June 28, 2013

Hentai: Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu


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  • Anonymous 7 years ago

    What would’ve made this better if the dude got back at the whore by fucking his sister….or at leasing confronting her!

  • Htoolate 8 years ago

    We have witnessed the alpha male stealing yo gurl.

    Scenes could of been better though :l

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    I hate women like this. I wish her endless suffering.

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    This is shit, women like her are shit FUCK THIS

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    She oversold that orgasme

  • I would killed them both

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    Imagine an hentai where the guy kills the 2 at the end

  • Anti-Cheat 9 years ago


  • The hell 9 years ago


  • I'm fucking pissed. 9 years ago

    I would beat the living shit out of both the woman and man, take the ring, and spit in both of their shitty faces. The End.

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    link die

  • Anonymous 9 years ago

    I wouldn’t break up with up yet, I’ll teach that bitch who’s the real man if I were the glasses dude then throw her like trash.

  • KittyKat 9 years ago

    If I were the dude with the glaases I would so break up with her

  • jesus 10 years ago

    i felt bad for that guy

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Someone fuck me !!!

  • hentai_expert 10 years ago

    This hentai made me feel sad for the gir.cheating isnt right.

  • KNIGHTWALKER PEACEZ 10 years ago

    *GROOVY* :'(

  • Fuck those 3 shit! 10 years ago

    The boyfriend is a pussy. “let me clear this guys! his not a pussy cuz he didn’t do something about the cheating event, but because he don’t have the guts to be angry to his bitchy girlfriends”. I mean he has the authority to be mad like hell!..LOL! if that bitchy girlfriend has a different capable real boyfriend like a real “MAN” that bitch and the Bullocks brawn guy is so dead!

    And the capable Boyfriend will sing “How You Remind Me by Nickelback” now that’s a real rock star!!!!

    :Guys who don’t know bullocks: is a British slang meaning “Bullshit” or “non-sense”
    and in Philippines a wanna be Rock Stars/”fake” XD

    • hell yeah! 10 years ago

      hell yeah! the bitchy girlfriend and her sex friends is so dead… real guy are coming in like there’s no tomorrow!… men if that girl is real il gonna fuck her to death yummy, after watching gonna smoke first..

    • i watch it but not a big fun of hentai XD 10 years ago

      since i know the song so yeah its half true.. its clear, they have a Dysfunctional Relationships if we put it to a real life points of views. Both couple are wrong but must of the fault came from the bitchy girlfriends…so i can obviously say the bitchy girlfriend is wrong…”also since this is Anime obviously don’t take it seriously anime is maid for fiction”,”but if it made by an real artist then take it seriously because they spend most of there time watching real events in real life” example calligraphy not related to anime but its a serious art with serious feelings.. (i mean if its a real boyfriend he won’t hesitate to act fast or brake relationship already or the girlfriend should not be submissive)..

      • i watch it but not a big fun of hentai XD 10 years ago

        but the bitchy girlfriend is a real whore LOL!.. hope she transfer job to a more suitable for a whore like her rather than to act like an innocent bitch..tsk hypocrite Xd

      • dude... 10 years ago

        if a real artist create such bullshit like this his/her is real dead… so no thanks! nothing good about injustice ending in the first place… its also prove who create it promotes bad things like cheating/reap… and am sure i don’t like a country who produce that kind of thing…

        • RedArkz 10 years ago

          Firstly i would have kill that bitch and then beat the crap of that guy…

    • loki_bidder of condoms 10 years ago

      heell yeh bro… its so shitt!..

      i would not let them live in a minute!

    • RedArkz 10 years ago

      Truth has been spoken

  • Lol a slut will always be a slut. Cant change them because they are sluts. For her case she will remain beimg a slut.

  • God of Discord 10 years ago

    remind me why girls get cheated and then get a broken heart and blame alone in a guy ?

    its fair and squire, i mean the act of sex, can’t accomplish alone its by two person activities so rape does not count here, “i don’t even believe in a rape and then woman get out alive its bullshit!”
    she like it! the unfaithful woman love it! the hypocrite woman has benefit of it!

    a swallow reason cuz its fun and feel good …


    A word of advise don’t take this kind of person seriously there not worth fighting for XD

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      not worth the time either… there just comfort woman, reliving stress that’s all.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      or comfort guys only… LOL!

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