August 4, 2013

Hentai: Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera

Genres: , ,

2.10M 491

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  • some dude 10 years ago

    Well at least its not rape

  • Feels 10 years ago

    Today’s Feelcast: 100% Chance of No GF.
    ;_; what am I doing with my life..

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      ik man ik ;_;

      • Anonymous 10 years ago

        same here brothers ;_;

        • Anonymous 10 years ago

          I share the pain you all feel.. ;_;

          • Anonymous 10 years ago


            • Embarassedwife 10 years ago

              You will find the right one when you least expect it. I met my husband in college. I know they say “love at first sight” is bullshit. But I swear I felt butterflies all over my body when I first made eye contact with him. We are 10 years apart and sometimes I feel like I’m living in a dream. Just remember, love comes when you least expect it! Good luck, guys! I hope you find him/her! (The one!)

  • A person 10 years ago

    Yup, I still love this one.

  • Tamaki 10 years ago

    Wow… I loved that….

  • Shh.... 10 years ago

    I think I waited to long to watch a love hentai,I can’t enjoy it now. V.V

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    This was cute.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    holy crap, for once a hentai animation that DOESN’T involve rape, tentacles, or incest :)

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    for once a genuine dude who jus wants love

  • unknown 11 years ago

    Cool………….. and HOT!!

  • Maggada 11 years ago

    Sempai sempai

  • maggda 11 years ago

    porq no la pones subtitulado en español

  • DUHFUQ 11 years ago

    This is one of the best hentai I hav ever seen. Remember guys and girls – Love > Sex. It is more satisfying.

    • Sirzechs Azazel 11 years ago

      Yeah! Making love is so much better than having sex (there is a difference) love over sex any time.

  • Nameless 11 years ago

    this is only hentai I thought it kawaii
    :P I think this would be my only hentai xD
    if they are like this tell me :P

  • Random Hentai 11 years ago

    Ahh. That was nice………

  • Shadow 11 years ago

    >_< cute love it :3 one of the best

  • Shadow 11 years ago


  • Kristal Lovee 11 years ago

    Awwhh! This was so cute! I loved it!

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I like they way some of the people who commented on this see past the pornography and see something else

  • Fapper 11 years ago

    Any girls watching this right now

  • Look-a-likes 11 years ago

    I have long red hair and glasses so i kinda look like konomi(^ω^)
    Now if only a guy found me cute enough to do these types of things with me.. (>_<)

    • Hellvine007 11 years ago

      there are plenty of people you just cant be picky

    • Anonymous 11 years ago

      I would treat you like a queen. Many guys would.

    • GrimReaper 11 years ago

      look-a-likes r u sure u’d like dat?

    • Nameless 11 years ago

      O_o are you saying you are ugly
      have more confidence
      Maybe some1 does find you cute :P

    • Nameless 11 years ago

      Probably some1 some does find you kawaii
      but have more confidence in yourself xD

    • think-alike 10 years ago

      Yea, lets do it

    • Desperate dude 10 years ago


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