Shikkoku No Shaga The Animation 1 Subbed
1.45M 84 663
[lul]Shikkoku No Shaga The Animation 1 Subbed[/lul]
Harem Camp! Uncensored Season 1 Subbed
165.10K 9 53
[lol]Harem Camp! Uncensored Season 1 Subbed[/lol]
Lovely X Cation The Animation 2 Subbed
694.03K 18 439
[lol]Lovely X Cation The Animation 2 Subbed[/lol]
3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai No Sekai E Youkoso The Animation 1 Subbed
1.46M 46 924
[lul]3Ping Lovers! Ippu Nisai No Sekai E Youkoso The Animation 1 Subbed[/lul]
Kiriya Hakushaku Ke No Roku Shimai 1 Subbed
46.96K 0 14
[lol]Kiriya Hakushaku Ke No Roku Shimai 1 Subbed[/lol]
My xbox is playing the sound faster than the video.
Remember to make sure your Xbox thing says Offline cause I watched porn once on my Xbox and like 3 of my friends asked me the next day “why were you watching porn” I was like shit and very embaressed and it some reason it’s worse when I found out one of them was a newer friend (girl) I almost died. But she was very nice bout it and was like no worries I looked at porn to so I felt much better but still embarrassed (btw this vide wasn’t bad quite good actually) also if this makes it thru is there a new moderation thing? Cause I true to post but it said waiting for moderation or something?
1st World Problems
T~T it was better when its just the two of them… when the two comes i exit watching it :T
I mean Stop xD
Omg, exit watching it xD
Good one ;3
Um I watch it for the plot.
I suck dick anyone
Never has there been bait so baitey
Okay how many of you think that watching hentai is better than watching “real” porn, … Then if u want state why? I by the horns growing out of my skull i wont judge you :)
Well, they are one of the same, really. But I think hentai is better. Y’know; the plot, the little that is, can be enjoyable, not the “excuse-plot” real porn has. Besides; some hentai lines are epic, funny or both; while real porn just have “fuck me” this and “suck my Dick” that.
I think hentai is better, not because of the girls or the sex that is, But because I can watch it and a have a good time with its characters and story, not just the sex.
The characters are unique and the story is usually indepth, better than your average porno. I prefer hentai because of its unrealistic edge. I think its nice to see the styles of design and so on, and quite like to compare different works.
I just realized, I sound like the wine sampler of hentai. I couldnt have a better job! By the way, this is aimed at Diablo, trusting the horns mate.
I prefer watching Hentai over real porn because I feel “real” porn is less passionate than Hentai. Characters indeed have substance. Viewers can get attached to them depending on how developed they are. Not only do viewers get aroused but they can assess and debate over them much like Anime. People can debate on them even just by preference (Eg. Vanilla over Rape). It’s basically Anime but more on the “ecchi” side. It’s also hilarious that characters will have sex no matter what situation they’re in. Hentai can get emotional unlike “real” porn. It can also leave some psychological stimulation of either ecstatic or trauma. There’s more to Hentai than just sex. It also stimulates the brain and generates discussions like I previously stated. It’s how a work of “art” should be. Hentai can simulate anyone’s fantasy and also fantasy that will unlikely happen, if not impossible. Not that obsess over Hentai; nevertheless, it’s awesome.
God, we are having a philosophy about hentai. The internet is sure a strange yet awesome placê.
Well that’s how I like my internet a massive pissing party with a side of philosophy and hint of crazy to round out the flavor.
Joe collar
pretty shit were she did it with the others
I know right, i was like this hoe hahaha i would not hit after seeing her do that x)
chicken noodles
Want my d?
Im watching this with my mommy
Thats a little fucked up
i watch it with my dad
Watt the hell
Nice Tits
Fking OP as fuck tits
notice me senpai
I actually like watching this. It’s really well made and funny.
Source 2 works…
I cant even watch it :'(
I have been waiting for this to be subbed
Ok I finally made a rap, here I go. ” fallens and angels are nothing to me, dragons are my family and p.i.c, vali your nothing but little prick, all your powers do is divide a tick. Issei is the bomb, the dragon of fires, he’s so strong he can last 10 hours. underworld is my world my true home, I’m so crazy I’ll eat a bone”. Well that’s all I got at moment hope it’s decent.
aww yeah
That rap tho u have small tits I make it click then turn It down to suck my dick bitch
It was terrible
Well fuck you too.
Were you having an epileptic fit, or a drug indused coma
Now, we have the oficcial singer And the opening theme for the second season of the Oppai Dragon!
Oh well thank you saji but I dont think it’s that good enough.
I liked it
it’s so awesome,however it’s still not enough
Worse than something I’d come up with
Zero popcorn
Zero soda
this one has an extra scene, the raw doesnt!! :D
fuck me
I want your butthole, is that okay?
Bends over r.u.n