2.94M 628


  • doodlefucks 11 years ago

    Get played son….

  • zERO Sensei 11 years ago


  • YahelloOneeChan 11 years ago

    お姉ちゃん~!おねえちゃ……きゃああああ~ T/////T

    • Bubby 10 years ago

      As they get useful through the entire website Quotes Chimp may cope farther with a lot of these abstractions. For the time being, why don’t we really get to the center of the issue: purchasing policy contract. This is the signpost up forward: you’ve just entered around to the insurance area.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    the pigs….thts my pig >_<

  • Kirito 11 years ago

    i hope i hate that eye too with different color that will make me look cool…. ^_^ anyway why are the girls from that school is a virgin? and what on earth is going on? why there are so much orc come in the school i don’t understand at all but the anime is good… but please next time make the prologue maybe? than we can understand how it turn out like this….

    • Kirito 11 years ago

      i mean i hope i have that eye too lol wrong type….-_-“

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Her eyes are beutiful

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    hate rape

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Her eyes are just so pretty how they are different colors

  • felled 11 years ago

    holy crap!! out of the 1000s of hentais I’ve seen I actually got sucked in and watched the whole length of this hentai (and not just for the sex! lol) it felt like watching HOTD so maybe that’s why….hmm good plot

    • NovaFrosty 11 years ago

      Really High School Of The Dead

      • YahelloOneeChan 11 years ago

        HOTD is actually a first rate anime, to be honest it’s played out better than most animes.

  • Ok I can understand ppl having rape fetishes, but why do these rape hentai videos always have monsters or fat old ugly guys raping cute girls? I mean I know ppl like rape but do you guys just not get brothered, even if its a ugly old guy, or weird pig demon? o.O

    • zERO Sensei 11 years ago

      Because, it’s awesome how “GOOD LOOKING GUYS” get all the chicks to themselves, not a lot of people watching in a site like this are good looking… I myself is an example.

    • doodlefucks 11 years ago

      i know ugh. I hate watching fat people have sex

    • SakeMaki 11 years ago

      I know “please rape me is one of the few where there isn’t a old, ugly or fat guy the rapist.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    onee-chan~!onee-ch…….kyaaa~ T////T

  • son of buta 11 years ago

    son of a pig..

  • damm this fucking demon pigs so lucky!!!

  • mrsgt 11 years ago

    was expecting Duke Nukem to burst in when i saw that pig

  • Oni-Chan 11 years ago

    We need Imouto Paradise, 15 beautiful girls, Stringendo series, Star Jewl, and a few more that escape me right now BUT Admin! I beseech you! Please consider adding some of these titles! (really hoping for Imouto Paradise)

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    are thoughs pig cop from Duke Nukem?

  • Armin 11 years ago

    Well, I rather liked it actually true orcs meh but you know some really hot guys there. I mean it’s anime things like this work where the bag of holding really is a bag of holding lol :)

  • Hey admin can you add Swing Out Sisters and Aki-Sora? They’re pretty good.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Anyone knows the name of the hentai where a girl doesn’t know what her friends are talking about like fellatio and asks her butler for help?

  • Loving the well thought out insults. Gotta say, I expected more swear words and terribely written sentences though <\3.

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