April 10, 2013

Hentai: I Can

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1.67M 607

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  • ...seeker 9 years ago

    This is so freaking shit
    I hate how they turn the girl into a freaking slut by a old man

  • lord of all hentai 9 years ago


  • lord of all hentai 9 years ago

    Vanilla power is right wear is the love i feel so bad 4 the girls on hentai that get no love.

  • Vanilla Power 9 years ago

    I hate stuff like this. You take a nice girl, you make some ugly old prick fuck her, you have her turn into a slut. There’s no satisfaction in that. It’s just a fap that will make you feel bad afterwards.

  • hahah.. watch the episode 1 and thought wtf is this… i get turn on when miyu is BJ ryouta, but when i saw he wasnt the 1st one to take miyus virginity, the ending is already messed up… i said to my self why not ryouta be like gasai yuno in mirai nikki but in male version… hahah that could have been a good ending…

  • Producer 9 years ago

    You mad hoes?

  • Da hell 9 years ago

    Just no this hentai is crap I feel bad for the poor bastard but really there are other hentai’s like this one but there is a difference they have better endings I think he should have quit the job when she was suckin said I don’t want to be with a pathetic whore walked out and burned their apartment down then after a while of waiting like 2 weeks he should have came back and killed them both END OF THE STORY.

  • Fuck this 9 years ago

    Fuck this fuck fuck fuck mother fuckerr

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    No! WTF?!

  • rapist 9 years ago

    The producer is my hero .

  • The producer is my hero

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I really don’t have much of a problem with rape or gang bangs an sometimes ntr because in a few it’s like not total betrayal of the wife or girlfriend because the guy was cheating or was a complete douchebag and deserved it but when you see a guy and girl who are happy and lovey it just pisses you off to the point of wanting to break whatever device you’re watching them on! Plus sometimes the people piss me off because say the girl gets raped and shes too embarassed to tell or she thinks her husband wil hate her because she wasnt able to prevent herself from being knocked out an raped when she woke up. Like fucking really? Sure you couldn’t stop him but fucking tell the guy your with call the police and have the other guys ass arrested! Simple as that! Then there’s no problems no constantly being blackmailed into sex and you can go on about your business but whatever it’s Japan they make no fucking sense anyways

  • i100%HATECheating!!!! 9 years ago

    Helllll naaaaaaawww!!! I would kill the producer and that miyu girl!!!! How can she not notice he is just trying to help her!! Hope she and the producer burn in HELL!!

  • I couldn’t even get off on this

  • producer 9 years ago

    Well fuck it I needed a sexslave any way

  • worst fucking ending 9 years ago

    I would of ran in there knocked that basterd out the window and stoped that was hole I honestly thought that was gonna happen at first when he said “I forgot my bag” but nope it had to be a depressing ending where he should just go and ducking kill him self by hanging him self in front of his girl friends bed with a note that says “I’m sorry I tried to save you but I did not belief it was true till I saw you getting fucked when I came to get my bag so I decided to hang my self once u open the door to see if you really want me if so there is a knife next to the note sharp enough to cut the rope to save me but If you don’t want me then goodbye my love.”

  • wut?

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I broke 1 of my fingers in so much anger…

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    When it comes to common sense, you leave her. She cheats on you, ya don’t stay bro. You say, “fuck dat bitch.” Strolling off into the sunset like a badass would.

  • Joshuacaleb 9 years ago

    Fuck the producer -.-

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