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  • Why do people fuckin love rape it’s a piece of shit literaly shit it’s not good if its not true

  • Vassal 11 years ago

    Not a bad hentai, it’s a little rough around the edges, but it”ll do. My liege, King, has gone beyond the call of duty to proclaim true worth in his comments below. We should heed his warning, and remember hentai is the true advent for the rules of the internet. Where ever we began, we are here now, those how fap, those who cry and, most of all, those who persecute. As we respect such Rules as 30, 32 and 36 we shall inevitable respect hentai. Sadly, my Liege and her Grace have broken these sacred laws and must be killed. King F@ck you.

  • looking for a hentai someone help 11 years ago

    I’m looking for the hentai where the immortal boy maid rapes his demon masters while there asleep, one of them was tied up the other was asleep can anyone help me I can’t find it anywhere.

  • Your neighbor 11 years ago

    I love rape and impregnate beautiful women so my filthy genes might keep existing.

  • Bread but no corn:( 11 years ago

    Japan is a pretty fucked up place

  • That guys laugh is so funny xD

  • never knew someone could carry on a 3+ month arguement over the internet haha bravo kingXD

  • I hate the ending 11 years ago

    I was hoping she killed everyone, :P

    • Yeah there is actually four episodes now it’s pretty crazy now let’s just say they lost. :[

      • And no killing involved. Sigh even sadder.

        • HeroOfDarkness 11 years ago

          I know there have been rape hentai before, about the good falling victim to evil, but there usually a resolution at the end that redeems them, where they get back up and win. Writers usually do this because they know we have grown to like this characters, that we want to see a happy ending for them so we know they are okay. This hentai doesn’t do that, instead giving us a sad ending, where the bad guys win. That is where this hentai fails for me. I wish it would have a fifth episode so we can get a proper resolution. I know this hentai is based on a hentai game, and that this was the ultimate ending to it, but I don’t care. This is a hentai ANIME, and sometimes an animated adaption can be allowed to have changes that are not in the original source material. Just look at Bible Black. It was based on a hentai game, the game had no prequels or sequels, but the anime had both a prequel and a sequel. Even in non-hentai, there have been animes that had a different ending than their original source material. Look at the first animated adaption of Fullmetal Alchemist. It had several changes. And look at Soul Eater, the ending revealed that Maka was both a meister AND a weapon. I want this hentai to have a good ending. I don’t care if it’s from a maguffin or a Mary Sue, just something to give me a good feeling when thinking about this hentai.

  • Christine❤️ 11 years ago

    Yummy I need someone to help me cum ;)

  • Sasuke Ecchiha 11 years ago

    Fire Style: Heat-WAVE boner jutsu!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ThatOneRandomGuyWithALongAssUserNameThatNoOneWannaReadit 11 years ago


  • fuqbthzgtmunee 11 years ago


  • S. The Reaper 11 years ago

    This Hentai was ok-ish. The rape part usually is fine, even though it’s not my favorite, when I watch it but this one was just sad, those poor elf-things getting raped by monsters that are frankly, quite terrifying is kind of….meh.

  • Cookie Monster 11 years ago

    Damn… Just realized that 70% of the people here are under 15… Well if it keeps me from having another me running around I’m game bring on the unimaginably pleasuring mind stimulating hentai porn that will scar me for life in my boner

  • Volt-sama 11 years ago

    Alright men, line up to pump your seed into her.

  • Satan 11 years ago

    I use to hate watching this, but I get a boner so I suppose I like it. May as well blow some loads to it.

  • I_Hate_Rape 11 years ago

    This is a terrible hentai rape is the worst

    • So why did you watch it. It clearly says rape under the video.

    • ravar 11 years ago

      she gets into it at the end. why should I feel sorry for the fact she enjoyed it?
      Cloe is a grade A cumdumpster :)

  • Awesomeness dick 11 years ago

    Damn that dude fuck her up I want to do it with her to

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Damn that monsters dick was like a baby going back in there

  • bluemist 11 years ago

    that pussy Mm

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