February 1, 2015

Hentai: Katekano Idol Sister

Genres: , , , , , , ,

3.21M 295


  • i have a longer name than you hello guys the person with the longest name in this website is here so rest assured that i can tell u guys somethings i know probably wont even be helpful in life but ill still tell them. first is that idek what to say second 9 years ago

    Hey hello guys the person with the longest name in this website is here so rest assured that i can tell u guys somethings i know probably wont even be helpful in life but ill still tell them. first is that idek what to say second i still dont know but im goin!! You’re not the one who have the longest name its me ./.

  • Mr.smiles:) 9 years ago

    Hey everybody I’m back so say Mr.smiles:)

  • maji des!? 9 years ago

    Thats not a guy. Thats a goddarn cum dispenser.

  • 696969696969696969699696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969696969 9 years ago


  • holy sht 9 years ago

    gagi thi s is good

  • hello guys the person with the longest name in this website is here so rest assured that i can tell u guys somethings i know probably wont even be helpful in life but ill still tell them. first is that idek what to say second i still dont know but im goin 9 years ago

    I am the person who has the longest name here and i dont have time to use names like “hot girl or i have a big dick” because the people who uses those probably dont even have any of those features. Thats why I go with long names because i am bored and too lazy to write short names(you might be asking yourself why i am lazy but write long names but this is the reason i am really not lazy to write long names i just do this to improve my typing skills so i can type faster on phone/ipad and not on computer because i already have osu to use to practice. I guess i do this for fun too because I am bored and cannot sleep right now. But that hentai above is good though i guess ill put it on my top 10. Now that i am not bored no more i will be ending this crappy paragraph.. Bye also look out for the person with a long name as mine because that might be me probably. anyways its either a blank field of name or a long name with a long paragraph is me okay? bye now

    • well shit it didnt get all the name but who cares 9 years ago

      i dont remember all the name but its probably somewhere on the field of the paragraph because it just explains the name of mine

    • Iagreewithyoubecausenoteveryoneislikeusthatarelazybutinthesametimetheypracticethetipingskillsandsorryifispelledsomethingwrongbuti'mitalian. 9 years ago


    • Anonymous 9 years ago

      what’s your username in osu

  • NoSenseOfTheDay 9 years ago

    Kill yourself should kill Epic kill yourself because killing epic kill yourself will kill red that kills everybody because he knows that killing himself will make epic kill yourself kill himself and
    would bring epic to suicide :D

  • Epic kill yourself 9 years ago

    EPIC should kill himself.

  • Looking for porn 9 years ago

    Is there a hentai or porn film which is incest rape but there are also sciences where the sister or mom are jus nude and he surprise fucks them, thanks

  • Yoooooooo bros Epic is baaaaack for a new review, sorry for not being here I was really busy these past two months, but now I have time to get active again :P
    So.. Katekano Idol Sister huh.. In truth I was scared at first because of the gangbang tag but then I happily discovered that it was here because there’s a foursome :D
    The story is really good, the fact that Ayaka, Maki and Maina are famous and that Ayaka’s big brother is their manager since the beginning is a nice background. I thought the bro would be an old guy but no, he’s really young so that’s a relief too. Then we could see the cute friendship between the three girls and that they all felt something for the big brother. We could see after that the investment of the brother towards the girls which made me understand that he really cherishes them. It’s funny how Ayaka kicks her Aniki and insults him of pervert but then having sex with him XD (btw the brother bleeded like hell there, even if it was supposed to be a funny scene O_O). The lucky guy, he “cheers them up” before each live concert and we understand how XD
    Anyways, after a lot of great sex scene, the girls get on stage and it’s funny how at the end they scream “I’m cumming!” in front of the public. In Japanese it’s “Iku” and what’s ironic is that this word in English works the same as in Japanese: when you hear cumming you can misunderstand it with coming, and in Jap Iku also means go or come :P
    To finish it, I was just sad that there wasn’t a second episode, but hey there might be, this hentai anime is recent look at the add date. Oh and the guy who commented below me, I thought that Ayaka definitely looked like Kirino too, with her teeth, cute body, her attitude and hair, as well as the kick on her older brother, maybe it’s a reference XD
    Okay guys that’s all! Thanks for reading :3

  • Is this just a coincidence? 9 years ago

    The orange hair girl is modelled after Kirino, right down to her “fang” teeth and when she kicks the manager, he flips just like how Ayase kicks Kyousuke! Anyone who watches Oreimo thinks this as well?

  • BiggusDickus 9 years ago

    i like this one the 3 girls are hot but it still doesn’t compare to eroge

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I love feet

  • Sei Brunehilde Gakuen 9 years ago

    what a great hentai.

  • Dr. D 9 years ago

    Tonight on Tokyo news….

  • came 5 times 9 years ago

    I love how big their tits are. My favorite girl is the blonde

  • hydrofab 9 years ago

    ladies, who wants to snap chat, add me hydrofab

  • I came 3 times 9 years ago

    10/10 great vid

  • pewdiepie 9 years ago

    This may be one of the best hentais I have ever fapped to

  • I want fuckkkk

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