April 10, 2013

Hentai: I Can

Genres: , ,

1.69M 607


  • Mó đờ fu ck

  • SethTheGreat 11 years ago

    What a bitch what a fkn bitch that miyu is she loves another mans cock but still strings the other guy along :/ the guy could stand for his girl and all but still what a bitch

  • aki-nee 11 years ago

    For the love of anime kill that old hag!!!

    O:-) like!!!

  • MrNiCeGuY 11 years ago

    damn that old man I wish he could die in the last episode..!!!

  • antcrazy 11 years ago

    Same to 2 the reply belowe

  • I think this would of been better if that mans story was the teen boy story and the idols had a crush on the teen boy and he wanted to get revenge on the old man who is marryed tO a beautiful wife and they have a daughter the same age as the teen then the teen boy decides to take the company so first he made the idols his then he raped the wife until she became his then the last target is the old mans daughter who happens to like the teen boy but knows what her father did to his family and she feels that the teen boy might hate her but when he came to rape her she was happy because she gets to be with him if they get rid of the old man a few days later old man gets a call to meet teen boy in the old mans office when he walks in he sees his wife daughter and the two ideals naked with the teen then teen says if you want your wife and daughter back then sign this contract to give me the company old man desprealty signs the contract and in a sad voice ask his wife and daughter to come with him but they refuse wife says that teen is much bigger and better and more attractive daughter says he was a terrible dad that only carred about work husband starts crying then see teen boy weaspirng something to his wife then wife walks over and says sorry she was told to say all that and that she is going to get dressed and leave oldman is somewhat happy then the wife starts laughing and saying you actually believe that what he told was about the divorce papers I almost forgot to give them to you guy is depressed and has moved in to a apartment complex switches on tv which is on the news and he sees the teen boy with his ex wife and child looking more happy then when they were with him then he hears on the news that the police are going to arrest him because of what he did in the past to get the company then knock on the door he opens door police arrest him and before he gets in the police car he sees teen boy with ex wife daughter and the two idols skipping and waving the starts to cry and says karma is a bitch black scene the end

    • phantom 11 years ago

      What thee fuck lol good story line lol

    • Mr.NTR 11 years ago

      LOL you people crack me up. Its not even about right and wrong, its just about your dicks and your sexual dominance. Keep your hilarious comments coming.

    • daksl 11 years ago

      what the fuck are you doing just watch it and masturbate and thats it no need for a fucking essay fuck is wrong with you and all of you

    • you helped me get more happy than depressed i will take this short part as the real end… THANKS BRO

    • jack cough 11 years ago

      nice man

  • First31.24 veiws i think 13 likes so someone tell me why the fuck this NOW has 77 dammed comments shits fucking ridiculous its good but i have to admit that i’ve seen better i mean who the hell hasn’t seen fucking better come on tell me i really wanna know?!??!? I’m sure you’ve all now somethim better if not go widen your knowledge of the H world like so many others already have that’s all i’ve gotta say

    • Shit and still countin well admin keep up your hella good work

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Hentai is all about rape and NTR, don’t like it? Go watch the regular porn.

    • It’s funny how people don’t see that even most villana have a guy that likes a girl and she kinda likes the guy but wont admit it then the guy rapes her then she feels good then then she confesses everything and cheating is the same thing as ntr the only diffrence is that in cheating you see things from the main guy that’s making the girl cheat and its a bit nicer then ntr because the guy usually loves the girl unlike ntr were the guy sees a cum dumpster

  • SHOCKING and very depressing.

  • JOSHUA 11 years ago

    HI IAM JOSHUA AND I AM 13 years old! hahahahaahah im horny like to jerk <3

  • only 13 11 years ago

    God I really love this porn

  • Tachbana Sosuke 11 years ago

    I couldn’t even cum to this fucking shit ass video

  • Tachbana Sosuke 11 years ago

    I hate thease kind of video

  • powder 11 years ago

    oops, meant to say
    whats ntr?

    • Master Bath Is On 11 years ago

      More like cheating on ones loved one. In Japanese it is called Netorare. Be it MILF, Amateur or anything that leads to cheating isa called NTR. In the west, it is commonly referred to affair like that.

  • powder 11 years ago


  • Rapist 11 years ago

    I honestly hate this anime.

  • ah shit NTR again..
    fvck with that!!

  • rape hentais are good just this ntr bullshit sucks

    • lyght 11 years ago

      True, asians must really like this ntr stuff for them to be making some many of them.

      • BeaverOnXtasy 11 years ago

        It’s a more and more ”popular” fetish. Probably due to the current situation of the cheating % in the couples atm. Anyway dude, for each his own.

  • lilia 11 years ago


  • Goddamnit. Grow some balls dude. Just beat the shit out to this guy who just raped his girlfriend and then fucking move on. Leave the bitch :))))))))

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