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  • Naughty Man 10 years ago

    Wet pussy makes Me Horny.

  • Naughty Man 10 years ago

    Right on get her E mail to

  • thatguy 10 years ago

    Some girl give me ur number I’m horny

  • Deforangerleo 10 years ago

    does any1 know how to set up a minecraft server?

  • The MasterDebator 10 years ago

    it’s kinda awkward that there’s no music during the sex scenes. or any part at all…

  • Fuck.

  • I liked it but it definitely could’ve been better. The sex scenes were just sorta thrown in there :v

  • PewDiePie 10 years ago


  • ………………. O.O

    wow,that was….surprisingly nice.. Not like one of those rough treatments and all..

  • hi bich 10 years ago

    I know how I was made and im 13 go wach human porn this is just funny porn now go.anway get of your basement and get a life not to be mean I have a gf ok I have a life and I’m on my phone so HA

    Fyi its ok for this age k

    • Anon1.01 10 years ago

      oOoo we have an egotistic prick over. Not only does he have a gf, but he is also on his phone. That is the most impressive thing I have ever read.

    • Explosive Toast 10 years ago

      I’m nearly 16 and I still barely think it’s OK. Tell me squeaky, is being on a phone and having a girlfriend really what makes you cool? Good God, there goes my hope for humanity.

    • A Commodore 64 user 10 years ago

      If your thinking sex is how you are made, pay more attention in Biology class. Sex is just the way that biological material is transferred from one specimen to another. You were obviously the product of two complete imbiciles if you think that having a phone an a girlfriend makes you cool. Coolness is just a perception made by human beings that inflates the ego. Also at your age you probably cannot appreciate the true implications of having a girlfriend. As everyone can see you probably spent too much time with your girlfriend and not enough time learning how to type and use grammar. I deduce by your idiocracy that you, infact, are in need of a life.
      The Internet is full of mentally deficients and it is apparent that you one of them.

    • noneofyourbusiness 10 years ago

      Having a gf is boring…. Get a fuck buddy.

      I had at least three last month…when they’re not available, I go out to look for o.n.s…

      I’m living a life full of orgasm, fun and watching he tai is just an entertainment or a break cause I don’t to lose all my raging hormones because of too much sex…

      P.S. the gender of a sex buddy is never important, the performance in bed is….:-)

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Then y the fuck are you here?

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    First time watching I think I’m gonna puke and I’m only 13 years old is it ok to watch something like this whith this Age but luckily I’m still a virgin

  • hornygirl 10 years ago

    Haha why dont you masturbate now?

  • scarlet death 10 years ago

    Too long? Line takes up 32mb total. Thats like a 10 second download

  • But it takes too long and I wanna see you!

  • hornygirl 10 years ago

    You dont care about that chat. You’re just watching hentai, we dont need your comment.

    • Is this to me? or..cause I really waiting for it to finish loading

      • hornygirl 10 years ago

        No its for scarlet. :3

      • hornygirl 10 years ago

        If Im ugly whay about my pussy. ;3 That’s the logic there.

        • You’d be a great fuck X) Just make a WhatsApp, I’m gonna cum soon and this Line thing is taking too long to send a verification!

  • hornygirl 10 years ago

    No its not.

  • scarlet death 10 years ago

    Lol, “13 and hard” oh god, my sides. This chat has never been so funny

  • Kawasaki 10 years ago


  • hornygirl 10 years ago

    Haha, what is your ID? I’ll add you.

  • hornygirl 10 years ago

    My ID is khrizie just add me up Luds. ;)

    • Woo! It’s taking a lot of time to load lol~ Can’t wait to chat :3

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