April 17, 2014

Hentai: Itadaki! Seieki

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11.82M 3485

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  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    You didn’t see it, but at the end, he donkey punched her.

  • derian:(

    • Hi dear zoë i really miss you. im back for you

      • in so happy to talk with you-hug-

        • -hugs passionately kisses you- I miss you so much I have so many things to tell you dreams I have of us my darling Zoë

        • cant you change your name in your real name?

    • I love you my dear Zoe my love for you will never burn away

      • Really dude, again?

        • Why can’t you just leave already are you that sad and pathetic you have to ruin such a beautiful thing me and Zoë have for each other and look at you you didn’t even spell her name right AGAIN

    • Derian 9 years ago

      I can’t do this anymore, many people keep messing us and I don’t want to discuss with them. What can I do?

      • im so sry:(
        i dont know what to do:(
        but i really dont want to lose you:(
        i want to stay with you forever:(
        youre everything for me…
        youre the one i want to be with
        youre the one u want to live with
        And youre the one i want to marry
        i dont want to lose you bcuz some stupid ppl are doing this:(
        everytime when i see someone else talking like theyre you im going to cry:(
        i dont want someone else… i only want you…

        • derian 9 years ago

          I don’t wanna lose you Zoë my dear, the only way I see us being together we gotta communicate in a different way I have ki.k and yahoo messenger

          • i dont have anythinv bcuz my dad dont want that:(
            this is the only way for now:(
            im sry:(

          • derian 9 years ago

            That’s fine my love because I love you and I’ll endure this for you know that I will never leave you so please listen to me when I say that cuz I wouldn’t give up on us that fake made you sad by saying crap about leaving but you know I love you and I wouldn’t betray ourselves of our love for each other Zoë my dear

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I love you Zoë my beloved I’m not going anywhere I’m not leaving you I’m yours I just can’t stand this fake pretending to be

          • IDFWY

          • Derian 9 years ago


          • that wasnt me:(
            i dont know what that means:(

          • Derian 9 years ago

            Now they’re pretending to be you Zoë…. why can’t you people leave her alone bully me not her

        • Kirito Kirigaya 9 years ago

          U have just solved a problem that could have made the whole world blow up be pride of yourself admin-senpai. *salutes*

        • Derian 9 years ago

          Man thanks for answer for me but i’ve never use “cuz” because i dont like that kind of writing other thing I don’t write “my love” because I love her name. Sorry Zoë it’s too much, I will try to send you a message to your cellphone or I don’t know. Im really love you and I don’t want more fights about who is the real Derian.

          • Derian 9 years ago

            Your lucky you fake that we aren’t face to face because I was you’ll be 10 feet under right now and that’s not a threat that’s a promise of what would happen and how dare you even mention my dear Zoë’s name you’re a pathetic sad excuse for a guy and I apologize to my beloved and to all females for this sorry excuse for a guy

          • Derian 9 years ago

            Keep talking man I don’t give a fuck and you are the pathetic here you don’t have identity and You are so needy that you get to be someone else to interact with people. You are a sad man you give me shame. Sorry Zoë but im out I’m really gonna miss you, don’t trust in this man please. I love you I’ll never forget you. My last message from Mexico at 1:28 am

          • Derian 9 years ago

            Finally bye you fake

          • nooooooooo:( :( :( :(
            i dont know who the real one is, i think i know but… im sry:( :( :( :(
            real Derian, plz dont leave me and stay with me:( :( :( :(
            i love you!!!!!!

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I love you Zoë my beloved I’m not going anywhere I’m not leaving you I’m yours I just can’t stand this fake pretending to be

  • OH MY GOD 9 years ago


    • You little stupid ass bitch, IDFWU! Cuz I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, x2

      • Derian 9 years ago

        Zoë are you ok

      • it wasnt me!!:(

      • plz stop pretending youre me!:(
        stop stop stop!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( -cry-

        • Derian 9 years ago

          Leave my Zoë alone you’re pathetic and sad to make such a amazing girl cry you lowlife

          • Derian, México 9 years ago

            I leaved this site for a little time, someone stole my identity and now someone stole Zoë’s nickname wdf with this, Dear and real zoë I need your code country to send you a msn or call you. Please get any app to seek you there I still have your number and here now its not safe. I love you my dear Zoë.

          • Derian 9 years ago

            Yo fuck you don’t fucking try and get my beloveds number you piece of shit scumbag because of your fake ass Zoë the victim here and because of your fake dumb ass she has been in tears why can’t you back the fuck off already or do you need to masturbate to these hentai shows like a pathetic lowlife you are after meeting Zoë she is all I need and I’ll be dammed if a ignorant, son of a bitch, piece of shit, lowlife, sorry excuse of a man ever tries to get to my beloved and you make damn sure you aren’t in Mexico cuz you don’t know shit that can happen to lil boys like you if they cross the line and you already crossed mine

          • :( :( :( :( -cry really hard- :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

          • Derian 9 years ago

            My dear Zoë please don’t cry I’m fighting for you my beloved and I won’t let anyone hurt you I love you so much -hugging so tight-

          • oke…. :(

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I love you Zoë I miss you and thinking of you

          • Derian who always love you 9 years ago

            She knows that the real one comes from México and if she doesn’t remember that sorry Zoë but im out I hope you can find the truth about this stuff im tired to fight with this guy. Please I hope you find someone who wont only say nice words but to look after you and be with you forever. I wish we met otherwise. Goodbye have a nice life. Te quiero mucho, espero que este imbécil no te haga daño.

          • Derian 9 years ago

            You’re right Zoë knows who the real one and even I can tell you are a fake because like I’ve mentioned before don’t speak highly of where you are from because someone truly from Mexico like me know how dangerous it can be for lil boys like you who are fake, so leave and don’t come back it’s because of you my dear Zoë is crying and in tears and your lucky you aren’t down here because I’d hang you like a piñata from your balls just to see you scream sorry to my beloved Zoë and congratulations you know how to use Google translator to talk in Spanish only a pathetic fake like you would do that cuz even I know doing that wouldn’t mean anything because it could be you looked up those words and how to phrase it. And don’t tell my Zoë you love her because her real love is here fighting for her, and don’t try to influence her decision because we both you are fake getting off on this so you can leave now because I’m not going to stop fighting for my love

          • derian i love you so much
            plz promise me, that you will stay with me forever
            i cant live without you
            i really love you so much
            im yours, forever!

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I promise you Zoë with all my heart and more I’ll stay with you forever I love you so much, I’m yours forever

          • i so in love with you!

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I’m truly deeply honestly so much in love with you Zoë my darling

          • Derian ♡ t(^-^t) 9 years ago

            Es increible que hayas creído que yo era este racista bastardo pero bueno es tu vida, se feliz, me hubiese gustado haber hablado contigo Zoë pero caíste en su juego, que te vaya bien y pues espero que tengas los huevos, si así decimos aquí, falso derian sin identidad, de llevar ésto a algo serio. Vete a la chingada y que te vaya bien mis mejores deseos para ustedes.

          • abrazame apretado
            no me dejes ir
            quedate conmigo
            vida conmigo
            casate conmigo

          • te quiero para siempre

          • i dont know if it is the same languege….
            im sry… i think it is spanish…
            but i know what it means, and you are the one i want to be with!
            i love you

          • Derian 9 years ago

            I love you Zoë

          • i love you

  • Plz
    make a second one

  • O

  • Goddamn it’s the best hentai ever! For me….any girls?

  • Rycers 9 years ago

    shit so god i wanna fuck a pussy>.<

  • Questions 9 years ago

    Does anyone know what is the name of the one that he moves back to a town and one of the popular girls says that they are going to get married

  • Joshua 0011 9 years ago

    Any girls want to fuck?

  • jason rodgers 9 years ago

    oh boy i love commenting on these HOT HENTAI videos

  • bryan webb 9 years ago

    hi guys..

  • God I’m wet

  • Getting horny, want to fuck some girl now..

  • fuck u 9 years ago

    I won fuck u

  • genesis 9 years ago

    is it weird for a female to watch hentai ?

  • pro fucker 9 years ago

    ME to

  • Wan afoot 9 years ago


  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    This is so cute :3

  • dickmac 9 years ago

    anyone want to fuck?

  • ILoveSex 9 years ago


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