2.37M 532


  • This virus is real. Go to an insane orgy party and fuck yourself to near death it’s amazing!

  • lololololol 10 years ago

    wish this virus is real

  • the 4th rapekage of the hidden porn village 10 years ago

    Im back alright, but this websites moving picture porn is why I left in the first place, too bad, it was such a decent site too

  • shutthefuckup 10 years ago

    im right with u

  • RapeFetish 10 years ago

    This one is so fucking weird. Awesome… But weird. Lol Like I mean normally it would be an amazing offer, but if that was me, I’d run for it. Like shit.

  • random line 10 years ago

    The only way I’ll fight is if my dick becomes the anti virus

  • Keaghan 10 years ago

    Men, we stand here in the pits of war, with an infection that causes people to to be consumed by their own lust, and here we are, standing in the trenches waiting to attack; but we will wait no longer, today we shall show them what humanity can do, let those who wish to be truthfully free from this plague fight to their last breath, now solders of hentai, my fellow dragons, devils, angels, and Nephiliams, do not fight for your own desire, fight to keep humanity safe, strong, and alive, the solder next to is not your companion, not your training partner, he is your family and we must keep our family safe, now go, go and bring the fight to the infected!!

    • eeeez 10 years ago

      leave CAVE PLZ

    • parapa 10 years ago

      That ……. that was beautiful

      • bitch please 10 years ago

        Sir yes sir brothers and sisters we must heed this call

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      I answer this call captain. I will fight with my fellow hentai brothers. I will fight for my comrades who have fallen to this infection. I will fight for humanity’s future. I will fight this dreaded plague to the very end! Come my brothers take up arms, we stand as one, and we will send these bastards back to the pits of hell!!!

    • Sir , I will gladly give my all but I will not die for humanity…… I will do one better and live for humanity! I will ensure victory and come back alive, not for glory, or fame, and not just for my friends, but for all the family I have made along the way. The love my the brothers and sisters I have made during the journey will keep me alive, I now I jump into to the mist of warfare with no regrets to keep the ones I love alive. May the bond of family act as a shield and keep you all alive. NOW I’M TIRED OF TALKING, ARE WE JUST GONNA STAND HERE OR BRING THE FIGHT TO THE INFECTED!!!!!!!! AND MAKE SURE TO RETURN BECAUSE DRINKS ARE ON ME!!!!

      • Keaghan 10 years ago


      • .....Jerome 10 years ago

        Its so beautiful …. *sniff sniff*

    • Lolers123 10 years ago

      I will gladly die for the plan use the nuke

    • I’m with you brother LET’S DO THIS!!!!!

    • Dr. D 10 years ago

      LOUD CHEERS!!! Oohh yeah

  • Andrew 10 years ago

    And the winner of the ‘Best Apocalypse Scenario’ goes to…Kansen Ball Buster!

  • Yessss! New realeases!

  • Blackiris 10 years ago

    As someone who watched the original 3 Kansen series, I can say that the animation quality really dropped. I guess changing animation studios does that.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Boys getting raped o.0

  • MexiFap 10 years ago

    I can’t wait for the next episode. :3

  • TsunedereButler 10 years ago

    Yo, I’m new :3 But no to hentai though

  • the 4th rapekage of the hidden porn village 10 years ago

    Im back chumps

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    That was the biggest where i ever saw

  • Raishin Akabane 10 years ago

    If this actually happens I’ll be walking down the streets of Tokyo with a lifetime supply of Viagra in my backpack butt ass naked waiting for pussy

  • Shimazuki 10 years ago

    HAHA imaging this would happen someday, each of us should prepare for a few dozen of Viagra!

  • never saw an hentai that bad, not the story but the quality is disgusting

    • Hentai 10 years ago

      Yeah it was like they were using photoshop for almost all of it. Still decent though.

  • the 5th tentaclekage from the hidden hentai village 10 years ago

    what ever made that happen i want it to happen in real life near me

  • H2O DELERIOUS 10 years ago

    Great hentai.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Are you from youtube? With your crew?

      • H2O DELERIOUS 10 years ago

        The crew is working on stuff for a new minecraft vid. While I am fapping to some hentai x3

        • Peagus Ryu Sei Ken 10 years ago

          damn well dont get caught , shouldnt u be helping them

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      dude I never would have thought to find you in a place like this xD

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