2.66M 541


  • wishy washy 10 years ago

    These couples already like each other. So why do they need to be really good at tennis to fuck? Can’t they just do it anyways?

  • I like cream in my coffee 10 years ago

    Lol all the ppl standing around staring. Guess they werent allowed to fap *rage quit*

    • loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  • 23 yr old dude 10 years ago

    I wish more people were open about this kind of stuff. I really enjoy watching hentai (just no tentacle crap or Loli). I don’t really enjoy the rape scenes either. I prefer the more romanitic ones just for the simple fact that you cannot get a good storyline out of regular porn. I am one of those strange kind of individuals nowadays. I am a virgin because I chosse not to go out and have (recreational) sex. I am not religious by any means but (in my opinion) sex should be saved for someone whom you have intense emotional feelings for and not inacted over lust or just plain old desire. I fear that I will be alone the rest of my life because it just seems like (especially in my area) no one holds the same moral code as I. Everyone else is either extremely religious or all rapped up in going and getting high then having recreational sex. My journey is far from over though and I believe one day I will run across that special girl whom in my eyes out shines all others. Not because of looks alone but through her intelligence and charisma as well.

    • Hyoodou Issei 10 years ago

      I bow to you, Vanilla-man.

      • Yamato 10 years ago

        I have to say nice choice on the name thing high school dxd:-)

    • Anonymous 10 years ago


      • Hyoodou Issei 10 years ago

        Ouch. Watch it Buddy. Fellow devil here…

        • Keaghan 10 years ago

          I agree with you man, I my be human but seriously every time some one does something religious I get a fucky headache.

    • Always has been and always will love hentai 10 years ago

      You, sir, show intelligence and capabilities far beyond one could ever fathom. Your viewpoint is captivating yet appeals to the many of us. You will find that special person, I know you will. Good luck my friend and may your life be a one of never-ending prosperity and happiness. o7

    • Fly Me Too The Moon 10 years ago

      I concur! But then how will you just stumble upon this girl you speak of? Certainly there must be more effort in searching than that. Not to be judgmental, or even doubting, but the chances! Honestly the chances of “running across that special girl” with no search effort, (pretty much leaving it up to luck/ fate/ karma whatever you believe in), brings your chances of success to fairly low in my mind. Sometimes it’s best to take life by the reigns, pursue your dreams head on, over-come obstacles until you achieve it. (Damn, with stuff like this I could become a self-help writer)

      • G̶i̶r̶l̶ Computer Lover 10 years ago

        Yes, yes, the fact that you’re leaving it to chance will get you to zero. As stated above, putting in some kind of effort into searching for your “special someone” (Not that I care for something like this.) makes it 100%. Tho, that person may not be perfect. But, you know the saying “A dream that come true, isn’t a real dream”.

    • 16-Year Old 10 years ago

      I thought I was the only one! :O I’m talking to this one girl though and she follows the same rules as I. It gave me hope that this type of stuff isn’t dead.

    • I feel you man well spoke

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      I think exactly the same way

    • Batman 10 years ago

      I am batman I get all the bitches without any help

  • Wth they have no respect or pride for the game

  • person number ehh 10 years ago

    Its funny how their having sex while the others around are like forced to watch in dissapointment of themselves for not being able to

    • Lord McFappington 10 years ago

      I bet the school’s principal was either a total douchebag or Satan.

  • Hold up! 10 years ago

    Best site ever

  • Fap Ahri 10 years ago

    Wish my tennis club was like this…we be working so hard we go to nationals

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    How desperate r the guys here lol………………………….!

  • the 4th rapekage of the hidden porn village 10 years ago

    I need more rape lol

  • Well I’m 14 and I watch this stuff all the time

  • CynicalCunt 10 years ago

    There are some stupid people here, no one cares about your gender, age or you reaction so shut the fuck up.

  • Single 10 years ago

    Whose all 15 here if you are ( and single ) put hey oh and your gender
    Hey oh

  • Ratcheted 10 years ago

    I’m 12 Seeing Hentai Animes, Just I See All Kinds Of Porn On The Internet But I Started When I Was 9 I Think And Anyone Discovered Me Yet Soooo I Think If I Stay Like This When I Have 17 I’m Gonna Be addicted To This Shit, But I Can’t Stop Just Because I Wake With Dick Erect So I Masturbate Every Day And It Makes Me Like Trapped forever In This Shit Called Porn/Hentai ‘-‘

    • Haruka 10 years ago

      your 12?

      • Haruka 10 years ago

        you serious?

      • Edgar 10 years ago

        I seriously doubt it….no 12 year old would ever admit, even online, that they’re watching porn….probably a mid-twenties dude who just wants to see who will respond, not to mention why are his numbers so exact? started when he was 9 is now 12 and he’ll be addicted when he’s 17? Still his grammar is weird…

        • kasuke-chan 10 years ago

          idk, my cousin watches this with his sis, and they admit they do but its not like every 12 year old admits it.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      what the does the fox say

  • 시발 10 years ago


  • hentaiaddict205 10 years ago


  • Nice and tight 10 years ago

    My vibator broke , oh what too do…. Tennis racket? Female here of course nice & tight

    • Top kek 10 years ago

      I’m a female too but seriously a tennis racket is just fucking weird.

  • Dafuq did I just watch.
    This is a complete non-sens ._.

  • LohPeshoh 10 years ago

    Mañana no hay tennis, difundir.Gracias

  • I fuck my sister 10 years ago

    I did my sister tennis public

  • Stardust47 10 years ago

    How old are you? Llal?

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