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  • Satellizer 10 years ago

    I forgot the tell… WTF is with these gloves ?? Seems so weird, but in the same way kinda interesting too. Well, whatever.

  • Satellizer 10 years ago

    Well, i laughed so hard when they kissed with Mishiro. That was pretty quick or i couldn’t keep the track. Anyway, that scene made me laugh.

    And then same thing happened with Hatsuka. They were running away, then Hatsuka kissed him all of a suddenly. So God damn funny, lol.

    But animations and scenes were really good. I guess im a plot-lover type. In this one, plot sucks but sex scenes rocks. I guess im going to watch this at least several more times.

  • Fly Me To The Moon 11 years ago

    Well that escalated quickly… again? And really, what’s up with the glove. It’s as if he didn’t take it off!

    • The Masked Newfag 11 years ago

      I’ll say this much: “Mishiro-san” sounds a bit like “Michael Jackson”. See what I’m getting at? ;)

  • upmybum 11 years ago

    Aww, Hatsuka is adorable ><

  • Incognito 11 years ago

    Minamon (blonde) was so hot. I come here at least once a week just to watch that sex scene. It is so good, I especially love the angles when they are completely naked. The animation is very nice and the characters look amazing. I also like the scenes leading up the sex scene with them (when they go on their mini-date/”mission”), it’s cute.
    I don’t really like the scene with the Hatsuka (silent girl) because she seems too young and it feels like she is more like a ‘baby-sister’ to Mishiro (main guy), so the sex scenes feel really wrong to me.

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      You should write hentai reviews

      • Incognito 11 years ago

        XD lol. Is that a sarcastic comment? I was just saying my opinion like everyone else.

    • Same. I love the scenes leading up the sex scene. Its so beautiful and also i dont mind the Hatsuka Sex scene… Seems pretty hot In my opinion.

      • Incognito 11 years ago

        Well I guess everyone has their own opinions and preferences. :)

        • miki121208 10 years ago

          I love scenes with fuck from behind :P Like Hatsuka sacond sex time xD

        • Fugertech 10 years ago

          When I grow up, I wanna be just like you! BTW my other aliases include none other than: Deathwatch, Theshitatator, and Necronian Lord. Just deal the fuck with it.

    • Spremanator 10 years ago

      I agree with some of your comment but I like thosse inccest little sister vids there really cute ecept rape I feel bad for the girl. Unless the girls a bith then its revenge tim lost my trian of thought ………so byye

    • Awesome anonymous 10 years ago

      Really you are so right. The silent girl’s too immature and childish to have
      Sex with a hot guy. I totally like Minamo and Mishiro together. It would be
      Miniro. I hate episode 2 because that Mishiro guy fucked Yuki and became
      With her in the end. Im like “What the fuck happened to the two who you

  • Hey you! 11 years ago

    For everyone wondering about the glove…watch the second part, you’ll understand why he wears it

    • Hentai Watcher 11 years ago

      Ya I noticed that I always thought it was a friend with benefits always wear at least 1piece of clothing lol
      whether a sock or glove or a hat lol

  • Deathwatch 11 years ago

    Am I the only one who thought the blonde was MEGA hot? The silent chick was just weird.Seriously.

    “._. What with the Gloves?? o.O”. None of us have a FUCKING CLUE! I think he wears it for some weird ass reason. Just a guess.

    • Janylovesanime 11 years ago

      The Silent Chick is soo cute shes not wierd…. its not her fault shes silence..

      • Theshitatator 11 years ago

        How do we know? She COULD’VE caused her own deafness. Listening to extremely loud music, DUH!

        • Anonymous 11 years ago

          She can hear people but she cant talk… dont know wh though

          • The Expositor 10 years ago

            I’m pretty sure Mishiro says Hatsuka can’t talk as a result of a childhood accident.

  • HA??what?? 11 years ago

    This is nce…..!!!

  • moe-chan 11 years ago

    I remember why I muted the sound when I watched these, the moaning isn’t hot at all. It just ruins the whole thing :c

    • koolaide 11 years ago

      It’s because she’s mute, and has screwed up vocal cords, if you get into it; it feels more in depth than other hentai sex scenes, which is the reason I watch hentai, it feels more personal than two porn stars doing it, because you have an emotional attachment to them

  • 666 the devils number bitches 11 years ago

    Lol dat glove

  • Yoto-kun 11 years ago

    Yeah moe do you know answer of everything not42 its moe
    moe is everything moe is good moe is jesus the rape is satan
    if you think like me join moeism

  • this bitch 11 years ago

    Damn theyre so hot

  • So… is the blondie a real blonde or is that a wig?

  • Damon 11 years ago

    I would go out with the virl that can’t talk it would really make my life worth living.

  • Am I the only one who lost my boner when they where naked??

  • BleachedExile 11 years ago

    Why no BGM?

  • the hantai pro 11 years ago


  • fuckinator 11 years ago

    hell no

  • The begining is like TO LOVE RU… Id have been happy even if they didnt have sex cause the story was pretty good. It kinda shocked me when she took her tits out… Shes pretty hot n unique

    • koolaide 11 years ago

      ikr but the other parts of this series could really happen without this entire first episode(btw i like this one better lol)

  • •~• 11 years ago

    That glove….
    It’s probably because he fapped to much. Then he got obbsesed with Demons and their power so his semen became like toxic bla bla something like that. And then he accedently came on his hand, it hurt ao much that he did a forbidden thingy ritual that he became human again… BUT… Nah I think that’s all

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