Subbed this sweet story, Hentaigasm exclusive!
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Subbed this sweet story, Hentaigasm exclusive!
Bookmark Hentaigasm for the fastest subs of new hentai!
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ts pmo ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ❤️
Whats going on here
tf is this comments man, all of us here nutted with the fckin drawing made by a dude
Aight bro. You a weirdo we get it. Can’t even show some respect for a decent hentai for a change
“my blank is going blank” at 8:16
Thanks, we’ll fix that.
Very wholesome that I decided not to jack Romantic…
Hey guys i know its not related but, i just quit watching and reading porn or hentai related stuff last November. I’ve been getting bored lately and started surfing porns again( I’ve been holding back not to masturbate which I’m used to do after watching). The question is, does that break my streak and now I’m going to have the start all over my nofapstreak? Answers appreciated
Based on my understanding, if your goal is to not fap then this wouldn’t count as you’re not fapping or edging. Of course, it helps if you don’t watching porn at all and most people have that as their ultimate goal.
Base on what I understood, last November you decided to quit watching and reading hentai and didn’t masturbate at all (Becuz you joined NNN). And now you were thinking that watching hentais again, but holding yourself back not to masturbate, will make you lose your “NoFapStreak”? If that’s the case, as long as you didn’t fap and just watched the hentai, then that doesn’t count as long as you didn’t masturbate at all.
But I might as well give you some advice, not fapping for months is bad for your health. Because I have an uncle who was too busy to work all day that he suddenly acquired a cancer from his balls (I forgot what it is particularly), and we just learned that the cancer was caused by not masturbating for months. He failed to secrete his sperms which caused his balls to be infected by bacteria and inflame, then grew big. Well, he’s kinda old (he’s almost in his 60s), Idk if he acquired other illness that helped in increasing his chances of having the cancer. But…. yeah. Make sure to search it up, and its for you to decide on what to do.
Your streak is certainly not broken. Since it’s the masturbation you have to do in order to break it. If you are planning to surf more porn and hentai. You might be breaking it sooner or later tho. If you are really determined, you should just give a thought and actually quit all these or atleast lower the frequency of doing it. I myself have reduced doing these things way too much now. I hardly go for 2-3 times a month.