )
As for my friend we can’t call it rape since she we beated the shit out of him before he can shove it in and my friend (GF now) actually laughed really hard at how he kept screaming when we tied him naked to the door and left him there :v (i know i’m horrible) and it ended happlly since she became my GF after that…or rather after what hepened after that : She wanted to thank me,she was horny coz he molested her for 10mns,i was horny coz saw her naked,she was used to watch hentai with me and to see my ==D and since you’re hear i can safely saw you guys watched enough hentai to knwo what happened next ;)
That’s good man, I’ve only beat up one rapist and that was my uncle when he tried to touch my cousins area and I only boticed because she kept squirming, just ran up and kicked his chest then punched him, I told her if anyone does anything like that to her I’d rip their throats out and play jump rope with it xD and same to you, you’re an open minded person
‘how can you watch anything like that and say you’re straight’ some of us are girls yknow
yeah theres a LOT of rape in hentai (japan is really fucked up about this kind of thing in my experience) but no one is getting hurt, no one is really getting raped, it’s just cartoon porn
like you, i know people who’ve been raped, i’ve been assaulted and harrassed myself, but this is NOT real, and there’s no shame in getting off on it
i cant believe i wasted time replying to you when i could have masturbated and gone to bed by now, thanks and goodnight man
Well you can still jerk to rape, just think of other elements. For example, it is stated that she was commander of evil,as she is a high dark elf. And the big guy is the leader who wants to take down the evil. In the end he took him/her down . Think of it like that! Personally I always click away on shit like this but If i can find anything that suits good/decent morals ill stay.
@Lo missess King is just a troller. nothing to even waste a breath over. she is as sick as the us otherwise she wouldnt even be here. dnt worry about hypocrites like that.11 years ago
So in order to say that were sick for watching this video,you had to watch this video? plus the girls look like they enjoyed and 3rd its a cartoon bra relax and ease up on the caps.
Well, what have we got here? Oh, yeah… A dumbass who doesn’t know when they’re watching real life or cartoons. It has a ‘rape’ tag on it, you idiot. If you don’t like that, fuck off and watch vanilla.
To be honest this doesn’t turn me on but not everyone who watches hentai is a loser some people like me find it funny not this one I don’t think rape is cool I mean come if that was your mum but I can’t generalise everyone who watches hentai.
first off its a made up anime second of all didnt you watch it
they enjoyed it at the end third of all calm down there is notjing to worry about no real girls were harmed in the making of this anime
Volt is like the hottest fucking thing and I’m jealous of anyone who gets to ride that dick
also that blonde elf is so fucking hot and should be in every hentai ever
this anime is hardcore but pure masturbation. love the elf girls, they re gorgeous. pitty we wont see episode 3. it had an interesting “story” (well no kidding i was curious about that too). many anime like this are with potential, lacking budgets or bad reception messes up everything though…
Yes I’m the fag because I have a gf, I’m active, oh yeah, definitely stright but ya know I’m totally a fag xD you are dumb as fuck kid haha!!
Extreme Fantasy is not new for Animes but this makes Animes very good
It’s also funny how you guys sit here and talk about dicks and jizz and masturbation to each other, haha let’s be honest who here is actually watching for the women? I’m guessing none cause you gotta see a massive monster dick to get turned on!! xD ahahahaha
thats not healthy to be afraid of male nudity mr. king, lets go discuss about that in the sauna.
It’s not really the fact that it contains big dicks that turn us on it’s the facial expressions and the extasy of the girls
@anon : it’s mrs King….Or maybe just travlo King :v
I’m not afraid of it xD nah bro you got it all wrong, first off these aren’t even people, they’re monsters with disgustingly large dicks which is unhealthy to have in a woman, second how the fuck is it extacy when they cry? That my friend is either fear, pain, or disgust, are you saying if someone shoved a massive cock in your ass you would feel extacy? *I would hope not* I mean shit dude, there is a world of nudity, but you choose the world of the biggest cocks, over used jizz and rape, if that’s your turn on, you sir could use a psychiatrist, and last, I prefer to get my energy out by either having sex with a real person, or excersising, exercise meaning getting up, being active, active as in not jerking it, and sweating, like a real man, not like you little boys, wanna be a man? Step up to the plate and do a sport, all of you are pathetic xD
I don’t get why you say disgustingly large I thought that was normaly size! I think I might want to get this looked at by a doctor…
I don’t think I really need to step up seeing as to how I’m going to states for cross country and in probably more fit than you so u should probably get on my level. I think I can what what I please, Watch what I please, and get turned on by stuff like this if I damn well please. Thank you for your concern though. ^-^
Sorry, spent a week at camp :P ya know lived my life, it was cool learning a dif style of fighting, and I realized something, all of you (Excluding Prince, Rhadamanthe, and Jdn.) Are all fags and Imm not wasting anymore time on you no life hacks, have a good life being alone homos ;)
‘unhealthy to have in a woman’ more like IMPOSSIBLE to have in a woman. nothing that big would ever fit in a vagina without smashing the girl’s pelvis to smithereens. believe it or not there is BONE around the vagina – they can only stretch so far
also in this vid the dicks actually seem to reach up passed the naval and into the rib area which is ridiculous
tl;dr this hentai is impossible on so many levels that the rape isn’t even the biggest problem with it (though i concede fully that rape, even in porn, is gross – you can get off on it, sure, but don’t try to defend it). talk about unrealistic expectations for vaginas, huh.
Then why are you on this website fucking idiot
It seems everyone is against king except for a select group including myself. However I did not watch this I look at the genre and if it’s a genre I don’t like, I don’t watch. So i don’t really have a say about this video. But anyone who watches the rape genre are fucking disgusting and need psychological help.
Anime has not reality.Rapehentai or a other is greatof his own
I don’t think i would feel quite good but i can say that the girls were pretty turned on,it’s their expressions when they’re in extasy that turn me on coz i (myself) believe that sex is better when both sides feel good i always do my best to make the girl i’m fucking feel good and i bring them to orgasm most of the time thanks to hentai (i admit and they can confirm :v ),what turns me on is to see girls feel so good that they eventually pass by (doesn’t happen quite alot in real life but works some times when i push it too far but they really liked it since they ask me in most cases to do it again)
And sorry to ask that but are you a man or a women coz i understannd from this comment that you’re a dude but i thought it was a chick on another comment
I’m a guy, and I’m sorry I won’t be responding for a while, my friend’s dad just had a heart attack and he took it rough, I can guarantee these insensitive dicks will talk shit like death is a joke, but they won’t understand unless they meet me…
Is there anyway we could talk other than on a hentai page? You’re a cool guy that I can philosophise with, because I don’t want some person to walk in and see hentai and be “you hypocrite” haha
funny thing is its healthy to masterbate i mean im 15 im very active but at the end of the day i still wanna wack it and also be honest we all here to watch hentai so stfu and watch RANDOM GUY IS OUT
Who are you talking about
I hope he’ll do better i you want i play games like pockie ninja and grand voyage or on FB : Rhadamanthe du wyvern i talk french and english,also i’m only 16
You say this is for 8 year olds and people who have not slept with a girl. Yet your so dumb your watching this stuff your self. If not why are you here? Your a HYPOCRITE. Why are you telling people about this if you do it your self?
how about ‘anyone who would rape someone/HAS raped someone is fucking disgusting’
porn is porn, reality is another thing – who’s disgusting, the person who enjoys gore, murder and horror films, or the genuine serial killer? quit shaming people who (hopefully) would never actually rape someone for watching a fictional elf woman getting boned by an ogre
Arigato Senpai
because having a rape fetish automatically means you’re a rapist. its called a fetish for a reason, and its why porn was made. Don’t like it? then do escort yourself off the internet.
suzan is likely drunk and venting her frustration when he caught her bf fapping at this or similar, pretty cute.
Lmao. What kind of pathetic fuck comes to a hentai site to crusade. Fuck off. No one goves a shit. Go join a socialist forum you retard. This isn’t the place. You’re lost you tard. Go back and take a left at dumbass street.
What fuck goes to a hentai website in the first place, oh yea the one stuck on forever alone island haha bro you think I care about what you say, go ahead and bitch, just cause you got an ogre’s dick in your ass doesn’t mean you gotta get all butt hurt, you’re so tough haha why not pick a name other than anonymous you joke, you only watch hentai because your dad use to beat the shit out of you and your second dad because you watched shit like this while he fucked you ahahaha and nah I don’t go to forums, they don’t bitch and whine like you little nerds do, oh please don’t cast any light based magic on me xD fucking punks!!
>ignoring the fact that you yourself are on a hentai website
have fun on ‘forever alone island’ here with the rest of us, you meme loving hypocrite
I’m here to piss you lil kids off ha you’re stuck here while I get on with my life
Just because people watch hentai doesnt make them “forever alone” as you put it… it just means they get turned on by fantasy… stuff that isnt real
“I’m here to piss you lil kids off”. The first step to solving your problem is to stop being in denial. Ackowledge that you have no life and stop trying to convince yourself that you’re cool you loser lol.
The fact that any of you other kids even give this ironic cunt king the courtesy of a response is beyond me, literally every statement he made is a direct contradiction insulting his own psyche in his very own process. He’s what you call a dreaming pre-pubescent nerd trying to overcompensate, not an individual you want to be having a conversation with until he’s already grown old and alone and his IQ grows out of the 2 digit range.
Ahahaha oh ok, so you think saying big words will make you seem like you’re correct, how is it a comtradiction? Everything I say is about the same topic, and nah bro, I’m 23, pre-pubescent is a lil far from me, and I don’t think I’m cool xD let’s be honest, bragging to people who don’t know me, who I don’t give a shit about, really, why would I wanna be cool to a bunch of loners sitting in a man cave whacking it to a fantasy, step into reality, you won’t ever find a gorl like that, your dicks won’t reach half the size of any of these monsters, and you won’t get laid, unless your male cousins become interested in you.
He didn’t say “comtradiction”, he said contradiction, Dumbass. and who would ever want to find a “gorl”? that sounds nightmarish. now a Girl, is something i can get down with. Much like how your mom gets down with me. apparently i’m more of a man than your dad. and you’re not even half the man he is.
Lmfao King you’re fucking hilarious and a very obvious troll, it’s kind of sad not a single individual here has noticed this and called you out on it rofl, stay classy King
Anon you only saying that cause it’s on the internet and btw the psychology for rape based fantasies that are about humiliating another be it fiction or reality is based on an individual trying to empower him or herself because in real life you have low self esteem and this is your out let…you sound like a bit of a loser to me LOL XD
Says the guy whose also on the page. Lol. Credibilty = Zero. Try again. Failure.
i’m not agreeing with king but do you even know what ‘socialist’ means lmao
Ha I agree with King!! You guys won’t ever get laid looking at this shit ;p My bf beat up some little bitch watching shit like this, Good luck pussies !! ;p
your boyfriend sounds like a real nice guy, punching nerds. what a keeper.
you’re boyfriend must be SUCH A man. beating up people weaker than him. his self-esteem must be very low if he has to resort to such things.
You know what fuck you I have a girlfriend and she likes this just like I do and she’s strait so I will get laid and I did find a girl that likes this shit stupid ass King
I’m so sorry, King’s best friend, King is having a good time watching hentai shows too but she doesn’t break her promise to spread your bad news of suicide after raped and that she hates hentai as much as you do, upon your wish.
Can anybody translate this? Like seriously, My 5 year old nephew has better grammar than you xD
Guys what on Animes loving you
By Animehentai is all possible
Just tell me this, how can you enjoy this? How can you enjoy seeing a girl, fake or not get raped, you clearly don’t know anyone that has been raped, my best friend was raped and she killed herself because he got her pregnant, and no, one does not have to watch everything to know how bad it gets, the very beginning was repulsive, I watched the first 5 min, and all I could think of was my friend, why waste time jerking off when you can find a gf, and I guarantee most idiots on here will say, oh my gf is cool with it or oh she watches it with me, I’ve asked so many girls who love anime if they would do that, even the creepy chicks say no, so I doubt any of you have that, we are human beings, not bufoons, why not try and make this less sickening, for one by removing giant 10 ft dicks, how can you watch anything like that and say you’re straight? I’m not saying you should all change who you are, but have some dignity and watch a happy love hentai instead of tentacle monsters or ogres or any other freaky shit along those lines…
I agree with king
Its like you’re asking people how can they enjoy horror movies when people get killed in the movie it’s not real no one in their right mind will think this is real and will tell you that rape is a good thing.
Horrormovies are very good.is brutal and bloody.all i love it
Well I think horror is wrong too to be honest, you don’t know how many times my family has gone and dressed up like a killer, and true it isn’t real, but if you watch this and get a lust for it, eventually you won’t even know if you think it’s wrong or not.
reeeaaaallllyyy? the whole “you’ll eventually find real rape ok if you watch hentai long enough” excuse? thats week. i’ve been watching this shit since i was 13. well, more of reading since i had dial-up for awhile. anyway, point is, i’m 20 and i’d certainly hurt someone if they tried to rape someone. normal, mentally healthy people can tell a difference between hentai (where dicks can penetrate the fucking brain and they’d still live) and real life rape against REAL people.
Do you know what hentai is? Just go solve world hunger while people do what they came here to do.
Ok do you even know what hentai is? It’s japanese for pervert, I’ve been studying the language for a while and I know full well hentai does not mean go and rape teenage girls with tentacles -_-
Ha yea, cause king is totally what women are called, you just can’t think of anything new to say, so get of your dad’s dick and come back to me when your material is actually…I don’t know… Good?
King you have no feeling for this what good is or not
I have no feeling? Wow and I thought people COULDN’T read my personality theough a screen, no I know what’s right and wrong, looking at how you can enjoy something like this, it’s clear that it’s wrong, you wouldn’t understand because your skull is as hard you your small dick, which must be pretty sad to hear because a pesomistic person like you wouldn’t understand the world, you are a person who feels strong behind a screen, to you life is like sword art online, you think you’re big in bad til you get squashed like the little bug you are, you don’t realize that there will always be someone stronger than you and aomeone weaker, I get out and play soccer and football and I surf, so go ahead and assume what you think of me, but assuming makes an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.
King what love you on Animes and I live in the real World more than you I know all the Chaos in the World then you Humans are weaklings
You’re a human too retard xD !!
I came here to watch hentai, but i didint come here to see what you had to say. ps. some people man and women have a fetish for rape.
People like what people like man, who are you to tell them what to do. This is the internet nobody cares about a tragic story of suffering, nor do they care for your opinion. If you don’t like rape why watch any of it and bother to comment?
It’s called hope, unlike you I believe in a better world, where a kid doesn’t fear a monster in a closet, where a teen can go to school without fear of rejection, where an adult can have a job and support their family, cool you think no one cares, but you’re not everyone, don’t speak for others when you have one mouth, and if you didn’t care, why bother posting anything about it? You contradict yourself and don’t realize it, call me what you will, I’m just gonna try to get the open minds to see what a world we can have if we learn to listen.
King as exist no better World this is an Illusion.Who fight survive
my god you people turn hentai into a debate just watch it if you like it and if you hate it don’t watch it so says Mr.smiles:)
Its fake, Thats all that needs to matter, if this gets on your nerves even slightly, Then thats too god damn bad, Hit the Red box in the upper right hand of your screen. or turn off your phone, or your xbox. Whatever device it is, turn it off. the internet does what it wants and people like you won’t be able to stop it. so why even bother commenting?
Then don’t read what he has to say dumbass lol
Go back to your world. If you hate it, why come here? YOU DON’T NEED TO BE ALL BIG MOUTHED ABOUT IT AND BRAG ALL ABOUT HOW YOU DON’T LIKE IT. Scram. I’m sick of seeing your comments, one is enough.
No, clearly you’re in an illusion, if you can’t think of a better world you’re the one who’s list, and fix your grammar dude, you type like you just dropped out of middle school, and cool, no one cares what I think, it’s still funny as all hell when a bunch of nerds get butt hurt over some comments, “Oh I’m here to watch porn, not see the comments.” Well what the fuck are you doing reading them xD it’s so retarded when you all think your words matter to me, go ahead and watch hentai, tell me how it feels being the 40 year old virgins of the world, no wait, you lost it to your hand xD!!!
Some people have monster fetish i don’t really like rape (i prefer loli or romantic stories in hentai) but this turns me on,i won’t deny it’s pretty weird but i do like it,i know it’s not real and i think it would be horrible if it was (the monsters not the elves even thoght succubes and vampires would be good :v ),to be honest i like hentai coz i love animes,porn doesn’t turn me on,only hentai and real life sex turns me on,like you said rape and murders are big problem in this world but this is only fiction + it’s drawn here so i don’t see where’s the problem
PS : I feel sorry for your friend coz one of mine was also raped but we could (me and a girl who told me she heared someone screaming) save her before she loses her viginity but she was traumatised so i feel your pain
Look at that, I respect that right there, you confess, and that makes me happy, and dude if it happened to your friend, I apologize, but if your friend was raped, you shouldn’t waych this, if she found out, that would hurt her, you’re a guy I could chill with, realx and have a beer, because you know how bad pain is, these kids think that it’s no big deal because they like it, but rape, fake or not, can change someone. Like for real, I understand if you wanna learn what sex is, this can be a lesson, without the monsters, if you get turned on by hentai, focus on happy shit, I mean really, if your parents knew, what would they say? If they’re gone I apologize but my dad always told me, “Do what’s right, if it’s wrong, fix it” We a re people, we can change the world, it’s people like these who sit on their ass thinking nothing will change, I get out and play sports, when walking with my gf, I pick up litter, I respect my lamd, and I respect my friends and family, but kids who refuse to care, they’re off my list.
Actually she used to watch hentai with me (romantic and loli only-pretty open minded isn’t she) and she knows about it even before she got raped and doesn’t mind since she knew it’s fictional (i know she’s a really good hearted person) and that in real life i hate it.I usually prefer loli,maid and romantic hentai (even incest if it’s good) but sometimes i need to change a little so i put this kind coz it doesn’t really bother me,the only kind that pisses me off is Netorare and THIS can change people believe me.
BTW : i respect your point and you’re right….In most of what you said and nice to meet you (a bit late i know :p )
As for my friend we can’t call it rape since she we beated the shit out of him before he can shove it in and my friend (GF now) actually laughed really hard at how he kept screaming when we tied him naked to the door and left him there :v (i know i’m horrible) and it ended happlly since she became my GF after that…or rather after what hepened after that : She wanted to thank me,she was horny coz he molested her for 10mns,i was horny coz saw her naked,she was used to watch hentai with me and to see my ==D and since you’re hear i can safely saw you guys watched enough hentai to knwo what happened next ;)
That’s good man, I’ve only beat up one rapist and that was my uncle when he tried to touch my cousins area and I only boticed because she kept squirming, just ran up and kicked his chest then punched him, I told her if anyone does anything like that to her I’d rip their throats out and play jump rope with it xD and same to you, you’re an open minded person
you speak from experience don’t you? no, wait. i guarantee you speak from experience.
I really must ask. If you don’t like it, why are you here?
‘how can you watch anything like that and say you’re straight’ some of us are girls yknow
yeah theres a LOT of rape in hentai (japan is really fucked up about this kind of thing in my experience) but no one is getting hurt, no one is really getting raped, it’s just cartoon porn
like you, i know people who’ve been raped, i’ve been assaulted and harrassed myself, but this is NOT real, and there’s no shame in getting off on it
i cant believe i wasted time replying to you when i could have masturbated and gone to bed by now, thanks and goodnight man
where do you think you are?
cool story bro tell it again. Oh and nobody cares. dont like the hentai then gtfo.
Well you can still jerk to rape, just think of other elements. For example, it is stated that she was commander of evil,as she is a high dark elf. And the big guy is the leader who wants to take down the evil. In the end he took him/her down . Think of it like that! Personally I always click away on shit like this but If i can find anything that suits good/decent morals ill stay.
Nuff said.
@King Please shut the fuck up and calm down.
Glad to know the world is still full of people who see a video, watch it, then rant about how bad WE are for watching it lol, i love the world :D
So in order to say that were sick for watching this video,you had to watch this video? plus the girls look like they enjoyed and 3rd its a cartoon bra relax and ease up on the caps.
yes the first episode is a pseudo-rape hentai. The Hentai Saga “Urotsukidoji” is a real rape hentai.^^
Well, what have we got here? Oh, yeah… A dumbass who doesn’t know when they’re watching real life or cartoons. It has a ‘rape’ tag on it, you idiot. If you don’t like that, fuck off and watch vanilla.
Chill the fuck out kid i dont like rape hentai either in fact i go out of my way to avoid it… but still people like what they do… so chill out a bit…
To be honest this doesn’t turn me on but not everyone who watches hentai is a loser some people like me find it funny not this one I don’t think rape is cool I mean come if that was your mum but I can’t generalise everyone who watches hentai.
first off its a made up anime second of all didnt you watch it
they enjoyed it at the end third of all calm down there is notjing to worry about no real girls were harmed in the making of this anime
why censure?? :(((
love the scene =)
I hope you all fucking rot -_\\
Volt is like the hottest fucking thing and I’m jealous of anyone who gets to ride that dick
also that blonde elf is so fucking hot and should be in every hentai ever
first thing… thats fucking gay… cause u r 99% a boy. second, the elf queen is even better.
this anime is hardcore but pure masturbation. love the elf girls, they re gorgeous. pitty we wont see episode 3. it had an interesting “story” (well no kidding i was curious about that too). many anime like this are with potential, lacking budgets or bad reception messes up everything though…
why wont we see episode 3
Episode 3 comes out 11/29. Three new girls are introduced and the four main characters from the previous episodes return
Yesin Episode 3, Loli Rape with Minotaurus and than “3!!!” Demons fucks the Loli… omg this is hard.
Btw Episode 4 comes january 2014 ;)
awesome news then. i thought it was cancelled. but its quite late, quite great distance between them dont u think?
No is not cancelled. This H Serie have many Fans ;)
The offical website is “a1c.jp”.
Theres gonna be episode 3…which is out november 29…theres also gonna be episode 4 probably the final which is out janurary 31st WOOT
i like virgin
I hate how she said Penis Milk >.<