Compiled this whole season for you guys only!
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Compiled this whole season for you guys only!
Bookmark us for news on season 2!
141.24K 18 38
Nice to see a bi-guy for once. Who loves his friend regardless
He’s the true definition of homiesexual
I’ve watched this before and you know, I could get past with the guy having a gender change and all, but I still can’t get past the gay sex. I could forgive him fucking his friend who transformed into a beautiful female, but the moment he started inserting his dick to his friends ass while he was male, I had to puke every single time.
Impressive to keep puking for the sake of seeing where it goes.
Wow, you want a fucking cookie? No one cares. Methinks anon protests too much
tanginamo bakla
Kinakantot ko nanay mo at crush mo
Did you guys do something to the ads. Why is it redirecting me on every video I click then redirects me when I click back to main page. It’s extremely annoying.
It shouldn’t redirect anything, it’s a popunder that opens a tab underneath, you should only go to the new page. Are you seeing it pop up replacing the page you’re going to, or you mean it’s annoying because its opening a new tab underneath? Use the close all button
I’m happy that there are alot of hentai animes missing and motions not translated, but we keep doing gay related stuff posted here…. this so freaking gross…
Yknow, not everything in the world is made for you. No one is forcing you you watch it. Let the people who like this enjoy things
There’s a simple solution to your issue:
Don’t watch it.
So, I enjoyed this—a lot more than I ever thought I would. But I can’t understand why Rui would fuck female Shion without a condom. But when Shion is male, Rui puts a condom on.
Everyone knows you get aids from ghey buttsex with ghey guys
Not always. But I suppose I get why now.
I think the rationale is he can’t get pregnant if he’s turning back into a guy all the time, but condoms make butt stuff less unsanitary. Just a guess
Yes, that makes sense.
unironically helping me with my french while also getting a good fap
admin with another w