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the same old generic thing
What kind is this gf or moms
They just rip off the same freaking plots off of other NTR over and over. How do these low effort duplicates even get approved or serialized in the magazines? Are the execs just cuckold fetishists? Same 2-3 stories over and over in NTR these days. Animate hypno blink or something decent instead of this trash, like wut.
The visual novel’s art is so good this doesnt do it justice but it’s not bad
its probably from the studio that made fleur the animation i can tell just by looking at the tities lok
It isn’t this one is made by studio white bear fluer is made by pink pineapple studio
pink pineapple is a distrubutor and production they dont do the animation now
go to anidb dot net to see the animator production distributor alot of pinkapple hentai are made bu other studios
but your right though the tities are also similar to katei x saimin made by white bear lol
Nope it’s from white bear studio and fleur made by pick pineapple studio