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[lol]Boku Dake No Hentai Kanojo The Animation Uncensored 2 Subbed[/lol]
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[lol]Inkou Kyoushi No Sai Seikatsu Shidouroku 2 Subbed[/lol]
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[lol]Lets Go Taima Miko The Motion Anime 2 Raw[/lol]
Damn hentai logic. They put up with so much shit only to give in the last second. For once can the chicks say no and mean it? I would watch them all burn if I got raped. =__=
Wtf did I just watch
I actually love the art style in this. Loki is simple but badass and Odin looks awesome too though I always imagine Freya with blond hair. Shame this is a shitty hentai and not a full blown anime
Even I, the vanilla hentai lover, have to admit that Loki looked like the most badass dude in the end,
The world has collapsed and all happiness is governed by a a corrupt government based on demonic race. Humanity, is enslaved by their own pack instinct. It’s okay though, the main characters got laid.
Loki is fucking beautiful. Horrible, obviously, but gorgeous.
Hes a tan viking version of the all your base guy
is it really rape if they ask for it haha? and the chicks “clipenis” was really weird. like wtf lol
Haha. I should have known better. Valkyrie hentai always have the typical bad end crap lol. The valkyries struggle all the way to the end and then suddenly just give up altogether. They should just give up at the beginning and end that shit.
I can’t watch the end…how does it end?
They give into Loki and give him the keys to the watergate. Demons take over the world, Odin’s empire is ruined with all the demons with all that power, and Sigurd and Suvia are like Loki’s pets. Not the whole slave deal, but he has taken them in and they love him (and his ochinchin).
can u find more first person hentai?
I found the little clip after the credit hilarious xD rolf
Ass hole
Ah damn..
I can’t watch all of this..
My browser was forbidden..
Thank u anonymous for translation of wht I am watching
Laughed so hard throughout this whole thing.
Adim can you upload (stringendo my blow jobber) it’s a great Hentai series
I don’t know why but I lol’d so loud when I saw the two dicks.
I agree. Two dicks was a bit much
fab fab fab fab
don’t you mean “fap fap fap fap”?
No, fab, because this was just too fabulous.
Because good ending is too mainstream
If this is not a good ending for Loki i don’t know what this is.
Damn! Hell I want to sleep with Loki too!
these valkary series all end the same. i mean every time but with different chracters.
This series was great. Thanks for uploading