June 29, 2013

Hentai: Houkago 2 Saiyuri

Genres: , , ,

1.67M 206


  • Fuck this 11 years ago

    Yup that’s rite, fuck it. This anime is sad…

    • This is not the kind of porn i like 10 years ago

      Yea well arnt all “Henta Anime’s” sad,
      Yet still we watch them from time to time :(

  • Smooth 11 years ago

    Cheating hentai always make me sad and cry a little bit.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    this anime shows that Lust is greater than love

    anyone here prefer rape anime than cheating? because i DO

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    i feel sick now

  • Ronaldinho 11 years ago

    First of all if you dont like the content then DONT WATCH IT! Its hilarious how many say they dont like it but they still watch the whole thing. Truth is most of us like to be curious of the “what if” factor. I personally find it hot to know that girls love to have a hot stiff one in between her legs whether they like to admit it or not. How a girl can submit her self to pleasure in her vulnerable moment because they love to be pleased as well as we do… I know this because ive tempted girls my self just to see how far they would go with their lust… like others said on this, take care of your girl in bed even if you are tired or too busy with work. Some girls are too shy to ask or to give you signs that she wants it because they think its slutty to do so. Make no mistake that girls like to be pleased and loved all at once, so do it well fellas. You all take care and good luck! ;) and learn from the good and the bad of these videos. Learn what the art of sex is all about.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      You are a true man. For once i see not wussy ass bitch but a badass, you sir earned so much respect from me. Now if only more people would be like us ahh that’s the future that’ll most likely never happen…

  • I was waiting for the little sister to get fucked by the big sis’ husband but welp

  • Muerase 11 years ago

    I don’t know why if the man is cheating on his wife is normally, but if the woman is the one, she is a fuuuuckkking bitchhh? fucking logic?

    • Hmph! 10 years ago

      Not necessarily. I feel if a guy cheats (and I am a guy) it’s a terrible thing but I think it’s worse for woman to cheat (and I know that sounds sexist but here me out). The average man wants a relationship that revolves around sex am the average girl wants a true lovey relationship. Now most of the time the opposite happens. A guy could find the most perfect woman and not know she loved sex and so the guy would try to not have sex so he wouldn’t too so fast, then the woman will feel he is neglecting her so it all ends up fucked up. I feel if there is any sign of a relationship with no love OR any type of “sexual” action then there should be talking first. I hate cheating but I just think if a girl cheats, it’s 25% worse than if a guy cheats.

      • HapiFapi 10 years ago

        ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`▭´)ノ︵ ┻━┻ I am kinda offended!

        What you said makes no sense. It can go both ways ( A girl can cheat, a boy can cheat). I am a woman, so I feel a little offended by this. Gender has no part in this at all. A girl cheating isn’t worst than a boy cheat and a boy cheating isn’t worst than a girl cheating. The reason you feel that girl cheating is worse because you can sympathize with the boy because you are one. It really depends on who’s cheating and who with. You have MAJOR flaws in your argument, but this isn’t English class.

        Excuse my grammar and Have a HapiFapi, Sir!

        • the hentai who leapt throug time 10 years ago

          what he is trying to say is that girls cheat for true love while men cheat because they want pleasure but doesn’t necesarilly mean that thry dont love the one that they have a relationship with. basically what he is trying to say is that girls would cheat because they want another but men cheat not because they just want pleasure , they still want the one that they love even though they cheat. (correct me if im wrong)
          what I think is that it’s both the same and eqaul. why cheat in the first place

        • justpassing 10 years ago

          I think he was talking about how society views a girl cheating vs. a boy cheating. No, the act of cheating does not have more negative effects, either done by a girl or a boy, but society views the cheating done by a girl as a worse offense. Think about double standards too

  • Lalathedestoryer 11 years ago

    Boku no pico ;)

  • Eh… We all knew “cheating” label was there and we had to expect the worst.. Right from the start a nice guy shows up and im alrdy cracking up “your gonna get fucked ova niggah~~” LOL

  • Askarus 11 years ago

    Hint : The one who takes the first step is the winner.
    So if you don’t want to lose your girl fuck her !

  • love33 11 years ago

    Such bad luck liking the same guy and those girls are fricking annoying they are willing to get raped too easily like for the love of god crush his balls

  • Reading everyone’s comments is hilarious. Anyone else enjoy reading them?
    It’s just too funny sorry.

  • bbbbbbbbbborny 11 years ago

    Mmmmmmmmm I’m dead

  • great red dragon 11 years ago

    man this shit is funny

  • Grandpa Otaku 11 years ago

    Why does ntr have the best girls.. And Animation …I hate it but love it at the same time

    • i know NTR lovers 11 years ago

      only in your mind,
      there’s a bunch of vanilla,harem hentai which have the best of all

      i think you are NTR lovers then

  • im black 11 years ago

    i like this more than my chicken

  • slut watch 11 years ago

    I fukin hate cheat that fucked up

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    So far the only hentai where the guy us mire useless than the girl

  • NoNameD: 11 years ago


  • they should make a ntr were good guy mindfucks bad guy

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