February 22, 2013

Hentai: Honoo No Haramase Tenkousei

Genres: , , , , , ,

1.01M 166


  • wild one 10 years ago

    What the fuck is wrong with this world

  • Sayaka is so cute! >.>

  • Any girls Wanna talk dirty

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Owsome hentai :). But isint it a little paradox if he dominates the world with a dozents of babys … that would mean that the brothers and sisters from the same guy get married @,@ weird

  • that weird creepy uncle... 10 years ago

    I have one question. WHERE ARE ALL THE GUYS!

    • Transparent 10 years ago

      If you’ve watched episode one, you would know that the school just newly became co-ed and there are few guys in the school so he is the only guy in his class. Get the picture yet?

  • that weird creepy uncle... 10 years ago

    In the making of this series, over 100 bottles of viagra were bought and used.

    • I don’t think so. There are plenty of ways of getting an erection to last A LOT of time. I still don’t know how he can cum so many times, tho.

  • Awesomeness 10 years ago

    This my favorite series ever I love it so much I can’t watch without a smile on my face man I wish I was him he is so fucken lucky

  • Mewtwo 10 years ago

    Is it me or does around 18 in the music sound like something from pokemon I think the first movie.

  • For a moment there, I thought she was gonna draw the whole orgy. It would be my best day ever.

  • Kun-senpain-chan 10 years ago

    That laugh she did at the beginning though.!!!
    xD could not stop laughing after that lmmfaoo.!!!

  • JeanHaat 10 years ago

    This probably the best hentai I’ve ever seen <3 Love this. It's rare that you find a harem hentai that's not all rape that a girl can enjoy

  • New seasons please

  • KimchiChi 10 years ago

    I love the ending! So KAWAII~

  • shadow 10 years ago

    its great

  • that bitch fucked 21 girld in three day the lucky bitch

  • Dead pool 10 years ago

    Wow that laugh just blew my dick off

  • DUHFUQ 10 years ago

    Lol this anime so weird…

  • death 10 years ago

    lucky son of a bitch

  • No... I'll get pregnant! 10 years ago

    If a dude bluttered this during a nut, I would crack up laughing.
    So literal.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    What a glorious story makes me wanna jerk off even more ahh

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