Abandon 100 Nuki Shinai To Derarenai Fushigi Na Kyoushitsu 1 Subbed
79.87K 0 37
[lol]Abandon 100 Nuki Shinai To Derarenai Fushigi Na Kyoushitsu 1 Subbed[/lol]
Inyutsu No Yakata The Animation 1 Subbed
1.53M 94 425
[lul]Inyutsu No Yakata The Animation 1 Subbed[/lul]
My Student Noticed Me The Motion Anime 1 Subbed
109.43K 20 28
Subbed by Ryushi! We are eternally grateful for him! Bookmark us for more Motion Anime, only on Hentaigasm! [lul]My Student Noticed Me The Motion Anime 1 Subbed[/lul]
Ariel The Daughter Of A Noble Elf Is A Goblin Chief Sex Slave 3D 1 Subbed
159.47K 5 40
[lol]Ariel The Daughter Of A Noble Elf Is A Goblin Chief Sex Slave 3D 1 Subbed[/lol]
Sweet And Hot 2 Subbed
157.30K 7 32
Subbed this a day after release, only on Hentaigasm! Bookmark us for more hentai, subbing right now! [lol]Sweet And Hot 2 Subbed[/lol]
I think this hentai is based on a hentai game called kunoichi cause the characters look the same.
That correct.
Hey, have u seen Euphoria yet? PORQUE LA VIDA ES UNA LENTEJAAA
Regular hentai is boring
Read the fucking tags
Shut up you monkey-man
Not comments I meant genres
There’s comments for a reason. Sjw’s, this is a fictional hentai with fucking ninjas and monsters for gods sake. You’re kink shaming ON A HENTAI website… not even regular porn. You’re no saint tho this is still pornography.
What do sjws have to do with anything? You like to watch weird aliens rape bitches, us normal people want to see real guys fuck bitches. Don’t get mad when we “kink shame” your weird fetish.
Can I go a full year without seeing some disgusting fucking rape no wonder the fucking birth rate in Japan is so goddamn low when you make shit like this all the time I’d be surprised if anyone could get it up only Americans are so fucking demented that they can get off to shit like this if rape is what you like then you’re brain-damaged and you need to go see a psychiatrist to get your mind right but half of you don’t have a fucking capacity to understand this most of you are probably 10 years fucking old if not actually 10 years old then mentally 10 years old because your mind can’t process how fucked up this is. You can talk shit about regular porn all you want but the problem is regular porn is not this God damn demented. Regular porn doesn’t have to have a fucked-up story attached to it it’s just sex. I don’t know why hentai has to have so many fucked up stories attached to it. if I take your wife that you’ve been married to for 10 years and I fucking rape her of course you’re going to be pissed off you’re not going to get off to it that doesn’t make any fucking sense. Nobody actually understands the value of a properly animated hentai it’s all this fucking rape shit and it is fucking shit absolutely a shit story with a shit plot with Shitty characters what because a girl turns you down in high school you guys feel that rape is Justified I don’t know where the fuck you live but it’s obviously not in reality. That’s why my girlfriend carries a taser I can’t wait for a guy to try to do something to her so she can tase him in the fucking balls and don’t worry the taser is strong so when she does taser him he’s going to shit himself I made sure it was strong so he will shit himself distance the opposite of getting people hard. I just have to wonder what kind of demented fucked-up person watches shit like this and when I find that type of person I’m going to drug him and then cut his dick off freeze it and then shove it up his ass don’t worry I have a tourniquet he’s not going to die until I shove his Frozen cock up his own ass
Shut up faggot
Thank god that this is not a shitty hentai animation like the last one..
Fuck rape anyone who likes it can go straight to hell and if you need help with me pulling the trigger call me I will gladly put a gun to your head and blow your brains out
You know what’s funny about these rape hentai everyone that watches them never considers themselves getting raped to be a possibility you don’t love hentai you love rape there’s a big difference let me stick a 12in cock that’s five in around into your ass and then let me get a big metal dildo and shove it in your mouth don’t try to bite your teeth together cuz I’ll bust your teeth out. That’s what rape is and the only reason you like rape is because you’ve never witnessed it or never felt the violation of your own body so I submit to you let yourself be locked in a cage by someone make sure your arms and legs are locked in Place and that you get violated over and over again with no control over the situation whatsoever. That feeling of helplessness you know nothing about it but you think you do and you’re a fucking idiot
Damn, just cutting straight to the point on this one
pfft another shitty shit its just a trash
yeah, have you seen Dirty laundry? :)
No. Just no.
MS Paint: The hentai
Better than Queen Bee
The only reason theres no dislike button is because the animators know that if they publish more whale shit like this then its gonna get more dislikes than likes and whoever liked this should cut their penis off
Well… It said EPISODE 1 soooo theres gonna be a second one to this horse shit.
Thats another 2 weeks with nothing to fap to
We need more of this genre though to be Frank the hentai got to the point real quick without any build up also to answer that one Anon’s question it’s cuz this stuff is a huge fetish over there.
Japanese hentai animators are wierd as fuck then
Why is rape so common in all Japanese porn can anyone explain???
this shit is so fucking retarded and disgusting. why is it so hard for these dumbass animators to draw actual human males banging the girls? I ducking hate this shut where ugly ass creatures from mars bangs any girl. I dont know about you but this shit is retarded and you should stop watching this shit so these dumbass animators stop producing this shit. i guarantee you that this shit would be 1002929382902 times better if it changes all these ugly fucked up freaks to males, fuck man, it could probably even have those ugly deformed day males and be better. if i saw the producer of this shit on the street, i would take out my rusty screwdriver and cut off his balls and hang them on my wall. this world would be a better place if pass shit like this existed. you know how people say bush did 9/11? well the producers of this shit did the meteor that killed all the dinosaurs. i watched through this dumbass shit and didnt even flex my penis it stayed small for this. i instantly looked out my window and got a bigger erection than from watching this. if this site had a rating system, i would rate 1/5 fuck this.
autocorrect can die in the same hole that this animation should be in
What are you gay? Not that there’s any problem with that but a penis is a penis plus you do know they would censor the hell of the human males and focus more the female? Like who genuinely cares?
I agree so well
Alot of people like it including me xd why do you think its still animated?
Honestly, the monsters wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t for gangbang and that fat fuck. They could’ve just done some tentacle shit and it would’ve been a thousand times better
Less hentai with rape, male gangbang, and cheating should be produced
yea, just no gangbang in general
not bad..
Second Bxtches
Aye first comment lol