June 22, 2013

Hentai: Kakushi Dere

Genres: , , , ,

1.48M 480


  • omfg I just can’t stop loving hentai ._. I don’t fucking care what kind it is it’ll always make me cum ,
    and yes I’m a girl.

  • Person 10 years ago

    You know I always thought that only older creepy guys watch hentai and I was weird for watching it, but this was the first time I looked in the comment section and I see that you people actually seem normal XD So yay! I’m not the only freak out there :D (not calling you guys freaks by the way! You all seem cool)

  • RetardedSquirl 10 years ago

    That guy reminds me of that iron wizard from fairy tail
    Does he?

  • Meh it’s better for kids to watch hentai then actual porn,
    Just stay out of the rape category kids!

    The original :P.

  • creepy sensation 10 years ago

    want to know why 12-14 years old kid on this website? cuz when u at our age,this site doesn’t exist -,-

  • Ero - senin. 10 years ago


  • Uhm, yes…

  • I have a confession to make im an 11 year old girl
    watching this, is it really bad for me?

    • I’m 13, baby doll. :3

    • I don’t think you should feel bad. We all have guilty pleasures… At least ours is only Hentai lol. Just don’t let it impact your real life too much is all.

    • not bad at all :>

    • Wolfy 10 years ago

      Hey don’t worry about it I’m 14 its better to watch hentai then real porn at are age the stuff can be fucked up sometimes.

    • You just read this name 10 years ago

      I’m an 11 year old boy and I watch this crap (as in crap I mean godlike stuff)

    • wow I thought I was the youngest here im a 12 year old girl

      • Hell, I know there are kids that are 4 on this site. The world’s fucked up, man.

  • Sad and Lonely Teenager 10 years ago

    Kids these days… Like seriously, how many 12-14 year olds are on this site watching hentai?! God damn it world… Look at our generation, whatever, can’t say much myself, I am only 17, never had a girlfriend and tbh, could care less about sex if I had one, for now masturbation is just something to make the days go by, along with video games and actual anime… Sigh… Still, wish I was never subjugated to porn, would be a lonely but honest life, heh.

    • Keaghan 10 years ago

      Dont worry man, you’ll find some one it’s only a matter of time. As for the 12-14 year olds, don’t worry about it I’ve known porn since I was five.

      • Fly Me To The Moon 10 years ago

        Since you were five, eh? We’ve got a top-notch bad-ass in our midst.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Omg we have something in common

      • random sao fan 10 years ago

        Irk if been at it since 4 so it’s like a life style now

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      your exactly the same as me. but ill turn 17 in 2 months. all the girls in my school are sluts and bitches. i want a quiet and modest girl

    • slayer 10 years ago

      do i fuckin 26yrs old i have a girlfriend before but im stil a dam vgnt must girl keep dam cheating on me good dam it why :(

  • random guy 10 years ago

    I don’t know. I mean, the sex was great and all but I can’t help but feel disgust for both the girl and the big brother. The girl uses the little brother as a way to get close to the big brother and the big brother screws the girl despite knowing his little brother likes her. They’re both pretty nasty people. I don’t know what I’d do to them if I was the lil bro and found out, nothing pretty at least.

    But again, the sex was great.

    • This Guy 10 years ago

      The girl has been writing letters to the big brother for a good while, so the girl never had no affection for the little brother at all. I’m sure she never told the kid that she liked him, so nothing wrong there either. All we can assume is that the kid wants the gf and probably would have done the same as the big brother. So, I don’t see any disgust towards anyone here. This hentai is awesome!

  • Satellizer 10 years ago

    That was one helluva hentai. It wasn’t rape at all, well i hate rape. And it wasn’t incest unlike most of the hentai at this site.

    I laughed while cumming, that was strange.

  • this turned out to be very cute. she got together with her crush, and the ending was cute and funny.

  • ugly girl 10 years ago

    Something to remind! All girl or guy who ever wish to try how is sex don’t ever look target from internet! I hv a friend hu always say wanna to try sex she learn a guy from fb thn thy go out to bar my friend is drunk the stranger brought her to the hotel and make her sex with 5 guys and take her naked pic to ask her money n said if she don’t pay thn thy will send the pic to her working place n her hse. Parents!

  • ugly girl 10 years ago

    Im a girl! I always heard tht ppl say :girl shouldn’t be horny! Can i know what is the reason?

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      it’s mostly the old way of thinking most guy’s don’t care at all mostly this world is a bit mass up

      • ugly girl 10 years ago

        Thts way! I love your answer! ANONYMOUS

        • Random Boy 10 years ago

          It’s just because they dont know what to do with a horny girl, unlike the rest of us ;-)

          • Anonymous 10 years ago

            :) guys and girls can be get horny too.

            but horny is not like a bitch I guess

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Tits OR GTFO

    • Satellizer 10 years ago

      Horny girls BANZAIIIII !!!

    • trollarch 10 years ago

      It a guy thing

    • ultrastallion 10 years ago

      Whoever said that is either lying or old fashioned. I know for a fact that guys love horny girls and there’s nothing wrong with being horny either. In fact, being horny is a sign that you’re healthy.

  • I sez: 10 years ago

    I’M BACK! Second time watching this and never gets old. This is really cute, and well some may argue it’s rape, I think not. It’s a love-hate relationship, a really sweet and cute one too. Wish I could find someone as cute as her in real life…

    • This Guy 10 years ago

      No cheating, no rape.
      The girls bluntly said: “Please rape me gently.”
      So yeah, she came to his house just for sex.

  • pussy 10 years ago

    oh my gosh ima 12 year old vergin and im horny and wantin sex so bad

    • 17 Year old with manly advice 10 years ago

      And until you learn how to spell “virgin” and keep your wants under control. You’re going to be putting a wig on your right hand for a while.

    • trollarch 10 years ago

      will Im not

  • Pewdiepie 10 years ago


  • Hentaiman 10 years ago

    That pervert face of the girl when she was raped for 1 time

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    It is like Love and Hate relationship thing hahaha XD

  • shizune 11 years ago

    well i may be younger than 13 but i still m

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