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Cum and cum again :)
How saß it is to be 13 and the average gir l dont want to fuck with u so u have to make your self ur Happy end on a Website like this :/
Ur 13 focus on school ur still a kid so stick to porn an enjoy wats left of ur childhood
Is it strange that I just want to fuck a stranger? I want some guy to just take me into a back alley and fuck me senseless. My pussy is wet just thinking about a hot hard dick pounding away at my pussy. Mastrabation and vibrators are not enough I need the real thing.
I got the real thing right here and I would fuck you anyday
You’re a man right?
yes sir
same problem here
why in public?
why in publice
Some get more enjoyment that way
Hope I’ll ever get a girlfriend like that Haruka :o
Dammit I wish my bf had a huge cock >/
Trade up then
Only if it were that easy!
I think I’d rather hin use a dildo on me instead his own cock…
But Hey i dont have giant tits so he could complain too
Wait that’s not even the same.
Lol it shouldn’t be that hard sweetie should be bout as hard landing a gf and that ain’t that hard either
Whoops forgot a few word suppose to be as hard for me to get a gf and that ain’t that hard and nope deffently not tha same
Aha np I get what u mean
Ahh. Well, can’t go around askin dick sizes lol! And its pretty fucked up to leave some1 cause of an average penis size xD
Guess I’ll be a faithful woman thirsty for a big cock
What a horrible way to live xP
Lol idk about all that. Well that does sound bad for u on the craving end
I’ll figure something out lmao
Will say this odd conversation iv ever had with a chick lol
I’m not the only female that has that issue, maybe the only one to complain on a hentai site about it lol
Well yea on complaining about it on a hentai site lol I’m just gld never had a complaint about mine dick well yet I’m sure it will come eventually
That’s just how awesome my life is xD
And yeah maybe when ur old :p, by then for sure
Sorry for ur end tho sweetie. I doubt ill make to being that old and if I do hope I stay lucky and not have a small dick
Dont worry bout me lol.
Just hope you dont face dick shrinkage with age xP
Yea but that’s how I naturally am I try to never worry for myself just others
Long as it is workin for ya xD
Lol I like it try to always help other or talk to them
That’s the way to think :0
Lol what’s with that face?
Tho the main reason I asked is cuz I’m just confused by it
Oh, i just make weird faces xP
Lol gotcha find it funny where giving this page a crap load of comments
Ha. I just like having conversation.
Did that under the name “Why are my nipples pink…” Too :o
Lol that’s great
O and with that I think ill just call u nipples lol
And I’ll call u legacy :p
Thought it would be funny nipples
Indeed it is, legacy xP
Woops my name went to default xP
Lol it’s fine plus ur name gets fun to say
Always a pleasure to lighten up one’s day :o
Lol I’m easily amused plus nipples is just a fun word lol :p
Ah well i suppose it is fun to say xP
Lol it is nipples nipples nipples and also fun to play with or tease
No argument there ^^
Yea guess u play with urs a lot lol :p
I actually don’t xP, not my job to :p
Well that’s no fun lol
Just put clothes pins on em no big deal xP
Lol such a tease nipples ;p
* I use the same name
Oh no need for that, its all good
Lol I have never use it
I dont even have one
Lol it’s all good nipples :p I swear I enjoy saying that to much lol
It was a pleasure legacy xP
Name resetted
Ah gotcha so thought someone else was saying it got so confused by it
Lol yea it’s funny no matter how much hentai I watch never jerk to it not sure y
Many are like that. But can’t get too detailed in this convo, or my master will get upset
Ur into the pet play thingy I take it
Yup .-.
Never understood it one of my chick friends told me about it just confused me
What are u confused bout
The whole pet master thing and well controlling others
I guess ud only really get it if u were some sort of sadist/masochist
Yea I’m neither just a random person who don’t think befor doing things or says
Aint for everyone!
Well not much for taking orders either more enjoy just being random more fun in it nipps
Your fun is different from mine xP
My fun is making others happy or at least smile
xP mmmok
Sorta crazy in my own way
you guys talk too much.
…you win this round…
Take my female jizzes bitchhh
Dam why cant a girl shit during anal?
because,it’ll be a horror movie :ь.
true dat
i love this hentai
Sup man
Just pause at 2:50, there should be a limit as to how much fatter her right arm is compared to her left arm.
ohh my its true!it is actually a horror movie!lol.
must be animators miss…
Wii sports?
was listening to the first few seconds. then i zoned out and was waiting for the captain to say the plane was leaving the docks, until i realized i was about 4 minutes into hearing sex moans.
in other words, it sounds like airplane music before takeoff
Hmmm, this episode with the tennis tournament was good. I’ve seen dozens of other websites. I’m male, 17years old, not like anybody cares, but yes, I actually started watching porn when I was under ten years old. I’m not a virgin but it wasn’t actual sex, I was raped when I was about seven, I didn’t care though. Now, logic, I know that this could be cool to win and pick a girl to fuck, but what if she doesn’t want to?, there are girls out there that wants to stay a virgin. I also believe that it use to be that the girls virginity was her husbands gift when getting married. What does she get?, nothing except a husband and chores. I’m fine with the virgin until marriage thing, but when the girl is so young and had to be married to a man way older than her.
you are wha… and got wha…. when you were wha…and you wha….and girls wha….for wha….virginity wha…?!?!?!?!1111/!!!??WHA….
English MotherFucker do you speak it?
Problem Samuel?
I’m sorry I couldn’t save you! D-: Forgive me!!!!!!!
Wtf did i just read?
nothing special
HELL yeah!!!!!