June 22, 2015

Hentai: I Can

Genres: , , , , , ,

1.15M 293

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  • kemicalacid35674 9 years ago

    What the heck is up with this producer This anime sucks the person who makes everything a person who Contributed in this anime just sucks..pure black dick. I remember the old days when in hentai the male protagonists usually kills or punishes his wife or girlfriend and the person she is cheating on him with but in this case she was being raped and he let her continue going to that man to be fucked what the heck happened to the hentai industry man this shit sucked ass

    • Mr Man 9 years ago

      That is so true, i just wish i could change the story line to the point where its an actual ending for the male protagonist

  • Ooooblah 9 years ago

    Man this shit just goes to far I can’t even watch it with out feelin guilty

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    The producer is an ass-whole who was in that ass-whole

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I don’t like the story of it all, they need to have her really reject the guy, and he needs to really want her like he does now. But what would make even better is if the boyfriends kills her and him while they’re fucking. But kill the guy first then rape the girl and then kill her. Then becomes a rogue rapist that only raped cheating girls and kills the cutters.

    • Shrek is love shrek is life. 9 years ago


    • Mr Man 9 years ago

      That’d be a good story line, who knows? Maybe you can be a hentai producer with cool story lines like that

    • That would be an amazing story line

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    What is it with rape in hentai these days? It’s getting worse more and more. At the beginning I though it was a nice thing to watch in a fictional setting, but this is just getting disgusting.

  • DizzyChan 9 years ago

    What the fuck? Gosh, I hate the producer.
    It makes me really sad & angry! O.o

  • scrub 9 years ago

    I cant watch any hentai here always a message shows up

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Wow fuck this guy can some one blow his head off already.

    • Aladdin 9 years ago

      And incinerate his penis. Maybe chop it into 99 pieces and let the cockroaches enjoy.

      • Mr Man 9 years ago

        Why not give his penis frostbite first then incinerate it? While were at it, lets shove a shotgun up his ass and pull the trigger. That should do it

    • DizzyChan 9 years ago

      Yes please. Yes. This manager is such an asshole. Sry but that’s what I feel. :(

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    What’s with all the recent Rape and Cheating hentai lately geez

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Wtf blue cum???

  • Delta Stream 9 years ago

    That asshole Producer

  • CAN'T TRUST THOTS 9 years ago

    Seriously though, whats up with this girl. PLUS why is her boyfriend alright with this crap.

  • Never been so pissed at a fucking hentai’s story. What the fuck.

  • thecommentor 9 years ago

    FUCK! I thought this was actually gonna be a nice hentai…IN TELL THE ASSHOLE PRODUCER!

  • Incoming haters. (Im one of them)

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    Asshole producer

  • P. Nus 9 years ago

    really sad to see that she didn’t end up with her boyfriend

  • No-name 9 years ago

    That goat faced asshole

  • GeniusPenis 9 years ago


    • No-name 9 years ago

      Don’t worry I feel like if I make a comic where there’s a hentai with an unhappy ending, I’ll use my character to kill them.

  • Unknown 9 years ago

    What the ? So she basically gets raped until she likes doing it with him. Her boyfriend is ok with what she is doing in the end. That guy has no courage at all.

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